_='!f=a.width,g=fk=a.height,p=kq=fQr=q/5,u=gQw=33,x=2YT=D=d=s=z=F=Z1;a.$touchstW[$click=$keydown=(@Y0;Z-P};B=cre]eL^eWGradient(kN.5,"#.52,N A(O@Styl_e;Rect(l?1:.8} `O@Wc(O~9()} H(e@!,v=ggC=ggQE=p/(v-CjI=k-v*E;V51955iJ19Ji/19)+2*e)%20u,[m+`,mji==n-1Kh>.9*pK(Ye)_-_(734(q+2*r)*2,[V,))}setInterval((@DT;UD>w@TD%w;d+=D/36E5*x;A(Bu| j.3,`20*i,5*i+T/1E3ji%3)*q7918K eec"~,f,p/nH(-H(,`g+g/2*PX+u,3*u59,50Z=z*yK(F=Ys+=1x++,0<zK)UZ=-z*y)U0<F)F=z=-z;else{w=1E9;!_.8*g;20Op)}}},1;moveTo(vqrXC+r/4*OpvqXM]h.s^(p/n,h=-tl=(h-IJE-mB.addColorStop(90-iJ57Ji/57))%functi$for(i=n=fill A("#);,m,t0;i--;)vw m$o";Text(s~0,K(m=(r/6+iJn*globalAlpha= f$["beg^P]h(<(1E3*d+9*(+e*~fX=new D]e-l^eTo(/2, 602"p*(1+i/n)c.l,hfff"!vW $on@){J)/K&&N"#eda"Oe,Q/9,Uif(V 944"WarX,kYy=ZP=[t=]at^in_e=`G(j),~,1';for(Y in $='~j`_^][ZYXWVUQONKJ@$! ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
var width = a.width;
var halfWidth = width / 2;
var height = a.height;
var halfHeight = height / 2;
var trackWidth = width / 9;
var railWidth = trackWidth / 5;
var entitySize = halfWidth / 9;
// trainPosition
// -1 = left, 1 = right.
// var P = 1;
// 0 = false, -1 = left, 1 = right.
// var peopleAtBottom = 0;
// then
// var T = 0;
// 1000 / 30
var interval = 33;
// delta
// var D = 0;
// distance
// var d = 0;
var speed = 20;
// score
//var s = 0;
var peopleAtBottom = T = D = d = s = 0;
// -1 = spare lives, 1 = kill for scoreMethod.
// 1 = right, -1 = left for F.
// firstEncounter
var scoreMethod = F = P = 1;
var colorBackground = '#eda'; // '#e5ddac'
var colorFar = '#eec'; // '#efe9cd'
var colorSky = '#fff';
var colorEntity = '#602'; // '#61001d'
var colorOther = '#944'; // '#8d494d'
// for (e in c) c[e[0]+e[2]+(e[6]||'')] = c[e];
// with(c) {}
// function signatures
a.ontouchstart = onclick = onkeydown = function() {
// Can be reset here, check is done when people approach.
peopleAtBottom = 0;
P = -P;
B = c.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, height);
B.addColorStop(0, colorBackground);
// B.addColorStop(0.45, colorFar);
B.addColorStop(0.5, colorSky);
B.addColorStop(0.52, colorBackground);
// B.addColorStop(1, colorFar);
// I'm going to draw a lot of rectangles.
function drawRect(position, x, y, w, h) {
c.fillStyle = position;
c.fillRect(x, y, w, h);
c.globalAlpha = x ? 1 : 0.8;
function drawCircle(position, x, y, w, h) {
c.arc(position, x, y, 0, 9);
// Draws the level background.
function drawBackground() {
drawRect(B, 0, 0, width, height);
function drawSky() {
// Bitwise OR to round the value.
n = entitySize | 0;
for (i = n; i--;) {
// Sky weather (particles).
//drawRect(colorSky, Math.random() * width, Math.random() * halfHeight, 1, 1);
// Clouds.
c.globalAlpha = 0.3;
drawCircle(i * 20, Math.sin(i + T / 1e3) * 5, Math.sin(i % 3) * trackWidth);
function drawGround() {
// Horizon.
