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* Canvas piano
* To play on canvas piano just click on notes you see on canvas.
* Also you can check how it works by pressing Für Elise button. It will play Ludwig van Beethoven's famoust composition.
* ♥♥♥
* @author Sergey Shchur (antyrat)
(function( ctx, documentBody, canvasElement ){
canvasElement.onclick = playNote; // add event listener to canvas element
var noteWidth = 70, // white note width
middleCFrequency = 256, // frequency of middle C in scientific pitch
fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode, // short function name to save bytes
setTimeoutFunc = setTimeout, // short function name to save bytes
notesWhite = [], // white notes freqency array
notesMiddle=[], // seminotes freqency array
player = [], // Audio array. Each note has own HTML5 Audio element
freqFormula, // Frequency formula: Math.round(Math.round(110 * Math.pow(1.05946, noteNo)))
i, // Incremental variable
noteToPlay, // Current played note
header, // WAV header
note, // note frequency
noteWPoint, // Pointer for selected white note
noteBPoint, // Pointer for selected seminote
xPos, // X coordiane of click event
eliseTmp, // tmp pointer for Für Elise notes
elisePointer, // Für Elise current note pointer
playButton, // html <button> element
eliseTimeout; // Timeout handler for "Für Elise" song
// genterate frequencys array's
for( i = 3; i < 39; i++ ) {
freqFormula = 0|( 0|( 110 * Math.pow( 1.05946, i ) ) ); // Math.round(Math.round(110 * Math.pow(1.05946, i)))
if ( i%12 in {1: 0, 4: 0, 6: 0, 9: 0, 11: 0} ) {
if( i in {4: 0, 9: 0, 16: 0, 21: 0, 28: 0, 33: 0} ) {
notesMiddle.push( 0 );
notesMiddle.push( freqFormula );
} else {
notesWhite.push( freqFormula );
// create and append to document Play Für Elise button
playButton = document.createElement( "button" );
playButton.innerHTML = "► Für Elise";
playButton.style.display = "block"; // draw button on new line
playButton.onclick = function () {
// Stop Für Elise playing
clearTimeout( eliseTimeout );
elisePointer = 0; // set Für Elise note pointer to first note
playNote(); // play Für Elise sonata
documentBody.appendChild( playButton );
// Render notes on canvas. Re-render presses notes
function render ( keyNote, keyBlackNote ) {
// set width and height of piano canvas (also clear canvas after re-render)
canvasElement.width = 1470;
canvasElement.height = 400;
// draw piano notes
for( i = 0; i < 21; i++ ) {
// white notes
ctx.strokeRect( noteWidth * i, 0, noteWidth, 400 - ( keyNote == i ? 20 : 0 ) );
// middle notes
notesMiddle[ i ] && ctx.fillRect( noteWidth * i - 20, 0, 40, middleCFrequency - ( keyBlackNote == i ? 20 : 0 ) );
// render piano keyboard at start
function playNote ( e ){
noteWPoint = noteBPoint = -1; // clear pressed notes states
if( !e ) { // if we didn'r recieve event than play Für Elise sonata
eliseTmp = "*;*;*.)(-!#-.#>.(#*;*;*.)(-(*-.*(.-.()*,+*)$*)(#)(.#**1;*;*.(-".charCodeAt( elisePointer ); // fur elise notes in string presentation
noteToPlay = eliseTmp > 50 ? notesMiddle[ noteBPoint = eliseTmp - 50 ] : notesWhite[ noteWPoint = eliseTmp - 33 ]; // if note pointer grather than 50 - we use middle note frequency
} else { // function was called after click
// Stop Für Elise playing
clearTimeout( eliseTimeout );
// get X coordiante
xpos = e.offsetX;
// we clicked on middle note
if( e.offsetY < middleCFrequency ) {
for( i = 21; i-- ; ) {
// check if middle note has frequency value
if( xpos > ( i * noteWidth - 20 ) && xpos < ( i * noteWidth + 20 ) && notesMiddle[ i ] ) {
noteToPlay = notesMiddle[ noteBPoint = i ]; // set note to play and pressed note index
} else { // white note
noteToPlay = notesWhite[ noteWPoint = 0|(xpos / noteWidth) ];
// change current note state to pressed
render( noteWPoint, noteBPoint );
// note didn't has own Audio element
if( !player[ noteToPlay ] ) {
// create base header for note width 200 ms. length
header = "RIFF" + fromCharCode( 12, 69, 0, 0 ) + "WAVEfmt " + fromCharCode( 16, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 68, 172, 0, 0, 136, 88, 1, 0, 2, 0, 16, 0 ) + "data" + fromCharCode( 232, 68, 0, 0 );
// update header according to note freqnecy
for( i = 8820; i-- ; ){
note = Math.sin( 6.28 * i / ( 44100 / noteToPlay ) ) * 32767;
note += note < 0 ? 65536 : 0;
header += fromCharCode( note % middleCFrequency, 0|( note / middleCFrequency ) );
// create new Audio elemnt with note data in base64 format
player[ noteToPlay ] = new Audio( 'data:audio/wav;base64,' + btoa( header ) );
// play note with specified frequency
player[ noteToPlay ].play();
// remove pressed state. (re-render piano keyboard)
setTimeoutFunc( render, 300 );
// Play Für Elise sonata if there is no click event
if( !e && elisePointer++ != 62 ) eliseTimeout = setTimeoutFunc( playNote, 300 );
})( a, b, c );