Simple heart binary clock. My first ever demo submission so thank you to all other entries for tricks & to my girlfriend Lara for putting up with me whilst messing around with this
c.width=g=window.innerWidth;c.height=e=window.innerHeight;with(,overflow="hidden";f="px arial";m="#F00";n="#000";h="♥";k=function(a){return a.toString().length==1?"0"+a:a};;z=function(b,c,d,e){a.font=g*.12+f;a.fillStyle=a.strokeStyle=e?"#FF6699":m;d?a.fillText(h,b,c):a.strokeText(h,b,c);a.font=g*.012+f;e?a.fillText(k(j)+":"+k(v)+":"+k(s),b+g*.013,c-g*.043):a;e?a.fillText("js1k",b+g*.026,c-g*.03):a};d=function(b,d){for(w=32,i=0;w>1,i<6;w=w/2,i++){z(c.width/2-g/3.6+i*(g/10),c.height/2+g/6.9-b*(g/9),d>=w,b==2&&i==0);d>=w?d-=w:a}};u=function(){a.clearRect(0,0,g,e);p=new Date;s=p.getSeconds();v=p.getMinutes();j=p.getHours();d(0,s);d(1,v);d(2,j);setInterval("u()",10)};u()
f = 'px arial'
m = '#F00'
n = '#000'
h = '?'
k = function (l) {
return l.toString().length == 1 ? "0" + l : l;
z = function (x,y,t,o) {
a.font = (g * 0.12) + f;
a.fillStyle=a.strokeStyle= o ? '#FF6699' : m;
t ? a.fillText(h, x, y) : a.strokeText(h, x, y);
a.font = (g * 0.012) + f;
o ? a.fillText(k(j) + ":" + k(v) + ":" + k(s), x + (g * 0.013), y - (g * 0.043)) : a
o ? a.fillText("js1k", x + (g * 0.026), y - (g * 0.03)) : a
d = function(y, t) {
for(w = 32, i = 0; w > 1, i < 6; w = w /2, i++) {
z((c.width / 2) - (g / 3.6) + (i*(g / 10)), (c.height / 2) + (g / 6.9) - (y * (g / 9)), t >= w, (y == 2 && i == 0));
t >= w ? t -= w : a
u = function() {
a.clearRect(0, 0, g, e)
p = new Date();
s = p.getSeconds()
v = p.getMinutes()
j = p.getHours()
d(0, s);
d(1, v);
d(2, j);
setInterval("u()", 10);