A playable demake of the world 1-1 of Super Mario Bros on NES. Play with arrow keys. You die by touching the enemy or falling in a pit. Wou win by touching the flag. Video: https://twitter.com/MaximeE…
for(_='o=-.2NonkeyZ,1YY2XY0W=.V=1Uc.fillT][Hf[GGiHj]FTStyle=`#E==F?(ED]=C)GMHICG10H198C1B--Afor(@;iA;)@@I=i;I),a(2Y99Y,2,TRect(`9*])G,n~~,o=0=(l,iS(g(d&&1)j=999;jA;),9`0,09999-9*e ,8;@i oG)=>{@MU1;MA>l;)HiCa(6Y(GiHl]j *i)f=[l=u=r=e=o=t=0],d=n=2,y=R=24,SGMGMHi+1C4},a,eif(e)<i+M-l;I++B;else A>i-M+l;B},g,e)=>{if(Gi])return e2!=A};@iU5GiC[],GiHjCi>10![69,70678Y53Y54].includes(j)224W23033801234567123X1X2X3X8Y3131813,78W6W12Y70732024,77,794W0Y18X308717G10H198C1;S(988,387,467,5793793852530140Y55,,Zdown=Zup=(l=>selG`lur`[l.which-37]Cl.type[5]setInterval("@R-V02,Math.hypot(R-dW-n)<1z?(R=-1,N):t=,ld>e-V1)dU+drg((d+V+1)?d=d-.1:d>e+7e+Vu!zN5)+=o+V012,o<0+=o,|+.9,nU+n(n>14||d>198)t=,z=u=!(+|+.5+z||(n=nE59fiU34D8d11784 ):3Df93):FEc40);Ea00R 0Ed20d *nttop.reload(yE000yA)")';G=/[-@-HT-ZN]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)//SMB!
// Global vars
// -----------
// The global vars `l`, `u` and `r` indicate if the left, up and right arrow keys are pressed or released.
// They're declared without "var" to prevent the minifier from renaming them.
l = u = r = 0;
// The following vars are allowed to be renamed by the minifier to save bytes.
map = [], // Map
scroll = 0, // Horizontal map scroll
vy = 0, // Mario's vertical speed
end = 0, // Game over
n = 9, // Pixels zoom
x = 2, // Mario's X position
y = 2, // Mario's Y position
intro = 24, // Frames of introduction (black screen)
enemy = 24, // The first enemy's X position (Y is constant: 10)
//grounded = 0 // Is Mario touching the ground? (doesn't need to be initialized)
// Helpers
// -------
// This function adds a pipe (id = 4) on the map at a given top-left position.
// The pipe will be 2px wide and as high as high as needed to touch the ground at y = 11.
pipe = (y,x) => {
for(Y = 11; Y-- > y;){
map[Y][x] = map[Y][x+1] = 4;
// This function adds a "stair" of ground pixels (id = 1) at a given position.
// If the `right` parameter is set, the stair will face right (𝆲), otherwise it will face left (𝆱).
// Also, set the flag basis (x = 198, y = 10).
stair = (y, x, right) => {
for(Y = 11; Y-- > y;){
for(X = x; X < x + Y - y; X++){
map[Y][X] = map[10][198] = 1;
else {
for(X = x; X-- > x - Y + y;){
map[Y][X] = map[10][198] = 1;
// This function detects and responds to collisions between a corner of Mario's pixel and other blocks of the map.
// The `up` parameter is set if Mario is jumping, and means that the collision that is being checked is between Mario's "top" and a block above him.
collision = (x, y, up) => {
// If the map actually has a line at the given Y coordinate.
// This must be checked because Mario can jump above and fall below the map.
// Test if:
// - Mario is jumping.
// - and the map contains a solid block at these coordinates.
// - and this block is not already a disabled question block (id = 2).
// In that case, cancel Mario's vertical speed and decrease the value of that block:
// - A question block (id = 3) will become a disabled question block (id = 2).
// - A brick block (id = 1) will become sky (id = 0).
// - Sky (0), ground (1) and pipes (4) can't be hit from below, so they're not concerned here.
if(up && map[~~y][~~x] && map[~~y][~~x] != 2) map[~~y][~~x]--, vy = 0;
// Then, return the id of the block at these coordinates.
return map[~~y][~~x];
// MAP
// ---
// Define a 211 * 15 grid with 10 lines of sky (id = 0), and 5 lines of ground (id = 1).
// The ground has 3 holes (id = 0) at coordinates x = 69 & 70, x = 86 & 87 & 88, and x = 153 & 154.
// 211 is replaced by 999 to save bytes
for(i = 15; i--;){
map[i] = [];
for(j = 999; j--;){
map[i][j] = (i > 10 && ![69, 70, 86, 87, 88, 153, 154].includes(j));
// Set all the question blocks (id = 3) and brick blocks (id = 1) on the 4th and 8th lines.
for(i of[22,94,109,129,130]) map[3][i] = 3;
for(i of[80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,91,92,93,121,122,123,128,131]) map[3][i] = 1;
for(i of[8,21,23,78,106,109,112,170]) map[7][i] = 3;
for(i of[20,22,24,77,79,94,100,118,129,130,88,89,171]) map[7][i] = map[10][198] = 1;
// Set all the pipes.
pipe(9, 28);
pipe(8, 38);
pipe(7, 46);
pipe(7, 57);
pipe(9, 83);
pipe(9, 179);
// Set all the stairs
// After the first stair, two pair of stairs have a 1px difference (x = 152 & 153, x = 190 & 191).
