- Author:
- Rauri Rochford
- Twitter:
- @
- GitHub:
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- Google+:
- +
- Reddit:
- /r/
- Pouet:
- Website:
- esquemedia.com
- Compo:
- classic
- Demo link:
- https://js1k.com/2012-love/demo/1071
- Shortlink:
- https://js1k.com/1071
- Blog post:
- please update here!
- Bytes:
- 886
- Chars:
- 886
- Submission
function _(d){a.fillStyle=d.f;a.beginPath();a.arc(d.x,d.y,d.R,0,Y,1);a.closePath();a.fill()}
- Description
- Trails of particles describe a heart.
- Base64 encoded
- Original source
e = [];// trails
h = [];// heart path
O = c.width = innerWidth;
Q = c.height = innerHeight;
v = 32; // num trails, num particles per trail & num nodes in heart path
M = Math;
R = M.random;
C = M.cos;
Y = 6.3;// close to 44/7 or Math.PI * 2 - 6.3 seems is close enough.
for( i = 0; i <Y; i+= .2 ) { // calculate heart nodes, from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeartCurve.html
O/2 + 180*M.pow(M.sin(i), 3),
Q/2 + 10 * (-(15*C(i) - 5*C(2*i) - 2*C(3*i) - C(4*i)))
i = 0;
while (i < v ) {
x = R() * O;
y = R() * Q;
//r = R() * 50 + 200;
//b = R() * r;
//g = R() * b;
H = i/v * 80 + 280;
S = R() * 40 + 60;
B = R() * 60 + 20;
f = []; // create new trail
k = 0;
while ( k < v ) {
f[k++] = { // create new particle
x : x, // position
y : y,
X : 0, // velocity
Y : 0,
R : (1 - k/v) + 1, // radius
S : R() + 1, // acceleration
q : ~~(R() * v), // target node on heart path
//D : R()>.5?1:-1,
D : i%2*2-1, // direction around heart path
F : R() * .2 + .7, // friction
//f : "rgba(" + ~~r + "," + ~~g + "," + ~~b + ",.1)"
f : "hsla("+~~H+","+~~S+"%,"+~~B+"%,.1)" // colour
e[i++] = f; // dots are a 2d array of trails x particles
function render(_) { // draw particle
a.fillStyle = _.f;
a.arc(_.x, _.y, _.R, 0, Y, 1);
a.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,.2)"; // clear screen
i = v;
while (i--) {
f = e[ i ]; // get worm
u = f[ 0 ]; // get 1st particle of worm
q = h[ u.q ]; // get current node on heart path
D = u.x - q[0]; // calc distance
E = u.y - q[1];
G = M.sqrt( (D * D) + (E * E) );
if ( G < 10 ) { // has trail reached target node?
if (R() > .95 ) { // randomly send a trail elsewhere
u.q = ~~(R() * v);
} else {
if ( R() > .99) u.D *= -1; // randomly change direction
u.q += u.D;
u.q %= v;
if ( u.q < 0 ) u.q += v;
u.X += -D / G * u.S; // calculate velocity
u.Y += -E / G * u.S;
u.x += u.X; // apply velocity
u.y += u.Y;
render(u); // draw the first particle
u.X *= u.F; // apply friction
u.Y *= u.F;
k = 0;
while ( k < v-1 ) { // loop through remaining dots
T = f[ k ]; // this particle
N = f[ ++k ]; // next particle
N.x -= (N.x - T.x) * .7; // use zenos paradox to create trail
N.y -= (N.y - T.y) * .7;
, 25);