This demo shows a minimalist reproduction of Super Mario 64's Peach Castle rendered with CSS3D and emoji.
for(_='[b]"transjjformqq:zX(~Z(Btion:AY(_11^,2K000JJJI22WWWV^^1UVUW2IGdd`};zFscaleE0degDD)E(2><S55RstyleQemPP;height:Obackground:#N Q=q-Q:preserve-3d;posiAfixed;width:4O4P;<h1NeddP)jlate_rotate)B~1W1I44I6J501W1050RIIR2.innerHTML><pN~-][i]}<center${[}${i%18*40`,`da4`]"||`B ,`ed7`,`0acFP_9D)(-2 9Sp>&&(s+=`z)_${4*(i/18|0)zB-80~Rdeg,3KK,3,3)E;clip-path:polygon(2P+0,0+4P,4P+4;zfor(i in b=`perspective:53P;margin:12P>72O53P;N19c;5D id=s>16 ^9👸;z16 26🚪<Q>#s{animaAa 9s infinite}@keyframes a{50%{`,b.bgColor=m=`J5J677J666RR44RR501WUU^13^V2U1V0VW21VW21J00GGVVVI`)(b=+m[i]} ${`JWJ`"}E(1.1)EB,.8,1,.2,.2,6,9,12]"}B4-22P,`fe8`,`0ceF~9D18D)_-2 -2P>`)K==b&!(i%7+1+1} 98Sh1>🌳`),i<7~21K9,31.5,9,54,58,40,4,6,14,14,-1,-1 27.5,39,51K7K7K8K8E~13,5_6.9,4B2><pz1.4 19D>${i>2?`🚩`:``}<pNb31.9516Db31_-6D9Da311.9_6D-9D>`)';G=/[-N-SD-GU-WI-K^_AB~zqj"]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)<3
// Map
// ---
// The map is a 18x14 grid:
// 055000000000000552
// 055000000000000552
// 000500067760005012
// 210500066660005012
// 210555554455555012
// 210000004400000012
// 210000004400000012
// 211111111111113112
// 222211111122220222
// 222212222222100000
// 222211111222000000
// 222211111222000000
// 222222222222000000
// 222222222222000000
// It features 8 different "blocks" measuring 4em x 4em x a custom height and elevation:
// 0: water
// 1: path (height: .8em)
// 2: grass (height: 1em)
// 3: wood bridge (height: .2em, elevation: 2em)
// 4: entry bridge (height: .2em, elevation: 2em)
// 5: castle wall (height: 6em)
// 6: castle roof middle tower (height: 9em)
// 7: castle roof high tower (height: 12em)
// This grid is encoded in a string called `m`, also used as the body's bgColor, which happens to be a nice green.
// Scene
// -----
// Each number > 0 is represented by a CSS3D cube with a specific size, color and elevation.
// The roofs consist of 7 CSS3D pyramids with specific positions and sizes.
// The princess portrait and door emoji are specific elements placed at the beginning of the code.
// The trees emoji are drawn above every grass block for which the position in the map string is a multiple of 7.
// The flags are drawn above the last four castle roofs (the bottom ones).
// Finally, the water is a blue flat rectangle.
// ----------
// The page contains just enough elements to make the scene look complete.
// In reality, all the 3D shapes have no back and bottom faces, and the castle is hollow.
// This can be seen by putting the camera on the other side:
// These simplifications make the code shorter and improve the framerate.
// All the elements of the scene have an inline style as identical as possible to improve compression:
// style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:(...)em;height:(...)em;
// background:#(...); // optional
// clip-path:polygon(2em+0,0+4em,4em+4em); // optional, cuts the element in triangle (princess portrait / pyramid faces)
// transform:translate(...)rotate(...)scale(...) // optional
// To save bytes, the style attributes uses no quotes and the final parenthesis of the `transform` is omitted.
// All sizes are in `em` unit (instead of `vw`) because the scene gets too distorted when we try to make it responsive.
