Tetris game as close as possible to the original one. Ascii representation of pieces. Use arrows to play, allows dropping pieces with down. Lacks "game over" message due to size limit. No sound track…
a="var o c*10+b]=aS=\"#fff\"Rect(b*18,c*22+5,e||17,23)S=\"#000\";a&&i.fillTextb*18,c*22+22)},kg=4gu=4u) c[a[7]?u+(b-g-1)*4:b-u-1+g*4]=a; c){c&&(<>=1<>=2+())return 1} b)v&&og+h,,b-1h=10h+1,h+(;);h<0f=++fa=10a)o(a+(f-1,a,f},mv),j+1v=[[,,,,,11,1,,,,,1,1,1,1]][f=7|0];p=f<2?4:3;f=(8|0)4|0;)k(v={};=3,j=(v[0]|v[1]|v[2])-1,0m&&setTimeout(m,400)},nc?k(c={}:c=v;kb,c)) m=o(\"END\",4,9,0,54,98j-b){k(f,2);v=k()}}{k(0;h=a;j=b;v=c;k(f},h,j,g,u,f=document.body.children[0],i=f.getContext(\"2d\");onkeydowna={38:2,37:-1,39:1,40:0}[v&&a.keyCode];a<2&&+a,j+(a?0:1));a==2&&,jwidth=176height=448s.border=\"1px solid #000\";i.font=\"16pt monospace\";m()";for(b in c="i[/;f./,1)/n(h/u+j/u+b/0||/g+a/if(/+1;/;--/(a,/v,p,/,1)}/else/for(/tyle/)*10]/)for(/ if(d)/,,,1,1/);else{/[g+u*4]/;i.fill/,1,1],[,/,1],[1,1,/Math.random()*/=function(a,b,c,d,e){".split("/"))a=a.replace(RegExp(c[b][0],"g"),c[b].substr(1));eval(a)
* Draws char at given position x, y while
* clearing the previous one
* @param c character to draw
* @param x x coordinate (column)
* @param y y coordinate (row)
* @param set if true, board state is changed
function draw_char(c, x, y, set, l)
if (set) ctx[y * 10 + x] = c;
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
ctx.fillRect(x * 18, y * 22 + 5, l || 17, 23);
ctx.fillStyle = '#000';
c && ctx.fillText(c, x * 18, y * 22 + 22);
* Returns board state at given coordinate.
* Something thar evals to true -> slot used
* Else slot unused.
function cells (x, y)
return ctx[x + y*10];
* Function that does many things to sabe bytes due
* to the reuse of the double loop
* If 4 arguments are passed, the function rotates the piece
* @param A old piece
* @param B old piece edge size: 3 or 4
* @param C new piece. rotated pice will be stored here.
* @param D trailing argument to choose this code path
* If 3 arguments are passed, the function checks for
* collision of the piece with the current board state.
* This code path can't use the global state variables
* because those can only change /after/ there are no
* collisions.
* @param A piece x coordinate (column)
* @param B piece Y coordinate (row)
* @param C piece being checked
* If 2 arguments are passed, the function draws the piece
* @param A char to draw. If it evals to false, then piece is cleared.
* @param B state change flag: 1 - don't change state, 2 - change board state
* If 0 arguments are passed (or 1 ignored), the function
* loops the board to check for complete rows so these are removed.
function loop_piece(A, B, C, D)
for (x = 4; --x + 1;)
for (y = 4; --y + 1;)
if (D){
C[A[7] ? y + (B-x-1)*4 : B-y-1 + x*4] = A[x + y*4];
//C[B-y-1 + x*4] = A[x + y*4];
else if (C)
//Detect collisions.
if (C[x + y*4] && (
x+A < 0 ||
x+A >= 10 || // 10 -> ncols
y+B < 0 ||
y+B >= 20 || // 20 -> nrows
cells(x+A, y+B)))
return 1;
else if(B)
//Fill piece.
if (current_piece[x + y*4])
draw_char(A, x + current_root_x, y + current_root_y, B-1)
//remove lines, x in the loop is being ignored
//current_root_* are no longer needed at this point so we can use them as auxiliary variabless
//A -> x coordinate, because it is unused above in the if checks
for(current_root_x = 10; --current_root_x+1, cells(current_root_x, y + current_root_y););
// Loop above completed traversing row, so row is fully filled.
