An animated version of one of my favorite childhood toys. Use arrow keys and Home/End to change the drawing parameters. Aside from how much I loved playing with these, the theme is reflected in the d…
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// I used YUI Compressor for the first pass.
// That was followed by some manual tweaking to get the size down to 1178B.
// That was then run through the "First Crush" entry by Tim Down
// for a final size of 1023B.
// Use human readable names for a, b, c while developing.
// These are removed after compressing.
// Use shortenable names for Math and window.addEventListener
(function (body, canvas, context, Math, addEvent) {
// variable declarations.
// These help YUI compressor know what variables can be munged.
// They will be removed after compressing.
var step, cos, sin, round, abs, timeout, xMid, yMid, R, r, Rr, p, t, acanvas, acontext, height, width, nextX, nextY, style;
// set up some shorthands
step = Math.PI/720;
cos = Math.cos;
sin = Math.sin;
round = Math.round;
abs = Math.abs;
// Initial drawing parameters
R = r = p = 100; = timeout = 0;
// copy the canvas, so we can have one persistent, and one animated.
// this allows us to animate the circles while drawing without redrawing
// the entire canvas on each frame
acanvas = canvas.cloneNode(0);
acontext = acanvas.getContext("2d");
style =;
style.position = "absolute"; = style.left = 0;
function plot() {
nextX = xMid + Rr*sin(t) + p*sin(Rr*t/r);
nextY = yMid + Rr*cos(t) + p*cos(Rr*t/r);
// draw a segment of the line
function draw (i, ratio1, ratio2) {
// draw the next segment of the line
context.moveTo(nextX, nextY);
for (i = 0; i++ < 5;){
t += step;
context.lineTo(nextX, nextY);
stroke(context, "#f33");
// animate the next line segment
ratio2 = (ratio1 = t / Math.PI / 2) * R / r;
if (abs(ratio1 - round(ratio1)) + abs(ratio2 - round(ratio2)) > 0.0001)
timeout = setTimeout(draw, 32);
function drawCircles() {
circle(xMid, yMid, R);
circle(xMid + Rr*sin(t), yMid + Rr*cos(t), abs(r));
circle(nextX, nextY, 3);
function circle(x, y, r) {
acontext.arc(x, y, r, 0, 7);
stroke(acontext, "#ccc");
function label(text, y) {
context.font = '14px sans-serif';
context.fillText(text, 9, y);
function stroke(context, color) {
context.lineWidth = 1;
context.strokeStyle = color;
function clear(context) {
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Reset the canvas when the window is resized, or the drawing parameters change
function initCanvas() {
timeout = t = 0;
Rr = R+r;
height = canvas.height = acanvas.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight - 9;
width = canvas.width = acanvas.width = body.clientWidth;
xMid = round(width/2);
yMid = round(height/2);
// Some labels here to make the experience a bit more user friendly.
label("Arrow/Home/End keys adjust. Space draws.", 32);
label("R1: "+R +", R2: "+r+", pen: "+p, 50);
label("\u00a92012 Andrew Cattau", height - 5);
function keypress(evt, keyCode) {
keyCode = evt.keyCode - 32;
// if timeout is set, we've already started drawing,
// so don't draw again...
keyCode == 0 && !timeout && draw();
// Alternate syntax here is shorter than the more typical
// if (keyCode==37) R++;
if (keyCode > 2 && keyCode < 9) {
if (keyCode == 6) { r++; p++; } // up
if (keyCode == 8) { r--; p--; } // down
keyCode == 5 && R--; // left
keyCode == 7 && R++; // right
keyCode == 4 && p--; // home
keyCode == 3 && p++; // end
addEvent("resize", initCanvas, 0);
addEvent("keydown", keypress, 1);
})(b, c, a, Math, window.addEventListener)