for(_='1&J=4U/2TTe5HatGMGh.%%sin($*$#>>00>q||U*e+AAAEA&&+=25510&h0,,221e3+(),*(4*%PI2*a+2+/h*h/5for())%random() ImageDGa(T)Te(4&h1e4*i,,i=$h/*tHp>A-TA+>pvar l=n,v=a.width=50w=a.heightU0x=c.creGev,w);B="RIFF_oO_WAVEfmt "+Gob("EAAAQBErAAARKwCABkYXRh"t=0;482e4>++t;)BString.fromCharCode(&(1|6363&63+8#tH))&1*%tan()/4#*[16575,262,196,14765][7&(2&12^8)])|20481Jt/4H;!function b(a,d,e){!n(n=d=.885-nl++,e=w/5Jl);w>e+w/5;e2)a=Jl1;v>a;a2){var f=2a-vTgUe-wTh=%sqrt(f*f+g*g+2f=fg=ghU*d+50d&e4)Jd4)k=mUaw-e)*vo=%max(5,35-%abs((a-vT)/10,p=A,qk,r=s=t=1,u=3+ T;s++<o;)if(pf*t,qg*t,ht,tukd>98||p>A-20A+20>pk-3k-4!(q>k-4k+3>q)(182&p1Jq83&d)||q<15+1*d)#(p+h9+5#d/64)4+3#d/4#12h+q){r=-*s/o;break}x.dGa[m+3]=r+5-20* d>98?3:1)}c.putx,0requestAnimGionFrame(b)}(new Audio("dGa:audio/wav;base64,"+btoa(';g=/[-#-%GHTUJ]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(g))_=join(shift());eval(_)
* JS1K 2015
* HC-03 Mysterious Monorail
* Released on 03/2015 at JS1K by homecoded
* Released under MIT License. Do what you want with it. :)
* Abstract:
* Building on the ray marcher from HC-01 Structures I was able to increase on render speed,
* style and sound quality. Still, there is a lot room to improve.
* Take the code inside this script tag, run it trough
* - Google Closure Compiler ( - advanced mode),
* - Uglify (
* - RegPack ( - score=2, gain=1, copies=0, tiebreaker=most copies)
* Features:
* - Raymarcher has marching stepsof a variable length to cover more ground while keeping computing power low
* - Rendering is done in quater images (only one fourth of a frame is actually rendered, which works well on
* high frame rates and creates an interesting visual appeal)
* - landscape is defined by some simple boolean and binary expressions as well as trigonometric functions
* - music has been created using Lazerbeat (
var iCounter = 0,
// Running on a small resolution keeps the FPS high and makes the dither-look possible.
// Using high resolutions destroys the unique dot-pattern look
iWidth = a.width = 500,
iHeight = a.height = 400,
// this will be the array to write the rendering results into
aImageData = c.createImageData(iWidth, iHeight);
// Create the music, a base64-encoded WAVE-file (44.1kHz, 8Bit, mono)
for (sSound = "RIFF_oO_WAVEfmt " atob("EAAAAAEAAQBErAAARKwAAAEACABkYXRh"), t = 0; 4820000 > t;)
sSound = String.fromCharCode(
// clip values to bytes
255 & (
// make it work in Firefox (wave files starting with zero bytes won't be played
1 |
// create a bitmask that will shape the sound of the base synth
(63 & 63 8 * Math.sin(t / 2e5) * t / 2e5) &
// base synth is a simple sine working at defined frequencies
100 * Math.sin(4 * Math.PI * [165, 220, 175, 262, 196, 147, 220, 165]
// use binary operations to select different frequencies
// and jump around between the notes. This creates the base melody.
[7 & ((2 * t / 2e5) & (12 * t / 2e5) ^ (8 * t / 2e5))] * t / 2e5)
// tan creates the flanger/snare effect on every second beat
* (Math.tan(4 * Math.PI * t / 2e5) / 4) |
// this defines the note length of the base melody, switching between
// quater notes and eights.
( 2048 * (1 (1 & t / 4 / 2e5))) * t / 2e5
(function render(iScreenX, fTime, iScreenY) {
!fStartTime && (fStartTime = / 1000);
// Calculate the current running time. By slowing it down a bit the animation gets a better synchronization
// with the music. This could have been also solved via sample rate in the wave-file generation code.
fTime = ( / 1000 - fStartTime) * .885;
// count the frames
iCounter ;
// Just rendering every second pixel saves a lot of calculations.
