function d(b,c,d,e){a.fillStyle=b;a.beginPath();a.arc(c,d,e,0,2*m.PI,!0);a.fill();a.fillRect(c,d,1,1)}m=Math;r=m.random;g=Date;l=+(new g);e=document;q=e.createElement("canvas");w=e.createElement("canvas");o={};h=100;H=200;v=window;t=c.width=v.innerWidth;u=c.height=v.innerHeight-5;b.setAttribute("style","margin:0;background:#000");k=a;q.width=q.height=h;w.width=1e3;w.height=H;for(j=0;++j<H;){for(i=0;1e3>++i;)a=q.getContext("2d"),z=.5-i/h,f=j/h-.5+.4*m.sqrt(m.abs(z)),f=z*z+2*f*f,.23>f&&d(.16<f?"#F00":"#F88",i,j,0),a=w.getContext("2d"),d(j>5e-4*i*i-.3*i+h?"#343":j>4e-4*i*i-.9*i+500?"#232":"#000",i,j,0);o[j]={x:r()*t,y:-h-r()*u,b:51-j/4,a:25+.4*j};o[H+j]={x:r()*t,y:r()*u-H,a:3*r()+1,c:j}}a=k;v.setInterval(function(){n=+(new g);a.clearRect(0,0,t,u);d("#FFA",H,250,150);d("#000",270,320,h);a.drawImage(w,0,u-H,t,H);for(i=0;++i<H;)f=(n-l)/h,s=o[H+i],d("#FFA",s.x,s.y,m.floor(m.max(s.a+m.sin(s.c++/10)-.5,1))),z=o[i],a.drawImage(q,z.x+=-.1/(z.b/h)*f,z.y+=(5-z.b/10)*f,z.a,z.a),z.y>u&&(z.y=-h),z.x<-H&&(z.x=t);l=n},60)//L<3
// Shorthand names
m =Math;
r = m.random;
g = Date;
e = document;
q = e.createElement('canvas');
w = e.createElement('canvas');
v = window;
// Variables
o = {};
h = 100;
H = 200;
l = +new g;
// Store and set area dimensions
t = c.width = v.innerWidth,
u = c.height = v.innerHeight-5;
// Function that renders a pixel and a circle to whatever canvas 'a' points to.
function d(c,x,y,s){
a.fillStyle = c;
// Setup document body
b.setAttribute('style', 'margin:0;background:#000');
// Store reference to main canvas. d() always renders to a.
k = a;
// Render a heart to buffer & hills to buffer
q.width = q.height = h;
w.width = 1000; w.height = H;
// Bigg messy loop doing all initialization
for (j = 0; ++j < H;) {
for (i = 0; ++i < 1000;) {
// Work on the heart
a = q.getContext('2d');
z = 0.5-i/h;
f = ((j/h-0.5)+0.4*m.sqrt(m.abs(z)));
f = z*z+2*f*f;
if (f < 0.23)
// Work on the hills
a = w.getContext('2d');
j>0.0005*i*i-0.3*i+h ? "#343" :
j>0.0004*i*i-0.9*i+500 ? "#232" : '#000',
// Init hearts and stars array
o[j] = {x: r()*t, y:-h-r()*u, z:51-j/4, s:25+j*0.4};
o[H+j] = {x: r()*t, y:r()*u-H, s:r()*3+1, p:j}
// Restore reference to main canvas
a = k;
// Render & logic callback
v.setInterval(function() {
n=+new g;
// Clear
a.clearRect(0, 0, t, u);
// Moon
d("#FFA", H, 250, 150);
d("#000", 270, 320, h);
// Hills
a.drawImage(w, 0, u-H, t, H);
for(i=0;++i<H;) {
// Time since last frame
f = (n-l) / h;
// Star render and update
s = o[H+i];
d("#FFA", s.x, s.y, m.floor(m.max(s.s + m.sin(++s.p / 10) - 0.5, 1)));
// Heart render and update
z = o[i];
a.drawImage(q, z.x+=(-0.1/(z.z/h))*f, z.y+=(5-(z.z/10))*f, z.s, z.s);
// Left and bottom bounderies
if(z.y > u)
z.y = -h;
z.x = t;
l = n;
}, 60);