This demo shows the solar system to scale, from the point of view of a ray of light that escapes the sun. Click the planet names on the left to warp near them. Works best on Webkit. Say hi to 🌍 in 8 m…
for(_='ranOtOslateW)WY(-j0%q:13q;|dba 9~arGntForR Gial;Qfff_div^pxBerAstyle@colR:#_;foF:tOsfRm @="-@:presAve-3d;16BQ<^,#ecqidin,1;:WX(-)rotateradide">wth${`,`[i]-geF(#height 00position:fixed;bRr-us:5q;b.nAHTML+=`<:[4,2,4,4,2,41,3455,2]*9}B;al[0,.4,.7.5,2.7,5.4,9.59.2,30.1,39.5]*43e5}leGb^z-x:2"=m></^>pAspective:60B; :95vh;ovAflow:hn"=t>`;fR(i n=`0MAcury0Venus0EGth0MGs0CAes0JupitA0Saturn0UOus0Neptune0Pluto`.split(b.bgColR=D=S=0))mp onclick="S=0;D=-+60\\xa0`+n,tceFAtop:30vh;left:5q5qj+i?0:50}%)WZ(B<h1 @="9vhQmGg:5vhn}</h1> ackground:[`ffb_);box-shadow:0 0 4B 1B#_888bbbc72941foF-size:40B🌍</^ "~% 3 7~q),d64f97#777654b97ba86c86c97cb98655666986 9%7ba7997 9553cef4 338a34c36f 734cddc321`]}i%8>5?`| |Rr:40B sol#["_",876][i-6]}17%j17%X(85gY(9g`:""}`;setIFAval("S<3&&S++;t.@.=`WZ(D-=S}B`",33)';G=/[-@-B^_QRFG~|qjWO]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)
// ...
// +-------------+-------------+------------------+-------------+----------+
// | Body | Distance to | Distance to Sun | Time to | Diameter |
// | | Sun (in UA) | (in px, approx.) | reach (s) | (in px) |
// +=============+=============+==================+=============+==========+
// | Sun | 0 | 0 | 0 | 400*9 |
// | Mercury | 0.38709893 | 0.4*43e5 | 191 | 2*9 |
// | Venus | 0.723332 | 0.7*43e5 | 334 | 4*9 |
// | Earth | 1.000001018 | 1*43e5 | 477 | 4*9 |
// | Mars | 1.523679 | 1.5*43e5 | 716 | 2*9 |
// | Ceres | 2.7675 | 2.7*43e5 | 1290 | 1*9 |
// | Jupiter | 5.45492 | 5.4*43e5 | 2580 | 41*9 |
// | Saturn | 9.554909 | 9.5*43e5 | 4538 | 34*9 |
// | Uranus | 19.2184 | 19.2*43e5 | 9173 | 15*9 |
// | Neptune | 30.110387 | 30.1*43e5 | 14381 | 15*9 |
// | Pluto | 39.48 | 39.5*43e5 | 18872 | 2*9 |
// +-------------+-------------+------------------+-------------+----------+
// NB:
// - An UA (Sun-Earth distance) is represented by 4,300,000px
// - The speed of light is represented by 300px/frame
// The scene is rendered in CSS3D, and many inline CSS rules are repeated excessively to ensure a better RegPack compression.
// The last planets are a bit shaky due to the long distances that hit the limits of floating point numbers.
// HTML containers
b.innerHTML += `
<!-- Left menu (id = m) -->
<div style="transform-style:preserve-3d;color:#fff;font:16px arial;position:fixed;z-index:2"id=m></div>
<!-- Viewport with perspective -->
<div style="transform-style:preserve-3d;color:#fff;font:16px arial;perspective:6000px;height:95vh;overflow:hidden">
<!-- Scene container (id = t), this container contains all the planets and moves forward -->
<div style="transform-style:preserve-3d;color:#fff;font:16px arial;"id=t>
// Planets
// -------
// Loop on all the names (n[i])
// Also, initialize D (distance to sun), S (camera speed) and b.bgColor (body's background) to 0.
for(i in n = `0Mercury0Venus0Earth0Mars0Ceres0Jupiter0Saturn0Uranus0Neptune0Pluto`.split(b.bgColor = D = S = 0)){
// Add the name to the menu.
// On click, Reset the speed to 0 and set the distance to -(current planet distance) + (camera perspective)
// The name is preceded with a non-breaking space to avoid sticking to the left of the screen.
m.innerHTML += `<p onclick="S = 0 ; D = -${ [0, .4, .7, 1, 1.5, 2.7, 5.4, 9.5, 19.2, 30.1, 39.5][i] * 43e5 } + 6000">\xa0` + n[i],
// Add the planet container to the scene.
// Only the sun has a translateY(-50%) to be centered vertically.
// All the other planets are not centered, that's why the camera passes between the name and the planet instead of going through the planet, which would look weird.
t.innerHTML += `<center style="transform-style:preserve-3d;color:#fff;font:16px arial;position:fixed;top:30vh;left:50%;transform:translateX(-50%)translateY(-${ +i ? 0 : 50 }%)translateZ(${[0, .4, .7, 1, 1.5, 2.7, 5.4, 9.5, 19.2, 30.1, 39.5][i] * 43e5 }px">
<!-- Planet name -->
<h1 style="color:#fff;font:9vh arial;margin:5vh">${n[i]}</h1>
<!-- Planet -->
<div style="transform-style:preserve-3d;color:#fff;font:16px arial;width:${ [400, 2, 4, 4, 2, 1, 41, 34, 15, 15, 2][i] * 9 }px;height:${[400, 2, 4, 4, 2, 1, 41, 34, 15, 15, 2][i] * 9 }px;border-radius:50%;background:${
// Custom style for each planet (background, shadow, and the Earth emoji for the Earth)
`radial-gradient(#ffb,#fff);box-shadow:0 0 400px 100px#fff`,
`font-size:40px">🌍</div "`,
`linear-gradient(#dba 9%,#0000 30%,#0000 70%,#dba 90%),radial-gradient(#d64,#f97`,
`linear-gradient(#666,#986 9%,#ec7,#ba7,#997 90%,#553`,
`linear-gradient(#cef,#4de 30%,#38a`,
`linear-gradient(#34c,#36f 70%,#34c`,
// Rings (only for Jupiter and Saturn)
i % 8 > 5 ?
`<div style="transform-style:preserve-3d;color:#fff;font:16px arial;width:130%;height:130%;border-radius:50%;border:40px solid#${ ["fff", 876][i - 6] };transform:translateX(-17%)translateY(-17%)rotateX(85deg)rotateY(9deg">` : ""
// Loop
// ----
// 30 times per second, increase camera speed up to 300px/frame, and move the container t forward accordingly.
setInterval("S < 300 && S++; = `translateZ(${ D -= S }px`", 33)