Type any text, and it will be transformed in 21 different forms (HTML, JS, URL, hex + base64 for many encodings, and UTF-8 vs Windows-1252 Mojibake)
for(_='in7o7t@),G)GK="N><QQp>|(i~ar`.value__+=^^"\\\\uZ(..)Y.replace(/X_XYYW1 "GVodetext`eabase64,"+/g,"$ id=<pQ7put size=99>",.7nerHTMLNLat7-1iframe"+p.srcNdata:;:p<256?.cP@At(G,16))Str7g.fromCP@(p`seInt( /g,~,t,e,n,p)=>YYt+eW+n+pK $.7dexOf~)+128).toStr7g(16),0)+" "_=btoa(^$.7cludes~)?<pQ width=600 height=50|UTF-.padSt`t(b.style.m`g7N1emb<font face=`ialQbQa>H€llo 💻</QpO>(on7put=(d=>{for~ of(O<p>C p@sc|HTMLEe|JS/ES6fg|URIh8jk16 BE lm16 LEno32 BEqr32 LEsu|wxB| > UTF-8CQ/8 > DQ/>t=[...v=a_]))p=iz=encURIComponent~Gz.length<2&&(zN%2,0Kc^"U+p>65535?-5:-4,E^"&#+";e^"&#x+";gZ{+"}h^z,j^zX%YVq^p8,$N€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸwii:"x(2p2:"Bp):"";for~ 7 BB_Gkj_X..iKrq s_=qWYY 4$3$2$Vus v)p=v[i]fZ4,0Gl^p4;ml_XKn_=lW 2$Von_XKCch`set=utf-8;B_,Dk_}))()';G=/[-V-Z^-`~|QNKG@7]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)
// Margin
b.style.margin = "1em";
// Input
b.innerHTML = "<font face=arial><b><textarea id=a>H€llo 💻</textarea><p id=O>";
// On load and on input:
(oninput = _ => {
// Redraw all the fields
O.innerHTML = "<p>Code points<p><input size=99 id=c><p>HTML<p><input size=99 id=E><p><input size=99 id=e><p>JS / ES6<p><input size=99 id=f><p><input size=99 id=g><p>URI<p><input size=99 id=h><p>UTF-8<p><input size=99 id=j><p><input size=99 id=k><p>UTF-16 BE <p><input size=99 id=l><p><input size=99 id=m><p>UTF-16 LE<p><input size=99 id=n><p><input size=99 id=o><p>UTF-32 BE<p><input size=99 id=q><p><input size=99 id=r><p>UTF-32 LE<p><input size=99 id=s><p><input size=99 id=u><p>Latin-1<p><input size=99 id=w><p><input size=99 id=x><p><input size=99 id=B><p>Latin-1 > UTF-8<p><iframe width=600 height=50 id=C></iframe><p>UTF-8 > Latin-1<p><iframe width=600 height=50 id=D></iframe>"
// Save input text in "v", separate the glyphs in an array "t" and loop on them using "i".
for(i of t = [...v = a.value]){
// Remember the current code point "p".
p = i.codePointAt();
// URL-encode the current glyph "z".
z = encodeURIComponent(i);
if(z.length < 2){
z = "%"+p.toString(16).padStart(2, 0)
// Code points ("U+....").
c.value += "U+"+p.toString(16).padStart(p > 0xFFFF ? -5 : -4, 0)+" ";
// HTML entities ("&#...;" / "&#x...;").
E.value += "&#"+p+";";
e.value += "&#x"+p.toString(16)+";";
// ES6 escape ("\u{....}").
g.value += "\\u{"+p.toString(16)+"}";
// EncodeURI.
h.value += z;
// UTF-8 bytes (code point in base 16 for url-safe chars / same as url-encoded without "%" for the other chars).
j.value += z.replace(/%(..)/g, "$1 ");
// UTF-32 BE hex (same as code point but zero-padded up to 8 chars).
q.value += p.toString(16).padStart(8, 0) + " ";
// Windows-1252:
// all ASCII chars (U+00 to U+7F) and chars U+A0 to U+FF, are similar to Unicode.
// chars U+80 to U+9F use these glyphs: "€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ".
// chars > U+FF are ignored
W = "€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ";
// Compatible text
w.value += W.includes(i) ? i : p < 0x100 ? i : "";
// Hex
x.value += W.includes(i) ? (W.indexOf(i) + 128).toString(16).padStart(2,0) + " " : p < 0x100 ? p.toString(16).padStart(2,0) + " " : "";
// Latin-1 char (for base64 conversion)
B.value += W.includes(i) ? String.fromCodePoint(W.indexOf(i) + 128) : p < 0x100 ? String.fromCodePoint(p) : "";
// Encode the latin-1 string in base64.
B.value = btoa(B.value);
// Encode each byte of the UTF-8 string in latin-1 and convert the whole latin-1 string in base64 to see UTF-8 as base64.
k.value = btoa(j.value.replace(/.. /g, (a,b,c,d,e) => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(a, 16))));
// Similarly, encode each byte of UTF-32 BE in latin-1 and base64 it to see UTF-32 BE as base64.
r.value = btoa(q.value.replace(/(..)(..)(..)(..) /g, (a,b,c,d,e) => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(b, 16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c, 16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(d, 16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(e, 16))));
// Rearrange the bytes of UTF-32 BE to make UTF-32 LE.
s.value = q.value.replace(/(..)(..)(..)(..) /g, "$4$3$2$1 ");
// UTF-32 LE in base64.
u.value = btoa(s.value.replace(/(..)(..)(..)(..) /g, (a,b,c,d,e) => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(b, 16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c, 16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(d, 16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(e, 16))));
// Loop on UTF-16 BE char codes (a for-in loop in JS does that).
for(i in v){
// Save the current code point "p".
p = v[i].codePointAt();
// JS escape ("\u....;").
f.value += "\\u" + p.toString(16).padStart(4, 0);
// UTF-16 BE hex.
l.value += p.toString(16).padStart(4, 0) + " ";
// Encode the UTF-16 BE bytes in base64.
m.value = btoa(l.value.replace(/(..)(..) /g, (a,b,c,d,e) => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(b,16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c, 16))));
// Convert UTF-16 BE bytes in UF-16 LE.
n.value = l.value.replace(/(..)(..) /g, "$2$1 ");
// Convert UTF-16 LE bytes to base64
o.value = btoa(n.value.replace(/(..)(..) /g, (a,b,c,d,e) => String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(b,16)) + String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(c, 16))));
// Mojibake:
// The following method (using XHR) didn't work on JS1K's shim (blocked by CSP)
// with(new XMLHttpRequest){open("GET","data:;charset=utf-8;base64," + B.value, !1), send(), C.value = responseText};
// with(new XMLHttpRequest){open("GET", "data:;base64," + k.value, !1), send(), D.value = responseText};
// The following method worked but took too many bytes and didn't allow Latin-1 to UTF-8 mojibake:
D.value = j.value.replace(/.. /g, (a,b,c,d,e) => {
b = parseInt(a, 16);
if(b > 0x7F && b < 0xA0){
return W[b - 0x80];
return String.fromCodePoint(b);
// So finally, I replaced the last two fields with iframes and forced them to display some base64 text with the wrong encoding:
// Show the Latin-1 base64 text as UTF-8
C.src = "data:;charset=utf-8;base64," + B.value;
// Show the UTF-8 base64 as Latin-1 (the default encoding for a webpage or an iframe)
D.src = "data:;base64," + k.value;