//drawRect(colorFar, 0, halfHeight, width, 2);
//drawRect(colorSky, 0, halfHeight, width, 1);
// Depth effect.
//c.globalAlpha = 0.9;
n = 70;
for (i = n; i--;) {
if ((d * 1e3 + 9 * Math.sin((90 - i) / 57) / Math.sin(i / 57)) % 18 > 9) {
drawRect(colorFar, 0, halfHeight * (1 + i / n), width, halfHeight / n);
function drawSide(position, x, y, w, h) {
var startX = halfWidth + position * halfWidth / 2;
var horizonX = halfWidth + position * halfWidth / 9;
// Calculate line equation.
var a = halfHeight / (startX - horizonX);
var b = height - startX * a;
// Draw persons on the railway.
n = 50;
for (i = n; i--;) {
if ((d * 1e3 + 9 * Math.sin((55 + position * i) / 19) / Math.sin(i / 19) + position * 2) % 20 > 19) {
var w = entitySize * ((railWidth / 6 + i) / n);
var h = w + halfHeight / n;
var y = halfHeight * (1 + (i / n)) - h / 2;
var x = (y - b) / a - w / 2;
//drawRect(colorEntity, x, y, w, h);
drawCircle(x, y, w);
if (i == n - 1 && y > halfHeight * 0.9) {
peopleAtBottom = position;
// Draw tracks.
position = -1;
c.moveTo(startX + position * trackWidth + position * railWidth, height);
c.lineTo(horizonX + position * (railWidth / 4), halfHeight);
c.lineTo(startX + position * trackWidth, height);
position = 1;
c.moveTo(startX + position * trackWidth + position * railWidth, height);
c.lineTo(horizonX + position * (railWidth / 4), halfHeight);
c.lineTo(startX + position * trackWidth, height);
// Debug rail
// c.moveTo(startX - 2, height);
// c.lineTo(horizonX, halfHeight);
// c.lineTo(startX + 2, height);
// c.fill();
// Moving planks: Depth effect.
n = 70;
for (i = n; i--;) {
if ((d * 1e3 + 9 * Math.sin((90 - i) / 57) / Math.sin(i / 57)) % 4 > 3) {
var w = (trackWidth + railWidth * 2) * 2 * ((railWidth / 6 + i) / n);
var h = halfHeight / n;
var y = halfHeight * (1 + (i / n)) - h / 2;
var x = (y - b) / a - w / 2;
drawRect(colorOther, x, y, w, h);
// Debug rail
// c.beginPath();
// c.moveTo(horizonX, halfHeight);
// c.lineTo(x, y);
// c.lineTo(startX, height);
// c.stroke();
function drawTrain() {
drawRect(colorEntity, 1);
drawCircle(halfWidth + P * (halfWidth / 2), height + entitySize , entitySize * 3);
function drawScore(size, x, y) {
c.font = size + 'vw mono';
c.fillText(s, x, y);
function gameOver() {
// Draw shock.
drawRect(colorEntity, 0, 0, width, height);
// Makes the game stop.
interval = 1e9;
// 7 / 9
drawScore(20, halfWidth * 0.8, halfHeight);
setInterval(function() {
D = new Date - T;
if (D > interval) {
T = new Date - (D % interval);
d += speed * (D / 36e5);
drawScore(5, 9, 50);
// Bottom screen cleaning code.
// drawRect(colorOther, 0, height, width, a.height);
// Success, score points.
if (P == scoreMethod * peopleAtBottom) {
F = peopleAtBottom = 0;
s += 10;
// If kill, draw shock.
if (scoreMethod > 0) {
drawRect(colorEntity, 0, 0, width, height);
// Failure, game over.
// P == -scoreMethod * peopleAtBottom && ((F && (F = scoreMethod = -scoreMethod)) || gameOver());
if (P == -scoreMethod * peopleAtBottom) {
if (F > 0) {
F = scoreMethod = -scoreMethod;
else {
}, 1);