var f=c.width=window.innerWidth,g=c.height=window.innerHeight,h=f/2,j=0.4*g,k=0,l=[],m=[];M=Math;C=M.cos;S=M.sin;P=M.PI;function n(b){return{x:f/6*M.pow(S(b),3),y:g/-60*(15*C(b)-5*C(2*b)-2*C(3*b)-C(4*b)),a:0}}function o(b){return ~~(M.random()*b)}function q(){var b=l[L].d;return{x:b.x,y:b.y,a:b.a,e:l[L].b,c:"hsl("+o(361)+","+o(101)+"%,"+o(50)+"%)"}}for(var r=-P/2;r<P/2;r+=0.01*P)(-0.25>r||0.25<r)&&l.push({d:n(r),b:n(r+P)});setInterval(function(){a.fillStyle="rgba(0,0,0,0.15)";a.fillRect(0,0,f,g);250>m.length&&(L=o(l.length),m.push(q()),L=o(l.length),m.push(q()));for(var b=0;b<m.length;b++){var d=m[b],e=d;e.y+=2;if(e.y>e.e.y)m.splice(b,1);else{e={};for(i in d)e[i]=d[i];var e=d=e,p=e.x;e.x=C(k)*p+S(k)*e.a;e.a=-S(k)*p+C(k)*e.a;d.x=h+500*d.x/(d.a+500);d.y=j+500*d.y/(d.a+500);a.fillStyle=d.c;a.beginPath();a.arc(d.x,d.y,4,0,2*P,1);a.closePath();a.fill()}}k+=0.02},30);
// Also available at
var width = c.width = window.innerWidth;
var height = c.height = window.innerHeight;
var mX = width/2;
var mY = height*.4;
var mZ = 500;
var rY = 0;
var heart_pts = [];
var max_points_out = 250;
var points_out = [];
M = Math;
C = M.cos;
S = M.sin;
P = M.PI;
function heart_curve(t) {
// Creates a point along the heart curve
return {
x: width/6 * M.pow(S(t), 3),
y: height/-60 * (15*C(t) - 5 * C(2*t) - 2 * C(3*t) - C(4 * t)),
z: 0
function random(max) {
// Randoms from 0 to max-1
return M.floor(M.random()*max);
function copy(p) {
// Copies an object
var newObj = {};
for (i in p) {
newObj[i] = p[i];
return newObj;
function rotate(p) {
// Simplified point rotation (since we're only rotating one axis)
var x = p.x;
p.x=C(rY)*x + S(rY)*p.z;
p.z=-S(rY)*x + C(rY)*p.z;
return p;
function point(p) {
// Rotate and transform a 3D point to 2D
var pt = copy(p);
pt.x = mX+pt.x*mZ/(pt.z+mZ);
pt.y = mY+pt.y*mZ/(pt.z+mZ);
return pt;
function move_point(p) {
// Moves a point along the y-axis and checks if it's reached/passed it's
// destination. Returns 0 (false) if passed, 1 (true) if not.
p.y += 2;
if (p.y > return 0;
return 1;
function draw(p) {
// Draws a point.
a.arc(p.x, p.y, 4, 0, P*2, 1);
function create_point(from, to) {
// Creates a point with a random color, a starting position and a target
// point.
return {
x: from.x,
y: from.y,
z: from.z,
to: to,
c: "hsl("+random(361)+","+random(101)+"%,"+random(50)+"%)"
for (var t = -P/2; t < P/2; t+=P*.01) {
// We remove all points between -0.25 and 0.25, because these points lie in
// the small "dip" in the heart, and would generate a lot of points on
// almost the same x-position.
if (t < -.25 || t > .25)
heart_pts.push({t: heart_curve(t), b: heart_curve(t+P)});
setInterval(function () {
// Partly clear the screen. Using 0.15 alpha will make the points leave a
// "trail"
a.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0.15)";
a.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (points_out.length < max_points_out) {
// Generate two new randomly positioned points. This could probably be
// optimized.
L = random(heart_pts.length);
points_out.push(create_point(heart_pts[L].t, heart_pts[L].b));
L = random(heart_pts.length);
points_out.push(create_point(heart_pts[L].t, heart_pts[L].b));
for (var i = 0; i < points_out.length; i++) {
var pt = points_out[i];
if (!move_point(pt)) {
// Remove points that have passed their destination.
points_out.splice(i, 1);
} else {
// Make the heart rotate!
rY += .02;
}, 30);