// This is because those those stairs have a 2px-wide platform on top.
// It was simpler to overlap two stairs than adding a column of pixels.
stair(6, 138);
stair(6, 152);
stair(6, 153);
stair(2, 190);
stair(2, 191);
stair(6, 140, 1);
stair(6, 155, 1);
// Input
// -----
// Every time a key is pressed (onkeydown), the corresponding flag is set to "w" (the 5th char of e.type = "keydown")
// Every time a key is released (onkeydown), it is set to "undefined" (the 5th char of e.type = "keyup")
// Those flags can be tested as if they were booleans because "w" is truthy and undefined is falsy.
onkeydown = onkeyup = e => self['lur'[e.which - 37]] = e.type[5];
// Game loop
// ---------
z = setInterval(
// The game is updated and the canvas is redrawn every 9ms:
e => {
// Move the enemy to the left.
enemy -= .02;
// If the distance between the enemy and Mario is smaller than 1px:
if(Math.hypot(enemy - x, 10 - y) < 1){
// If Mario is jumping, "kill" the enemy by moving it 7px to the left, out of the viewport.
enemy = -1;
vy = -.2;
// If mario is grounded, game over.
else {
end = 1;
// Mario goes left if `l` is set and if his position on the map is larger than the map scroll.
if(l && x > scroll){
x -= .1;
// Stop Mario if he hits a solid block on the left.
// To stop Mario precisely against the wall, his x coordinate is floored and incremented (i.e. set to the block's x + 1).
if(collision(x, y)){
x = ~~x + 1;
// Mario goes right if `r` is set.
x += .1;
// Stop Mario if he hits a solid block on the right.
// his x coordinate is set to the block's x - 1.1 (if it was just 1, it would continue to collide and cause bugs on the next frame).
if(collision(x + 1, y)){
x = ~~x - .1;
// Make the map scroll if Mario goes further than the current scroll value + 7px.
else if(x > scroll + 7){
scroll += .1;
// Mario jumps if `u` is set and if Mario is currently touching the ground.
// The jump is made by setting his vertical speed to -6 pixels/frame.
if(u && !grounded){
vy = -.25;
// Add gravity to Mario's vertical position and vertical speed.
vy += .012;
y += vy;
// During a jump (if the vertical speed has been set to a negative value):
if(vy < 0){
// Add vertical speed to y position
y += vy;
// If a solid block is hit by Mario's top-left corner or top-right corner:
if(collision(x, y, 1) | collision(x + .9, y, 1)){
// Place Mario just below the solid block.
y = ~~y + 1;
// Cancel his vertical speed.
vy = 0;
// If Mario died on the enemy, dies by falling in a hole, or wins by touching the flag, return to title screen
if(y > 14 || x > 198) end = 1;
// Stop Mario's fall when its bottom-left corner or bottom-right corner touches a solid block.
// He is considered "grounded" and the "up" flag is unset to avoid jumping again immediately.
// Though, Mario will continue jumping as long as no other key is pressed because the onkeydown event will be fired continuously.
grounded = u = !(collision(x, y + 1) | collision(x + .5, y + 1));
if(!grounded) y = ~~y, vy = 0;
// Draw the scene:
// Sky
c.fillStyle = `#59f`;
c.fillRect(0, 0, 999, 999);
// Map
for(i = 13; i--;){
for(j = 999; j--;){
// This commented code would have drawn all the clouds in white if there were enough bytes left.
if(j%48 == 9){
// Pipes
if(map[i][j] == 4){
c.fillStyle = `#8d1`;
c.fillRect(j * n - scroll * n, i * n, n, n);
// Reuse the pipes' color to draw the flag between the lines 2 and 11 at x = 198.
c.fillRect(198 * n + 2 - scroll * n, n, 2, 9 * n);
// Question blocks
else if(map[i][j] == 3){
c.fillStyle = `#f93`;
c.fillRect(j * n - scroll * n, i * n, n, n);
// Ground / brick / stairs
else if(map[i][j]){
c.fillStyle = `#c40`;
c.fillRect(j * n - scroll * n, i * n, n, n);
// Enemy
c.fillStyle = `#a00`;
c.fillRect(enemy * n - scroll * n, 10 * n, n, n);
// Mario
c.fillStyle = `#d20`;
c.fillRect(x * n - scroll * n, y * n, n, n);
// Reload the page after a game over (win / lose)
// Draw a black screen during the intro (24 frames)
// (It also serves as a transition after a game over)
c.fillStyle = `#000`;
c.fillRect(0, 0, 999, 999);
}, 9
// After minification, some manual optimizations were added:
// - l=u=r=0;var f=[],e=0,o=0,t=0,n=2,R=2,S=24,a=24 => f=[l=u=r=e=o=t=0],n=R=2,S=a=24
// - grounded => z
// - " => `
// - replace the function in setInterval with a string
// The minified size is 1507b.
// After RegPacking with the score 1/0/0 and the vars a and c ignored, the size is 1018b.