Click somewhere in the box to begin drawing morphing polar equations (hint: where you click to begin matters). Move your cursor around to affect how the form moves. You can click again to stop the ge…
eval('(_(){_ l(b,d){return{x:b.x+d.x,y:b.y+d.y}}_ i(b,d){f++;e[f]||(e[f]=0);e[f]+=b;return{x:Math.cos(e[f])*d,y:Math.sin(e[f])*d}}_ r(){var b=i(n,s);a.beginPath();a.moveTo(g.x,g.y);h+=m?-1:1;if(123>=h||250<=h)m=!m;a.fillStyle="rgba(255,"+h+","+h+", .025)";for(var e=0;127>e;e++)f=-1,g=l(g,l(i(o,t),l(i(u,b.x),i(v,b.y)))),a.lineTo(g.x,g.y);a.stroke();a.fill();p=a.getImageData(0,0,c.width,c.height);a.clearRect(0,0,c.width,c.height);a.putImageData(p,d.x,d.y)}_ q(b){return{x:(b.pageX-c.offsetLeft-j)/j,y:(b.pageY-c.offsetTop-j)/j}}var j=300;c.width=c.height=600;"1px solid #000";a.lineWidth=0.25;var e=[],f=-1,g={x:300,y:400},k,n=0.005,s=8,o=0.1,t=8,u=-0.05,v=0.5,h=250,m=!0,p;a.strokeStyle="rgba(0,0,0,.2)";a.fillStyle="rgba(255,255,255,.01)";var d;c.onmousemove=_(b){b=q(b);n=0.01*(1-Math.abs(b.y));o=0.1+2.5E-4*b.x};c.onmousedown=_(b){k?k=d=clearInterval(k):(k=setInterval(r,30),d||(a.clearRect(0,0,c.width,c.height),d=q(b),d.x=Math.round(2*d.x),d.y=Math.round(2*d.y)))}})();'.replace(/_/g,'function'));
var s = 600;
var h = 300;
c.width = c.height = s; = "1px solid #000";
a.lineWidth = .25;
var points = [];
var index = -1;
var p = {x:s/2,y:s/1.5};
var interval;
var rate = 0.005;
var size = 8;
var detail = .1;
var roundness = 8;
var p3 = -.05;
var p4 = .5;
var f1 = 250;
var f1d = true;
var img;
function getFill(){
f1 += (f1d) ? -1: 1 ;
if (f1 <= 123 || f1 >= 250) f1d = !f1d;
return 'rgba(255,'+f1+','+f1+', .025)';
function add(p,q){
return {x:p.x+q.x,y:p.y+q.y};
function cartesian( r, a ){
return {x:Math.cos(a)*r,y:Math.sin(a)*r};
function polar( ti, r ){
if (!points[index]) points[index] = 0;
points[index] += ti;
return cartesian(r,points[index]);
a.strokeStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,.2)';
a.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,.01)';
function loop(){
var rp = polar(rate,size);
a.fillStyle = getFill();
for (var i=0;i<127;i++){
index = -1;
p = add( p , add( polar( detail, roundness), add( polar(p3,rp.x), polar(p4, rp.y) )) );
a.lineTo( p.x, p.y);
img = a.getImageData(0,0,c.width, c.height);
a.clearRect(0,0,c.width, c.height);
function mp(e){
return {x:(( e.pageX - c.offsetLeft ) - h)/h,y:((e.pageY - c.offsetTop ) - h)/h};
var m;
c.onmousemove = function(e){
var p = mp(e);
rate = .01 * (1-Math.abs(p.y));
detail = 0.1 + .00025 * p.x;
c.onmousedown = function(e){
if (interval){
interval = m = clearInterval( interval );
interval = setInterval( loop, 30 );
if (!m){
a.clearRect(0,0,c.width, c.height);
m = mp(e);
m.x = Math.round(2 * m.x);
m.y = Math.round(2 * m.y);