[seizure warning] Procedurally-generated WebGL shader! (Refresh to generate a new unique shader). The source code shown at the bottom can be copy-pasted on shadertoy.com! The shaders may stay black or…
for(_='),U`U^sqrt ~2 #=s"at@ma?reHteGlokstyle=jf(Y);XorWcos ) (KK0,void ?in;(){gl_rasifk@b=>sS(S=cS(FN.Hplace(/iFmegColWvecn M@h.ndom().lengthiTimegl_FgCoWd. }^ce(SUaS(P,SUYgYP,`width:100vw;height:`=A;`unifWmiResolution/g,P(``.split` `))fW(i ig)g[i[b.b=0]+i[6]]=g[i];a.j`80vh`;d.wriG`<GxtaHa id=l j20vh;?rgin:0;font-ze:9px>`;s=;P=b[*b|0];(S={o";s"A4(K,K,K,KA+AA*BA/BA-AD(AE(A,A)K( Z/n(D(KE(K,+-*/K x/.x y/.yZBK ADdians degHes taaa@aexp kg exp#kg#~inverse~abs gfkW ceil fct nW?lizeE@apow mod mi?x sGp HflectZ/g,(9*).toFixed(2)XiY(o="&&500>s)||5e4<s)s=;iYo!"||=")S(Xelse with(g){l.value=`I?ge(out 4 f,#C){\\ f${s}\\n}`,P=cP(U+1U`@tribuG #PPotion=4(P,1XU`pHciomediump ; ,; #F${s}k(PUug(PUbYB=ET-3,cB()UeV(0UvA(2,5121,0UbD(B,Int8Ary.oY1,B,1,1UB+82UF=T=setInGrval({1^T+=.01X1^F++X2^90900Xdr(6,3)},9)}})()';G=/[-W-YjkGH?@"#~^U]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)<3
// ==============
// Shaderandom 1k
// ==============
// Based on http://github.com/xem/shaderandom (xem, 2016).
// Also based on these WebGL golfing techniques http://xem.github.io/articles/#webgl_quest (CodeGolf Team, 2017).
// This demo generates a random WebGL shader, plays it, and displays a source code that can be copy-pasted on shadertoy.com.
// All the WebGL methods and constants we need are hashed in order to access them with only 2 letters:
// createProgram => cP
// shaderSource => sS
// createShader => cS
// compileShader => ce
// attachShader => aS
// linkProgram => lo
// useProgram => ug
// bindBuffer => bf
// createBuffer => cB
// enableVertexAttribArray => eV
// vertexAttribPointer => vA
// bufferData => bD
// getUniformLocation => gf
// drawArrays => dr
// FRAGMENT_SHADER => FN (value: 35632)
// Also, b.bgColor is set to 0 to give the body a black background.
for(i in g){
g[i[b.bgColor = 0] + i[6]] = g[i];
// Resize the canvas in CSS.
a.style = `width:100vw;height:80vh;box-sizing:border-box`;
// Add a textarea called l under the canvas.
d.write`<textarea id=l style=width:100vw;height:20vh;margin:0;font-size:9px>`;
// Initialize the shader:
// The seed is "ragColor=A".
// The A will be replaced by random WebGL code.
// The whole string will be prepended with "gl_F" to be played in the demo (gl_Fragcolor=...).
// and prepended with "f" in the textarea to be vompatible with Shadertoy (fragColor=...).
s = `ragColor=A;`;
// P is the function that picks an item in an array, randomly.
P = b => b[Math.random() * b.length | 0];
// S is the function that generates the shader, randomly and recursively. It's surrounded by "(...)()" to be called immediately.
S = b => {
// Backup the current value of the string "s" in "o".
o = s;
// Update s:
s =
// Replace every occurrence of A with a vec4() containing 4 numbers, or an operation involving one vec4 ("D(A)" / "A*B") or two vec4's ("A+A" / "A*B" / "A-A" / "E(A,A)") .
s.replace(/A/g, b => P(`vec4(K,K,K,K) (A+A) (A*B) (A/B) (A-A) D(A) E(A,A)`.split` `))
// Replace every occurrence of K with an operation involving shader variables ("float(iFrame)" / "iTime" / "Z/sin(iTime)" / "(gl_FragCoord.x/iResolution.x)" / "(gl_FragCoord.y/iResolution.y)"),
// or an operation involving two "K"'s ("E(K,K)" / "(K+K)" / "(K-K)" / "(K*K)" / "(K/K)"),
// or a float ("Z")
.replace(/K/g, P(`float(iFrame) iTime Z/sin(iTime) D(K) E(K,K) (K+K) (K-K) (K*K) (K/K) (gl_FragCoord.x/iResolution.x) (gl_FragCoord.y/iResolution.y) Z`.split` `))
// Replace every occurrence of B with "K" or "A".