// By altering the start x value by one pixel gives the demo a unique dithering look. This way the demo
// always shows parts of the previous screen, creating a motion blur effect.
for (// Starting at iHeight/5 creates the upper white wide-screen bar, 1&iCounter alternates the start value
iScreenY = (iHeight / 5) (1 & iCounter);
// stop rendering when we reach the lower white wide-screen bar
iHeight > iScreenY (iHeight / 5);
// always step 2
iScreenY = 2
// Same skipping technique applies to stepping through x-values. With altering the start x value
// only every second frame, four render calls are needed now to create a full frame. Again, this
// reduces the amount of calculations greatly and increases the motion blur.
for (iScreenX = 1 & iCounter / 2;
iWidth > iScreenX;
iScreenX = 2
) {
var // start value for the ray vector with some correction on how much of the scene will be
// shown (division decreases the visible area showing only a detail view, this could have also been
// solved by changing the frequencies and in sine-calls and binary expressions for landscape)
fRayVectorX = (iScreenX - iWidth / 2) / 25,
fRayVectorY = (iScreenY - iHeight / 2) / 12,
// Calculate start time of the screen
fRayZ = 400 * fTime
// Using time variable as a bitmask for screen lines and multplying them
// with a factor will make the use look into future frames for some lines. The line
// setup changes with every beat sometimes creating interesting patterns.
(fTime & iScreenY >> 4) * 50
// The effect should not always be applied. So use time again to switch the effect on
// and off again.
* (1 & fTime >> 4),
// this simple sin defines the course of the track (road), using the same for x change and y change
fTrackShape = Math.sin(fRayZ / 3000),
fTrackPosX = 10000 * fTrackShape,
fTrackPosY = 10000 * fTrackShape,
// Using more steps in the middle of the screen (center of attention) and less on the sides
// saves computing power and creates a slight fade-out effect on the side of the screen
iMaxRayMarchSteps = Math.max(5, 35 - Math.abs((iScreenX - iWidth / 2) / 10))
for (var // Multiplying the screen x coordinates with a constant makes more geometry visible.
// This value could have been factored into the geometry formulas saving more bytes.
fRayX = 2 * iScreenX 2000 fTrackPosX,
fRayY = 4 * iScreenY fTrackPosY,
// set the start value for the step counter of the ray
iRayStep = 0,
// Using a variable step length for the ray marcher.
// The further away from the viewer, the greater the step.
// This way, we can achieve a great view distance with a little number of steps.
iCurrrentRayStepLength = 1,
// By adding a random value to the step increase creates random dot patterns around
// all objects, masking the blocky voxel look coming from huge step sizes.
fRayStepSizeIncrease = 3 Math.random() / 2
// Stop the calculation when maximum number of steps are reached.
iRayStep < iMaxRayMarchSteps;
if (
// Update the current ray position, this is the actual marching
fRayX = fRayVectorX * iCurrrentRayStepLength,
fRayY = fRayVectorY * iCurrrentRayStepLength,
fRayZ = iCurrrentRayStepLength,
iCurrrentRayStepLength = fRayStepSizeIncrease,
// calculate the position of the monorail track depending on the ray's z-value
fTrackShape = Math.sin(fRayZ / 3000),
fTrackPosX = 2 * iScreenX 2000 10000 * fTrackShape,
fTrackPosY = 4 * iScreenY 10000 * fTrackShape,
// When music is over, pretend we always hit geometry immediately,
// creating a noise screen in the end of the demo as if the camera broke
fTime > 98 ||
// define the track geometry (this is the thin line in the middle)
fRayX > fTrackPosX - 20 && fTrackPosX 20 > fRayX && fTrackPosY - 300 > fRayY ||
// Definition of the underlying solid rock foundation for the ray.
// A bitmaks depending ob the current z-value creates the zick-zacked edges.
// Left zick-zacking fequency is lower, creating a more natural rock-like look.
fRayX > fTrackPosX - (400 (255 & fRayZ / 2)) && fTrackPosX (400 (255 & fRayZ)) > fRayX && fRayY < fTrackPosY - 400 ||
// Definition of the tunnels as negated boolean expression, tunnel walls
// have the same zick-