Capture the dragon roaming your kingdom! Click to move your knight. Click the minimap to pan the view.
for(_='40210K0,JJ48I(eHH,tG:d>F-3Z](Y=>X(tW14V;p--;)U0)),0&&]=92n[e]+1+c%2f,o,6J61,e(0|],)}-a.offsete%30*4+50c[c.fcYfor(=efy][ W,4*e/3+20(X{JJ64I","#Math.sin(RH).map(c)t]p in c)c[p[0]+p[6]+[p[V]]p;e=[,"#111910c96382352036fff"t=337,l=342,f=508,o=28,i=imEJr=s=n=[,f)p=16U( t<8?t:0|t/8**p&7])l+p%4,f+p/41,1,h=G)XdJy=G)snY6,6,-6,6,8*(2-f8*(-o)dJrrY,RX[eZJeZ-+29,e+3Je+3+-29SX>t,SW)g=(d,p=90 ld2 149J1JVJVUh(p,(d=5*(p%30-17)*(pZ0/3e3)+m%p)+3)>6?K715155V9F4?0xa6d5b25b2dF1?5F0?0x5db6db6d:6p0<dd<=4?1/0:e;h(l,K63421h312659677682daYa,JJIIsS][7sRYtJSWr]H;e!=t;)y(s,134316032<e=t)(ry(r,55124988316iR(l).someHXe*s*m)>0>l]l)l==W=s)?(l=y2474498575568):setTimeout(g));a.onclick=(G.xLeft,c.yTop)t<480?Hi==r,>0<1/0r)W/8+f-50/4+30*(c/8+o-2/4)):c<V0f=tZJo=cZlg(b.bgColor[3g();';G=/[-U-ZF-K]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)
// The source code is available at
var palette = [
, // transparent
"#111", // 1 black
"#910", // 2 red
"#c96", // 3 beige
"#382", // 4 light green
"#352", // 5 dark green
"#036", // 6 blue
"#fff", // 7 white
// The position of the player and the critter expressed as an index into the
// 30x30 world array.
player = 337,
critter = 342,
// The offset of the currently visible area of the minimap, in canvas pixels
// from the origin. This makes it easy to update it when scrolling the view, to
// draw the white border on the minimap, and to draw the zoomed in viewport.
offset_x = 508,
offset_y = 28,
// moving: Whether the player is currently moving in response to a double click.
// imageSmoothingEnabled: The visible minimap fragment is drawn into the main
// viewport scaled up via drawImage(). Preserve the sharpness of pixels.
moving = c.imageSmoothingEnabled = false,
// The world array index of the most recently clicked tile.
target = -1,
// The world array index of the next tile on the path from the player to the
// current target. It's updated every time the path is traced. Because the
// tracing starts at the target, the last tile traced is the closest to the
// player.
next = -1,
// The world array stores distances of each tile to the player, as well as a
// non-numeric value for non-passable terrain, and +Infinity for unreachable
// tiles.
world = [],
// The seed for the terrain generation.
seed =,
// A generic draw function capable of drawing 4x4 sprites or solid 4x4 blocks of
// color. Sprites encode 48 bits of data: 7 colors or transparency (3 bits) for
// each of the 16 pixels. When written as octal numbers, the pixel pattern is
// easy to spot; each digits corresponds to one pixel. Pixels are encoded in the
// reversed order, i.e. the first digit of the 16-digit long octal number
// (the factor of 8**15) represents the last pixel of the sprite in the
// top-to-bottom, left-to-right reading order. Hint: transparent pixels on the
// last row of the sprite will result in zeros at the front of the encoded
// sprite. Free bytes!
draw = (sprite, x, y) => {
for (p=16; p--;) {
// Single-digit sprites are solid 4x4 blocks of the same color. Regular
// sprites are decoded into pixels by dividing the whole sprite by a
// factor of 8 corresponding to the position of the currently drawn
// pixel, followed by an AND with 0b111 to get just the value of that
// pixel. The value is an index into the array of colors.
if (c.fillStyle = palette[sprite < 8
? sprite : 0|sprite / 8 ** p & 7]) {
c.fillRect(x + (p % 4), y + (0|p / 4), 1, 1);
// Draw a sprite on the minimap.
minimap = (cell, sprite) =>
draw(sprite, cell % 30 * 4 + 500, (0|cell / 30) * 4 + 20),
// Draw a sprite in the main viewport. This only happens for the path indicators
// and the victory checkmark. The canvas needs to be scaled up and rotated. This
// makes the X look like an x :)
viewport = (cell, sprite) => {
// Approximate scale(8, 8) and rotate(Math.PI / 4).
