_='W=c.width=40H=c.height=30szztabcdedcbs;t;x$0y=2v$.5;w=r.;X$5Y=H%3;D=S=4;L=6n$8;h2=W-(h1=h3=-500v1;v2;v3down(bk=b.keyCode;D=(39-(37})up(D}setInterval((@234";W,HfJh14N190h22,6N2,-W,@c99h33,8N350f||(8 ,@ddb"c720xOP5 -2Y+7)+L-4,Y+7P"#a98X,Y,L,2P^<^D&^D<W-L?D:=vO+=wO>Y28>=X&x<=^L&0!=S?(v=v/2+8*(p=Math.random())-4,w=%1%*pO=Y,t):(y=H+1N=w=r=S)Pv>x|x>W-28?-v:v,w+=r)},40 dh(b,e,g,d,j,h,lxx=b;for(i=i<n;++i&20>_5&8<_18&y+15>e+5&y+5<e+23Jsif(J1!=)fJ3 ,l2764xx,e_=*d;`xx_=j-h-50*d)}b+=`(e/20%`bb=j-*dreturn b};=new Audio("data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRqSIFQBXQVZFZm10IBABEARKwESsABgAZGF0YYCIa.fill,Text("\\u;window.addEventListener("keyfunction.play()Style=a.font="2 px sans);0;0,g[i]>`h+=dh(h,W,@fx+c6c3X"",1,AA==k)*SRect(=0){=[]&&(25$=1%-1@"#J=!NvO,yP),^X+_x`d*z00ff';for(Y=0;$='z`_^PONJ@%$ '[Y++];)with(_.split($))_=join(pop());eval(_)
Use left and right arrows to move the trampoline and make her gather all the love.
Inspired from classic Atari game Clowns & Balloons.
Minified by jscompress.com, crushed by @tpdown's "First Crush".
// /(,")♥♥(".)
// /♥\ /█\
// _| |_ _| |_
// Canvas
W = c.width = 400;
H = c.height = 300;
// Sound effects
s = new Audio("data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRqSIFQBXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEARKwAAESsAAABAAgAZGF0YYCI00ff00ff");
t = new Audio("data:audio/wav;base64,UklGRqSIFQBXQVZFZm10IBAAAAABAAEARKwAAESsAAABAAgAZGF0YYCIabcdedcb");
// Ball
x = 100; // horizontal position
y = 20; // vertical position
v = 1.5; // horizontal velocity
w = 0; // vertical velocity
r = 1/4; // vertical acceleration
// Trampoline
X = 150; // horizontal position
Y = H - 13; // vertical position
D = 0; // horizontal velocity
S = 4; // horizontal acceleration
L = 60; // width
// Hearts
n = 18; // number of hearts
h2 = W - (h1 = h3 = -500); // horizontal positions
v1 = []; // visibility array of ->
v2 = []; // visibility array of <-
v3 = []; // visibility array of ->
// Event listeners
window.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {
k = e.keyCode;
D = (k == 39) * S - (k == 37) * S;
window.addEventListener("keyup", function ku(e){
D = 0;
setInterval(function (e) {
//c.width = c.width;
a.fillStyle = "#234";
a.fillRect(0, 0, W, H);
// Draw the hearts.
f = true;
h1 = dh(h1, 40, v1, 1, 0, W, "#f90"); //"#889"
h2 = dh(h2, 60, v2, -1, W, 0, "#c99");
h3 = dh(h3, 80, v3, 1, 0, W, "#f50");
if (f)
// Draw the ball.
a.font = "28px sans";
a.fillStyle = "#ddb";
a.fillText("유", x, y);
// Draw the trampoline.
a.font = "25px sans";
a.fillText("웃", X - 21, Y + 7);
a.fillText("웃", X + L - 4, Y + 7);
a.fillStyle = "#a98";
a.fillRect(X, Y, L, 2);
// Move the trampoline.
X += (X + D > 0 & X + D < W - L) ? D : 0;
// Move the ball.
x += v;
y += w;
// Hit test between the ball and the trampoline.
if (y > Y) {
if (x + 28 >= X & x <= X + L & S != 0) {
// Hit!
//v -= (Math.abs(v) < 10) ? D : 0;
v = v / 2 + 8 * (p = Math.random()) - 4;
w = -11 - 1 * p;
y = Y;
} else {
y = H + 10;
v = w = r = S = 0;
// Hit test between the ball and the walls.
v = (x < 0 | x > W - 28) ? -v : v;
// Accelerate the ball.
w += r;
}, 40);
// Draw hearts
// hh: horizontal position
// yy: vertical position
// z: visibility array
// d: direction
// st: starting position
// en: ending position
// cl: color
function dh(hh, yy, z, d, st, en, cl) {
xx = hh;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// If visibility of ith heart is undefined, set it true.
// Otherwise, check if the heart is hit by the ball.
if (z[i] & x + 20 > xx + 5 & x + 8 < xx + 18 & y + 15 > yy + 5 & y + 5 < yy + 23) {
z[i] = false;
// Draw the heart if visible.
if (z[i] = z[i] != false) {
f = false;
a.font = "23px sans";
a.fillStyle = cl;
a.fillText("❤", xx, yy);
// Calculate next heart's position.
xx += d * 25;
if (d * xx > d * en + 25)
xx += st - en - d * 50;
// Calculate new horizontal position.
hh += d * (yy / 20 - 1);
if (d * hh > d * en + 25)
hh = st - d * 25;
return hh;