// <center> elements are used for all the containers (instead of <div> or <p>) to center the emoji (especially the princess portrait).
b.innerHTML = `
<!-- The top container sets the scene's perspective (53em) and center (12em from the top and the left of the screen) -->
<center style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;perspective:53em;margin:12em>
<!-- The inner container (#s) is the scene. It is colored in blue to represent the water, and moved/rotated to be at its initial state -->
<center style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:72em;height:53em;background:#19c;transform:translateZ(-80em)rotateX(55deg)rotateZ(50deg id=s>
<!-- The princess portrait is triangle, scaled up x2, and uses a <h1> and a <p> to give the emoji the right font-size and offset -->
<!-- It is placed above the door to hide the hole in the facade above the bridge. (here's the scene without it: -->
<h1 style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#edd;clip-path:polygon(2em+0,0+4em,4em+4em);transform:translateX(16em)translateZ(11em)translateY(9em)rotateX(-90deg)scale(2>
<!-- The door uses the same markup (h1 + p), and the same style except there's no triangle and a different position -->
<h1 style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#edd;transform:translateX(16em)translateZ(2em)translateY(6em)rotateX(-90deg)scale(2>
<!-- Define an animation called a and apply it to the scene -->
<!-- The animation cancels the scene's "rotateZ(50deg)" every 9 seconds -->
<!-- The closing chars and tag are omitted to save bytes: ")}}</style>" -->
<!-- Adding "animation:a 9s infinite" to the inline style of the scene would have used more bytes because the spaces would have forced the use of quotes -->
#s{animation:a 9s infinite}
@keyframes a{50%{transform:translateZ(-80em)rotateX(55deg
// Loop on all the chars of `m` using the counter `i`..
for(i in b.bgColor = m = `055000000000000552055000000000000552000500067760005012210500066660005012210555554455555012210000004400000012210000004400000012211111111111113112222211111122220222222212222222100000222211111222000000222211111222000000222222222222000000`){
// Store the char converted into a number in `b`.
// If the char is not "0" (water), add a CSS3D cube in the scene.
if(b = +m[i])
s.innerHTML += `
<!-- cube container, including height (scaleZ) and elevation (translateZ), plus a x1.1 scale on X and Y axis to make the cubes overlap. -->
<center style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;transform:translateY(${4*(i/18|0)}em)translateX(${4*(i%18)}em)translateZ(${`00022000`[b]}em)scale(1.1)scaleZ(${[,.8,1,.2,.2,6,9,12][b]}>
<!-- Top face -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#${[,`ed7`,`0a0`,`da4`][b]||`cdd`};transform:translateZ(4em>
<!-- Left face -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#${[,`ed7`,`0a0`,`da4`][b]||`cdd`};transform:rotateY(90deg)translate(-2em)translateZ(-2em>
<!-- Right face -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#${[,`ed7`,`0a0`,`da4`][b]||`cdd`};transform:rotateY(90deg)translate(-2em)translateZ(2em>
<!-- Front face (uses a lighter color palette to simulate lighting) -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#${[,`fe8`,`0c0`,`da4`][b]||`edd`};transform:rotateX(90deg)rotateZ(180deg)translateY(-2em)translateZ(-2em>`;
// If the char is "2" (grass) and i is a multiple on 7, add a tree.
// The trees are not exactly vertical (rotated -80deg instead of -90deg) to face the camera a bit more.
if(b == 2 & !(i % 7))
s.innerHTML += `
<center style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;transform:translateY(${4*(i/18|0)+1}em)translateX(${4*(i%18)+1}em)translateZ(9em)rotateX(-80deg)scale(2>
// Use the 7 first iterations of the loop to draw the 7 roof pyramids.
if(i < 7)
s.innerHTML += `
<!-- Pyramid container, with a custom position (translateX, translateY, translateZ), width (scaleX) and depth (scaleY) -->
<center style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;transform:translateX(${[21,29,31.5,9,54,58,4][i]}em)translateY(${[0,4,6,14,14,-1,-1][i]}em)translateZ(${[27.5,39,51,27,27,28,28][i]}em)scaleX(${[13,5,3,2,2,3,3][i]})scaleY(${[6.9,4,3,2,2,3,3][i]})scaleZ(2>
<!-- Flags above the last 4 pyramids -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;transform:translateX(1.4em)translateZ(1em)rotateX(-90deg>${i>2?"🚩":""}
<!-- Front face -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#b31;clip-path:polygon(2em+0,0+4em,4em+4em);transform:translateX(.95em)translateY(1em)rotateX(-60deg>
<!-- Left face -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#b31;clip-path:polygon(2em+0,0+4em,4em+4em);transform:rotateY(-60deg)rotateZ(90deg>
<!-- Right face (uses a darker shade of red to simulate lighting) -->
<p style=transform-style:preserve-3d;position:fixed;width:4em;height:4em;background:#a31;clip-path:polygon(2em+0,0+4em,4em+4em);transform:translateX(1.9em)rotateY(60deg)rotateZ(-90deg>