Fish the rough waters with a couple of cold ones as you avoid the sharks. Hook a shark or run out of beer, and you're done. Up and down arrows to cast and reel in your line. Requires Unicode 9.0 (2016…
for(B='onkeyZb.Y,YyXa,dWin(V=>{U10TT80Q192P](Oe[N]=c[c.sS"#&&(]&&!t=Y||";\\ud"83dc=h+k",=1var for(,a)UfcOMath.a=0;P0>a;a++) );fxO0,*random(){x:P0,y:g?Q:850-2,b:8+1,a:mV3,T|0)}m[a,m[a].x984)fy"#d+=sV(a+n)/1)/pv in c)c[v[0]+[v[6]]v;Zdown=Zup=dUNd.which-37d.typN5]};c.font="32px ats"topf=55g,k=e=[],l=[1f2021ed88"],m=[],n=p=5,D=.02,r=t,u0v=0;24>v;v++)m.push(setInterval(BUddfPQfy69cd=f, W,1,Q-d),;0369baO {mOW-TlOW+Tif(960==a)h=d-3;}c.stroke(mdx+4,wy,xx+2yy+32,E-12,A;l[Ya],YxX972>x984<dE>yA<w!N1](Yb=YcYx-b;-64>Yx;YcYx=g?2E3:960+a%3X-T-a%6X<=h3=a?g:(r++,u+))}N3k+=4N1tt&&0<kk-00>=kt=k=0n+0;p+=D;if(6<p2>p)D*=-1;u-=.05;0>ugg?-256>=f?(f=-256,"SHARKED".split("")b,9+28*a,4+T*sVa+n/1))})):f-=8:(e921515u/1*3036),0cf7a BEERT150),"\\u26f596h-39),976,h,3,k)l[1]+" "+r,T1)},16';G=/[^ -MRS[-}]/.exec(B);)with(B.split(G))B=join(shift());eval(B)
* Sharked by Jason "--jp" Plackey
* jp [at] chicagowebexperts [dot] com
* For JS1k 2019 - X
* Final packed entry size is 1024b.
* Fish the rough waters with a couple of cold ones as you avoid the sharks.
* Hook a shark or run out of beer, and you're done. Up and down arrows to
* cast and reel in your line. Requires Unicode 9.0 (2016) support.
if (window.c === undefined) c = document.getElementById('cvs').getContext('2d'); // shimmed
var intersectRect = (r1, r2) => {
return !(r2.left > r1.right ||
r2.right < r1.left || > r1.bottom ||
r2.bottom <;
onkeydown = onkeyup = e => { k[e.which-37] = (e.type[5]); }
c.font = '32px a';
c.textBaseline = 'top';
var shimHeight = 50; // 50 for js1k
var baseY = 600 - shimHeight;
var dead;
var lineSize = 0;
var k = [];
var f = ['🐟', '🐠', '🐡', '🦈'];
var fish = [];
var frame = 0;
var flux = 5;
var fdir = 0.02;
var score = 0;
var rising;
var beer = 100;
for (var idx = 0; idx < 24; idx++) {
x: Math.random() * 1920, // x
y: dead ? Math.random() * 1080 : 900 - shimHeight - Math.random() * 200, // y
s: Math.random() * 8 + 1, // speed
i: Math.min(3, Math.random() * 10 | 0), // heavily favor sharks! // index
//h: 0 // hooked
setInterval(function () {
c.fillStyle = '#ddf';
c.fillRect(0, 0, 1920, 1080);
c.fillStyle = c.strokeStyle = '#69c';
var y = baseY;
for (var idx = 0; idx < 1920; idx++) {
c.fillRect(idx, y, 1, 1080 - y);
y += Math.sin((idx + frame) / 100) / flux;
c.fillStyle = '#000';
c.strokeStyle = '#369';
for (idx = 0; idx < 1920; idx++) {
c.moveTo(idx, y - 10);
c.lineTo(idx, y + 10);
if (idx == 1920 / 2) {
var boatBottom = y - 3;
y += Math.sin((idx + frame) / 100) / flux;
var center = 1920 / 2;, i) => {
var r1 = { left: v.x + 4, top: v.y, right: v.x + 20, bottom: v.y + 32 };
var r2 = { left: center + 12, top: boatBottom + lineSize - 12, right: center + 24, bottom: boatBottom + lineSize };
// tightened up the hit rectangles; smaller area around the hook
// and only the front half of the fish.
// hit windows
c.strokeStyle = '#f00';
c.rect(r1.left,, r1.right-r1.left,;
c.rect(r2.left,, r2.right-r2.left,;
c.fillText(f[v.i], v.x, v.y);
if (intersectRect(r1, r2)) {
if (k[38-37]) {
v.s = 0;
v.h = 1;
v.x -= v.s;
if (v.x < -64) {
fish[i] = {
x: Math.random() * 1920,
y: dead ? Math.random() * 1080 : 900 - shimHeight - Math.random() * 200,
s: Math.random() * 8 + 1,
i: Math.min(3, Math.random() * 10 | 0), // heavily favor sharks!
//h: 0
fish[i].x = 1920 + 64;
if (v.h) {
v.x = dead ? 2000 : center + (i % 3);
v.y = boatBottom + lineSize - 10 - (i % 6);
if (v.y <= boatBottom) {
if (v.i == 3) {
dead = 1;
} else {
beer += 10;
fish[i] = {
x: Math.random() * 1920,
y: dead ? Math.random() * 1080 : 900 - shimHeight - Math.random() * 200,
s: Math.random() * 8 + 1,
i: Math.min(3, Math.random() * 10 | 0), // heavily favor sharks!
//h: 0
fish[i].x = 1920 + 64;
if (k[40-37] && !rising) lineSize += 4;
if (k[38-37] && !rising) rising = 1;
if (rising && lineSize > 0) lineSize -= 10;
if (lineSize <= 0) { lineSize = 0; rising = 0; }
frame += 10;
flux += fdir;
if (flux > 6 || flux < 2) { fdir *= -1; }
beer -= 0.05;
if (beer < 0) dead = 1;
if (dead) {
if (baseY <= -256) {
baseY = -256;
['S','H','A','R','K','E','D'].map((v, i) => {
c.fillText(v, 900 + (i * 28), 450 - shimHeight + (Math.sin(i + frame / 100) * 10));
} else {
baseY -= 8;
} else {
c.fillStyle = '#e92';
c.fillRect(150, 150, (beer / 100) * 300, 36);
c.fillStyle = '#000';
c.fillText('🍺 BEER', 100, 150);
c.fillText('⛵', 1920/2, boatBottom - 39);
c.fillRect(1920 / 2 + 16, boatBottom, 3, lineSize);
c.fillText(f[1] + ' ' + score, 100, 100);
}, 16);