6, 6, -6, 6,
(cell % 30 * 4 + 502 - offset_x) * 8,
((0|cell / 30) * 4 + 20 - offset_y) * 8);
draw(sprite, 0, 0);
// For a given tile of the world array, return the 8 tiles neighboring with it
// on the map. Note: this makes the map wrap around horizontally.
neighbors = cell => [
cell - 30, // N
cell - 31, // NW
cell - 1, // W
cell + 29, // SW
cell + 30, // S
cell + 31, // SE
cell + 1, // E
cell - 29, // NE
// For a given tile, inspect its neighbors and increment their distance scores
// if they haven't been inspected yet. Non-passable terrain is represented as a
// non-numeric value which also fails the > check. If the computed distance
// score of the neighbor is lower than the previous one, assign it and
// recursively call distance on the neighbor's neighbors.
distance = cell => neighbors(cell).map((n, i) => {
if (world[n] > world[cell] + 1 + i % 2) {
world[n] = world[cell] + 1 + i % 2;
// Trace the path connecting the player and the target. The tracing starts at
// the target and follows the descending gradient of distance scores stored in
// the world array. For each tile on the path, its neighbors are considered and
// the neighbor with a lower distance score is chosen as the next one. This
// function also updates the `next` global used in the game loop to move the
// player. The while loop makes sure that `next` is never set to the current
// position of the player. The last time `next` is updated it holds the index of
// the tile which is the closest to the player and on the path to the target.
trace = cell => {
while (cell != player) {
viewport(next = cell, 00000001000300000); // The dot
neighbors(cell).map((n, i) => {
if (world[n] < world[cell]) {
cell = n;
// Plan the player's movement in response to a click.
plan = cell => {
// If this is the second click on the same tile, start moving towards it.
moving = cell == target;
// If the tile is reachable set it as the current target.
if (world[cell] > 0 && world[cell] < Infinity) {
target = cell;
tick = (v, cell = 900) => {
// Draw the red background.
// Also set the line width for the minimap visible area
c.fillStyle = palette[c.lineWidth = 2];
c.fillRect(0, 0, 640, 480);
// Draw the minimap's black border.
c.fillStyle = palette[1];
c.fillRect(490, 10, 140, 140);
// Draw the minimap.
while (cell--) {
// Generate the terrain adding a bit of high-frequency noise.
v = 5 * Math.sin((cell % 30 - 17) * (cell - 300) / 3e3)
+ Math.sin(seed % cell) + 3;
v > 6 ? 01111111131115315: // rock
v > 4 ? 05155444554455455: // tree
v > 1 ? 5: // grass
v > 0 ? 04445445555555555: // bush
6 // water
// palette here is used as a non-numerical value (also when coerced)
// which doesn't compare as less than nor greater than a number when
// compared in distance(). It represents non-passable terrain.
world[cell] = 0 < v && v <= 4 ? Infinity : palette;
minimap(critter, 01111111002102211); // black dragon
minimap(player, 00707016107307762); // knight
// Draw the main viewport by copying and scaling the minimap up.
c.drawImage(a, offset_x, offset_y, 60, 60, 0, 0, 480, 480);
// Draw the white border around the visible area on the minimap.
c.strokeStyle = palette[7];
c.strokeRect(offset_x, offset_y, 60, 60);
// Populate the world array with distances of each tile to the player.
world[player] = 0;
// Handle movement if the player if they haven't reached the target yet. The
// world[target] check is similar to player != target, but it also avoids
// drawing the path for the null target at the beginning of the game.
if (world[target]) {
// Trace the path from the target to the player.
// Draw the X mark at the target.
viewport(target, 00010013103330030); // The X
if (moving) {
// Move the critter one tile away from the player, if possible.
// The critter moves first to give it a chance to escape when the
// player is on an adjacent tile. If the critter has been just
// caught, critter is undefined and neighbors(critter) returns an
// array of NaNs which is good enough for making this no-op.
neighbors(critter).some(n =>
// Filter the neighboring tiles by mixing in the seed (a
// pseudo-random component) and the player's next position to
// land somewhere far on the x axis and testing if sin() is
// above zero. This has a similar effect as a random sort.
Math.sin(n * next * seed) > 0
// We use the > check rather than >= to force the critter to run
// away from the player. E.g. if the player is at NW, the
// critter will choose between S, SE, and E.
&& world[n] > world[critter]
// If the tile is a good candidate for the critter's movement,
// update the critter's position and return true to end the
// some() iteration.
&& (critter = n)
// Move the player one tile along the traced path and check the
// victory condition.
if (critter == (player = next)) {
// Clear the screen and draw the checkmark. critter is set to
// undefined and acts as a flag disabling the onclick handler.
critter = c.fillRect(0, 0, 640, 480);
viewport(player, 00550054405400040); // The checkmark
} else {
// Schedule the next tick only if the critter is roaming free.
a.onclick = (e,
x = e.x - a.offsetLeft,
y = e.y - a.offsetTop) => {
if (x < 480) {
// Handle viewport clicks. Transform x, y into an index into the world
// array taking the scaled offset into account.
0|(x / 8 + offset_x - 500) / 4
+ 30 * (0|(y / 8 + offset_y - 20) / 4));
} else if (y < 140) {
// Handle minimap clicks. Adjust the offset of the visible minimap
// fragment.
offset_x = x - 30;
offset_y = y - 30;
// If the critter hasn't been caught yet, up