.replace(/B/g, b => P(`K A`.split` `))
// Replace every occurrence of D with a Math operation involving one number ("sin" / "cos" / "sin" / "cos" / "radians" / "degrees" / "tan" / "asin" / "acos" / "atan" / "exp" / "log" / "exp2" / "log2" / "sqrt" / "inversesqrt" / "abs" / "sign" / "floor" / "ceil" / "fract" / "normalize").
.replace(/D/g, b => P(`sin cos sin cos radians degrees tan asin acos atan exp log exp2 log2 sqrt inversesqrt abs sign floor ceil fract normalize`.split` `))
// Replace every occurrence of E with a Math operation involving two numbers ("atan" / "pow" / "mod" / "min" / "max" / "step" / "reflect").
.replace(/E/g, b => P(`atan pow mod min max step reflect`.split` `))
// Replace every occurrence of Z with a float between 0 and 9.
.replace(/Z/g, b => (9 * Math.random()).toFixed(2));
// Reset the whole shader generation:
// - if the replaces didn't have any effect (o == s), and the shader's code is too short to be interesting (s.length < 500),
// - or if the shader generation didn't converge to a final string in less than 20000 chars.
if((o == s && 500 > s.length) || 2e4 < s.length){
s = `ragColor=A;`;
// If the replaces had an effect (o != s) or if the seed was just reset:
if(o != s || `ragColor=A;` == s){
// Restart S(), recursively, to replace every occurrence of A/K/B/D/E/Z that may remain.
// Else if the string has converged in a "good" shader (in terms of size):
else {
// Make the WebGL context "g" implicit.
// Fill the textarea with the shader surrounded by a mainImage function that works on Shadertoy.
l.value = `void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor,vec2 C){\n f${s}\n}`,
// createProgram
P = cP(),
// S = createShader(VERTEX_SHADER)
// VERTEX_SHADER == 35633 == FRAGMENT_SHADER + 1 == FN + 1.
// shaderSource(S, "(code that initializes gl_Position"))
sS(S = cS(FN + 1),`attribute vec2 P;void main(){gl_Position=vec4(P,0,1);}`),
// compileShader(S)
// attachShader(P, S)
aS(P, S),
// S = createShader(FRAGMENT_SHADER)
// shaderSource(S, "(code that initializes the shader inputs iTime, iFrame, iResolution and executes s in the main() function)")
sS(S = cS(FN), `precision mediump float;uniform float iTime,iFrame;uniform vec2 iResolution;void main(){gl_F${s}}`),
// compileShader(S)
// attachShader(P, S)
// linkProgram(P)
// useProgram(P)
// bindBuffer(B, createBuffer())
bf(B = ET - 3, cB()),
// enableVertexAttribArray(0)
// vertexAttribPointer(0, 2, BYTE = 5120, 0, 0, 0)
// Params:
// - vertex index: 0
// - components per vertex attribute: 2
// - vertex attributes type: BYTE
// - normalized: 0
// - stride: 1
// - offset: 0
vA(0, 2, 5120, 0, 1, 0),
// [1,B],[B,1],[1,1] are the coordinates of a big triangle surrounding the canvas.
// These coordinates are put in an Int8Array using Int8Array.of(1,B,1,1).
// Note: the pairs of coordinates are written with an overlap of size 1, which corresponds to the stride defined above.
// STATIC_DRAW = 35044 = ARRAY_BUFFER + 82 = B + 82.
// bufferData(Int8Array.of(1, B, 1, 1), B + 82)
bD(B, Int8Array.of(1, B, 1, 1), B + 82),
// Reset the frame counter F and the time counter T
F = T = 0,
// Loop every 9ms:
b => {
// Update T and feed it to the shader program as "iTime".
// uniform1f(getUniformLocation(P, 'iTime'), T += .01)
uniform1f(gf(P, `iTime`), T += .01);
// Update F and feed it to P as "iFrame".
uniform1f(gf(P, `iFrame`), F++);
// Feed the resolution of the canvas (900x900) to P.
uniform2f(gf(P, `iResolution`), 900, 900);
// Redraw the triangle with these new values for iTime and iFrame.
// drawArrays(TRIANGLE_FAN = 6, first = 0, count = 3)
dr(6, 0, 3)
}, 9