A & Z to move, Space to fire. Mind your energy! Fly low to recharge. How far can you get?
B=_=>{for(t in _)this[t[0]+t[6]]=t};B(N=new AudioContext);B(O=N[cO](L=localStorage));O.connect(N[da]);A=a.cloneNode(a.width=W=1920,a.height=H=1080);B(C=A.getContext`2d`);h=L[d=1]|0;c.font='4em"';setInterval(_=>{C[da](A,I=10,0);C[fy]='#456';C[F=fc](0,R={valueOf:Math.random},I,H);C[F](0,0,W,Z=150);C[fy]='#000';if(d)C[F](l=s=d=0,k=[b=[]],W,H),e=y=M=540,L[f=1]=h,c[sC]=C[sC]=u=`hsl(${R*280+280},100%,50%)`;h=(s+=I)>h?s:h;f+=f<2&&!(s%5e3)/I;C[sO]=R*4-2<<3;C.fill(new Path2D(`M0 ${(K=200)*f+R*Z} l10 ${R*K-(J=100)} v${900-K*f} l-10 ${R*K-J}`));c[da](A,0,0);onkeydown=onkeyup=_=>(k[t=_.which]=!!_.type[5])||O.start(l=(t==32&&e>50)*5);y+=e?(g=0,k[90]?5:k[65]?-5:0):++g;R>.98&&b.push({x:0,y:400+R*M});b.forEach(t=>c[fx]('🦇',t.x+=15*f-R*18+l*!((t.y-y)**2>>9)*W,t.y+=9-R*18));d=c[gg](H,y-53,I,60).data.some((t,i)=>!(i%4)&&t);c[sO]=R*I*(r=y>735);c[fx]('🛸',H,y+r*R*6-3);O[fn].value=K*l||R*(r?400:J);c[fy]=u;c[F](C[sO]=c[sO]=0,d?0:y-20,d?W:H,d?H:l&&l--);c[F](Z,50,e+=(e<M)*r*3-!!e-l*4,50);c[fx]('⚡ 👽'+s+' 🥇'+h,650,J)},16)
Xplorer 2019 - by Henrique Vianna
an arcade game in 1kB of JavaScript - for JS1k 2019 "X"
Read the history behind the game at:
Variable map: (uppercase letters used mostly for constants and functions)
_ - function argument (local scope)
a - canvas (from shim) A - auxiliary canvas
b - bats array B - abbreviation function
c - 2D context (from shim) C - auxiliary 2D context
d - player dead? D
e - energy E
f - difficulty factor F - shorthand for 'fillRect'
g - gravity acceleration G
h - high score H - 1080 (canvas height, ship X-coordinate)
i - loop iterator I - 10 (scroll step, score increment, etc..)
j J - 100
k - keyboard buffer K - 200
l - laser phase (0-5) L - shorthand for localStorage
m M - 540 (max energy, bats Y-coord variation)
n N - audio context
o O - audio oscillator
p P
q Q
r - ship recharging? R - shorthand for Math.random()
s - score S
t - temporary data inside loops T
u - accent color (crystals, laser) U
v V
w W - 1920 (canvas width)
x X
y - ship Y-coordinate Y
z Z - 150 (cave height variation)
Abbreviated methods and properties:
cO - createOscillator fx - fillText
da - destination fy - fillStyle
da - drawImage (after getContext) gg - getImageData
fc - fillRect sC - shadowColor
fn - frequency sO - shadowOffsetY
// NOTE: if you delete every comment and blank line below, the resulting code
// should have the same byte count as the submitted one-liner version
// abbreviation function - this is yonatan's variant of Marijn Haverbeke's technique
// see https://codepen.io/y0natan/pen/MVvxBM?editors=0010
B=_=>{for(t in _)this[t[0]+t[6]]=t}
// create audio context and oscillator, and a shorthand for localStorage
B(N=new AudioContext);B(O=N[cO](L=localStorage));O.connect(N[da])
// set canvas size and create an auxiliary canvas and context for the background
// set the flag for player dead, read high score from local storage and set font size
// animation function begins here - scroll the auxiliary canvas 10 pixels to the right
// draw a new segment of the cave
// defining a shorthand for Math.random inside the fillRect call saves a couple of bytes
// clear the scoreboard area and set fill color to black
// if player is dead clear the canvas, reset variables and save high score to localStorage
// also pick a random "accent" color, avoiding dark blues (poor contrast)
// increment score and update high score as needed
// increment the difficulty factor by .1 on every 5000 points scored
// set the shadow offset to create random "crystals" - the equation can return 3 values:
// -8 = crystal at the top, 0 = no crystal in this segment, or 8 = crystal at the bottom
// draw the cave opening
C.fill(new Path2D(`M0 ${(K=200)*f+R*Z} l10 ${R*K-(J=100)} v${900-K*f} l-10 ${R*K-J}`))
// copy the auxiliary canvas' contents to the main (visible) canvas
// check keystrokes - the laser is triggered on keyup
// since webkit requires user interaction to play sound, we start the oscillator here
// update ship's Y-coordinate according to user controls
// when out of energy, gravity takes place and increases on every frame
// add a new random bat
// update bats positions - bats hit by the laser have their X-coordinate moved off-screen
// ship collision detection
// read a block of pixels at ship position and check for any non-zero value on every 4th byte
// set shadow when ship is recharging / flying low
// draw the ship, with added "turbulence" when flying low
// play sounds (laser, recharging, background humming)
// draw the laser beam, or full screen flash on death
// update energy and draw energy bar
// energy recharges 3 units per frame, laser consumes 40 units over 4 frames
// draw scoreboard and set animation interval to 16ms (60 fps)
c[fx]('⚡ 👽'+s+' 🥇'+h,650,J)},16)