_='fD,grequestAnimaZF^,k=MaE.random,l=["1f!kpv1yrQ2j85impQ2mbyiblPPQ3htserlQ3jlz69ll9pfk3!a2bhkf1nwsvYYYYdkkwfe85nz$7oe0f$aB129hbB70lj3"],m=" GfffGf8f800Gf8d820Gd8a038G000" "),n=[]; p{q(Jp.prototypT{d:{d=l[]-").map(U){return parseIntU,36J),bD;b<d ;b)Td[b].toString"),hD;h<e ;h)1<_(@StylTm[_],@L.x+4*h,.y+4*b,4,4)J}; q(d){d.x=/2Vy=-64-99KVa=9a+D<d.a?1:-1Vb=5c`12K)+2`4KJ r{CWidE;CHN;c.clearL0,0,,O3040>n n.push(new pdD<n ){b=;X;x+=a;y+=X;OcU,b%=4Ty+64;(-48>x||x>)qUe>(y-=e%,X*=-.9.d}f;g(rJg(r-1fefvbe3e4b9rne9q3nn2jhc1q1yn","1f2f51mffuncZa.hN .lengEa.widEvar 1nyluv.f^=window..split("2gg75j*(k-.5)VX.Eis()-1h-7yt6for(2h3rx3a;d++&&);!2hrcon$2fsmdz@c.fillB1ljxbCinnerD=0EthG #J)}K*kLRect(NeightO0==f%Pnz34Q-2Te=U(bV.XbYZtion^rame_e[h]`=~~(n[d]';for(Y in $='`_^ZYXVUTQPONLKJGEDCB@$! ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
// Our original 4 frames of the coin pixel art. It's base36 encoded and saved as a string using:
// f1.map( x => ( parseInt(x).toString(36) ) ).join('-')
var f1 = [
var f2= [
var f3 = [
var f4 = [
var coinWidth = 12, // Cols in our pixel art.
coinHeight = 16, // Rows in our pixel art.
coinScale = 4, // Upscale our pixels so we're not squinting at 12x16 pixel coins.
t = 0,
r = window.requestAnimationFrame,
R = Math.random,
frames = [
'1f2hrcon-1hkpv1yr-22j85imp-22mbyibl-7yt62jhc-7yt62jhc-7yt62jhc-7yt62jhc-7yt62jhc-7yt62jhc-7yt6nz34-7yt6nz34-23htserl-23jlz69l-1hl9pfk3-1f2hrcon','1f1nyluv-1f2f51mf-1fa2bhkf-1fa1nwsv-1hefvbe3-1hefvbe3-1hefvbe3-1hefvbe3-1hefvbe3-1hefvbe3-1hefvbe3-1hefvbe3-1fadkkwf-1fae85nz-1f2h3rx3-1f1nyluv','1f1nyluv-1f2f51mf-1f2gg75j-1f2fsmdz-1fa7oe0f-1fa1q1yn-1fa1q1yn-1fa1q1yn-1fa1q1yn-1fa1q1yn-1fa1q1yn-1fa1q1yn-1f2fsmdz-1f2gg75j-1f2h3rx3-1f1nyluv','1f1nyluv-1f2f51mf-1fa1ljxb-1fa129hb-1he4b9rn-1he9q3nn-1he4b9rn-1he9q3nn-1he4b9rn-1he9q3nn-1he4b9rn-1he9q3nn-1fa1ljxb-1fa70lj3-1f2gg75j-1f1nyluv'], // Our 4 coin frames, base36 encoded. The biggest chunk of our code by far.
colors = ['','','#fff','#f8f800','#f8d820','#d8a038','#000'], // The colors to paint the pixels.
coins = [],
Coin = function(){this.i()};
Coin.prototype = {
// Init the coin. Centered on the x axis, offscreen above the canvas, with a random x/y velocity, rotation speed, and initial frame.
i: function() {
this.x = a.width/2;
this.y = -coinHeight * coinScale - (R() * 99);
this.vX = (R() - 0.5) * 9;
this.vX += this.vX > 0 ? 1 : -1;
this.vY = (R() - 0.5) * 5;
this.rotationSpeed = ~~(R()*12) + 2;
this.frame = ~~(R()*4);
// Update the coin. Apply gravity and update position and frame. If we're off the edge on the x-axis, reinit. If we're past the bottom of the screen, bounce.
u: function() {
this.x += this.vX;
this.y += this.vY;
if (t % this.rotationSpeed == 0) this.frame++, this.frame = this.frame % 4;
var right = this.x + coinWidth * coinScale,
bottom = this.y + coinHeight * coinScale;
if ( this.x < -coinWidth * coinScale || this.x > a.width ) this.i();
if ( bottom > a.height ) this.y -= (bottom % a.height), this.vY *= -.9;
// Draw the coin.
d: function() {
var frame = frames[this.frame].split('-').map(x=>(parseInt(x,36)))
for ( var i=0; i < frame.length; i++ ) {
var coinPixels = frame[i].toString().split('');
for ( var p = 0; p < coinPixels.length; p++ ) {
if ( coinPixels[p] > 1 ) {
c.fillStyle = colors[coinPixels[p]];
c.fillRect( this.x + p * coinScale, this.y + i * coinScale, coinScale, coinScale );
var loop = function() {
a.width = window.innerWidth;
a.height = window.innerHeight
// Produce a new coin every half second until we get 40 coins. After that, they'll reset themselves for an infinite supply.
if ( t % 30 == 0 && coins.length < 40) {
coins.push( new Coin());
for (var i=0;i<coins.length;i++) {
r( loop );
r( loop );