for(_='teJpx;I~~PZ)**YinX<XputWuffer;i++)value=999 width00i=0;i<?0:p+1]=.5*(1+Z?i*6.28=((n,iiframetion*w(i,n)checkedscript>),Math. id=v[p heightsX(n/441b(n,,i,v.length=A.creaJB.XnerHTMLW type=radio name=Ub="< srcdoc=\\"<bodyb><n=n=>{for(V=d.,u=o.,v=[],p=c=0,b,e,t)=>*e+t)w)=>u?*+0Y2+.75*.25)+.1*.5)):(P=/i,r=0,<=(v.push(2*random()-1v[-1]):( >=-1]+ ]p>=Z&&(p<c%1>=~~(1*(P-Z))&&(r=1, +1v[0]+ +1]c++):r=1p=r, ]))D=[],*VD[i]=i<88?i/88.2:(1-(i-88.2)/(*(V-.2))Y(u?(.5*log(1e4*n/)Y2:1);A=new AudioConJxt,m(1,1e6,m.getChannelData(0).set(DsSource(s.b=m,s.connect(A.destXas.start()};b=`<h1>MXiSynth</h1> o>Piano>Guitar<p>NoJ dura: Wd =2 size=1> s<p><divp>`;for(36p+=`<div style=\':30I:2Ifloat:left;border:1px solid;cursor:poXJr;left:${i/2*37+8}I${f=130.81*1.06**i,[1,3,6,8,10].Xcludes(i%12)?`background:#0;posi:absoluJ;:99px`:0}\'onclick=n(${f})>`<\\/\\"></>"';G=/[-W-ZIJ]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)
// Play a note
// -----------
n = e => {
// V: note length in seconds
V = d.value,
// O: piano is selected
u = o.checked,
// Temp vars for guitar synthesis
v = [],
p = c = 0,
// Modulation
// This function generates the i'th sample of a sinusoidal signal with a specific frequency and amplitude
b = (e, t, a, i) => Math.sin(e / t * 6.28 * a + i),
// Instrument synthesis
w = (e, t) =>
// Piano
? Math.sin(e / 44100 * t * 6.28 + b(e, 44100, t, 0) ** 2 + .75 * b(e, 44100, t, .25) + .1 * b(e, 44100, t, .5))
// Guitar
: (
P = 44100 / t,
r = 0,
v.length <= 1 + ~~P
? (v.push(2 * Math.random() - 1), v[v.length - 1])
: (v[p] = .5 * (
v[p >= v.length - 1 ? 0 : p + 1] + v[p]
p >= ~~P && (
p < 1 + ~~P
? c % 100 >= ~~(100 * (P - ~~P)) &&(r = 1, v[p+1] = .5 * (v[0] + v[p + 1]), c++)
: r = 1
p = r ? 0 : p + 1,
// Sound samples
D = [],
// Loop on all the samples
i = 0;
i < 44100 * V;
// Fill the samples array
D[i] =
// The first 88 samples represent the note's attack
i < 88
? i / 88.2 * w(i, e)
// The other samples represent the rest of the note
: (1 - (i - 88.2) / (44100 * (V - .002))) ** (u ? (.5 * Math.log(1e4 * e / 44100)) ** 2 : 1) * w(i, e);
// Play the note
A = new AudioContext,
m = A.createBuffer(1, 1e6, 44100),
s = A.createBufferSource(),
s.buffer = m,
// UI (form + keyboard)
// --------------------
b.innerHTML =
<input type=radio name=U checked id=o>Piano
<input type=radio name=U>Guitar
<p>Note length: <input id=d value=2 size=1> seconds
<p><div id=p>
for(i = 0; i < 36; i++){
p.innerHTML += `
<div style='width:30px;height:200px;float:left;border:1px solid;cursor:pointer;left:${
// The left offset of each black note
i / 2 * 37 + 4
// Compute f (the frequency of each note)
f = 130.81 * 1.06 ** i,
// Make the black notes black, shorter and placed above the white notes
[1,3,6,8,10].includes(i % 12)
? "background:#000;position:absolute;height:99px"
: 0
// To work inside the shim, all the code above is minified and placed in an iframe using:
// b.innerHTML="<iframe width=999 height=999 srcdoc=\"<body id=b><script>(code)<\/script>\"></iframe>"