_='AdeciouspasantvidkOdragthe dk lNdwitchwlockhag$NcwizdCabevagebUwdrkmixtuUexirjuiceBisBti$umticPangenglgemhairillness_biVlaughtfeBpuliVnight _$hrkg$ep$peedb.appendChild(t=docum.cUeEm("h1")bbackground#W3JtcssTextus-sect:ne;colN:#%;text-agn:cJs=Xe[*+1)|0]u=(Jn,i,r,a)X{S=1W*(+1M=*SY+25,H=80*+8K=,Z=(16777215*|0).toStrg(16);Z<6;)Z0"+Z`n;)nC)`?!a;)iOrAaP);!i||?a||=i+"\'s@?+=r+"@a&&+=a+"@t.nHTML=e+n}u(b.cck=(()Xu()r=X{^cG0%%"S,7( ,H -1498+2-20"+Z,Q=sYW)*max(.2*(2+(K-)/1e3)).88*S,Q,PI+Q(};J"random()^fill,^begPh(^c(250-S,UquestAnimiFrame(r)),leMh. G250-MY,5W-2*S-HY,Meraronin(enew DeSV#=[""],ent=s(fN(li0,.sV..ngthat="$s%fff?r&&@ "BpoGRect(J",NorUreVtyW00X=>Y/2^c._visi`;;!';for(Y in $='`_^YXWVUNJGB@?%$ ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
* A = adjectives
* C = container type
* O = owner (proper name)
* P = properties
* other capital letters are temporary
* a = <canvas>
* b = <body>
* c = canvas context 2D
* d = document
* r = render function
* s = function to sample from an array
* t = <h1> for potion title
* u = update function
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
// define constants
A = [
O = [
'the dark lord',
C = [
P = [
'night vision',
// set up CSS and DOM
b.appendChild(t = document.createElement('h1'))
b.style.background = '#003'
t.style.cssText = 'user-select:none;color:#fff;text-align:center'
// sample from an array, or return undefined
s = (arr) => arr[(Math.random() * (arr.length + 1)) | 0]
// define update function
u = (result = '', container, owner, adjective, property) => {
// canvas drawing
S = (Math.random() + 1) * 100 // bottle radius
M = (Math.random() * S / 2) + 25 // width of the neck
H = (Math.random() * 80) + 80 // height of the neck
K = new Date() // when was this created?
Z = (Math.random() * 16777215 | 0).toString(16) // color
while (Z.length < 6) { Z = '0' + Z }
// text rendering
while (!container) { container = s(C) }
while (!adjective && !property) {
owner = s(O)
adjective = s(A)
property = s(P)
if (owner && !(adjective && property)) {
result = owner + "'s "
if (adjective) {
result += adjective + ' '
if (property) {
result += property + ' '
t.innerHTML = result + container
b.onclick = () => u()
// render function
r = (time) => {
c.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500)
c.fillStyle = '#ffffff'
c.arc(250, 500 - S, S, 0, 7)
c.fillRect(250 - M / 2, 500 - S * 2 - H / 2, M, H)
c.fillRect(250 - (M / 2) - 10, 498 - S * 2 - H / 2, M + 20, -20)
c.fillStyle = '#' + Z
Q = Math.sin(time / 200) * (Math.max(0, (2 + (K - new Date()) / 1000) * 0.2))
c.arc(250, 500 - S, S * 0.88, Q, Math.PI + Q)