if (current_root_x < 0)
//Now curr_char tells the row we're clearing - y and A tells column
for(curr_char = ++y + current_root_y; --curr_char + 1;)
for(A = 10; --A + 1;)
draw_char(cells(A, curr_char - 1), A, curr_char, 1);
* Aux function to save som duplicate code. The closure compiler will inline it
* so we need to save a ref to Math.random, which is quite lengthy.
function rand(max){
return (Math.random()*max)|0;
* Hearthbeat function. Move current piece one row downwards,
* or places new piece in the board, if none ATM.
function tick_main(){
if (current_piece)
move_piece(current_root_x, current_root_y +1);
current_piece = [
[ , , , ,1,1,1,1 ],
[ , , , , ,1,1, , ,1,1],
// Ls
[1,1,1, ,1 ],
[1,1,1, , , ,1 ],
//simple S
[1,1, , , ,1,1 ],
[ ,1,1, ,1,1 ],
//small t
[ ,1, , ,1,1,1 ]
][curr_char = rand(7)]; //choose new random piece
current_dim = curr_char < 2 ? 4 : 3; // and set which is the piece's size: 3 or 4
for (curr_char = rand(8)+1; rand(4);) //set curr_char to random char for rendering the piece.
loop_piece(current_piece, current_dim, current_piece = {}, 1); // randomly rotate the piece a bit, so it's not dropped always in the same state
//move new piece into the board, if collision happens, then it's game over (hence 4th arg).
move_piece(current_root_x = 3,
current_root_y = (current_piece[0]|current_piece[1]|current_piece[2])-1,
0, 1);
tick_main && setTimeout(tick_main, 400); //tick_main is undefined when game ends, so it's not called again
* Function that moves piece and updaes board or game state
* @param new_x new column
* @param new_y new_row
* @param rotate_or_piece if true, then piece will be rotated once.
* Stupid name for variable, because it's later
* reused for other purpouses.
* @param finish flag that tell that if the piece collides, then it's game over
function move_piece(new_x, new_y, rotate_or_piece, finish)
rotate_or_piece ?
loop_piece(current_piece, current_dim, rotate_or_piece = {}, 1) :
rotate_or_piece = current_piece;
if (!loop_piece(new_x, new_y, rotate_or_piece)) // Collision ?
loop_piece(0, 1); //clear the last position
current_root_x = new_x;
current_root_y = new_y;
current_piece = rotate_or_piece;
loop_piece(curr_char, 1); //and fill new position
else if (finish)
tick_main = draw_char('END', 4, 9, 0, 3*18, 7*14);
else if (current_root_y - new_y) //there was vertical displacement, so it hit bottom or other piece beneath.
loop_piece(curr_char, 2); // draw piece in new position and update board state !
current_piece = loop_piece(); // 0 args -> check for complete lines
//Top-left corner of the piece currently being played
current_root_x, current_root_y,
//Array with current piece. Each slot tells whether it has a 'pixel' or not.
//Piece edge size: 3 or 4
//Vars used in loop_piece, saves one extra var declaration.
x, y,
_cells = [],
//Curr char holds the char of the current piece being played. Also used as auxiliary were while we need a temp reference to the canvas element
curr_char = document.body['children'][0],
//2d-context, where suff is painted.
//And array with status of the board. Each slot tells whether its filled or
//not. Coordinates x,y compute to (x+y*10). Because the board state only
//needs numeric indexes, they are not shadowed by host properties
ctx = curr_char.getContext('2d');
onkeydown = function (e){
e = {
// up arr
38: 2,
// left arr
37: -1,
// right arr
39: 1,
// down arr
40: 0
}[current_piece && e.keyCode];
e < 2 && move_piece(current_root_x + e, current_root_y + (e ? 0 : 1));
e == 2 && move_piece(current_root_x, current_root_y, 1);
curr_char.width = 176;
curr_char.height = 448;
curr_char.style.border = '1px solid #000';
ctx.font = '16pt monospace';
tick_main(); // Start game !