for(_="e(~,(H(aGc.FonkeyE+=d[3D):C,jB,fAth@16,o+128);z(*o-.1:-y)*-x)*,h,kfill.leng@(i,b=a32FlineTo(o/2Style='for(?wG, B+,g,k-,g+.1)GhHbhg(eMa@.FRect(#911';-1=floor(m=Object.keys(@iso=300;s=r=0;x=y=;d=[];p.wid@;q.height;tp/vq/z=>Frgb('+[a,a,a]+')';w=G,eA,g=1,iB)=>{FbeginPa@(moveTo(GgHbgHfhHfhclosePa@(k(strok~g=1;(g+=.2)<h-.3;)b^f?=bB=fCB=e+=34)<j-;)b^f i,a,i+:w,i+};setInterval(`sD8]?d[40]?--s*.01;abs(s)>.09?x+=s*sin(rD7]?-d[39]?0C0;y-=s*cos(rax/oby/oa%9&&b%9?s=-s:0;Fsav~640,0,p,qtranslat~p/2,q/299e=[],i-t-2;i++<a+t+1;)j=b-v-2;j++<b+v+1;)if%9&&j%9)e.push({x:i,y:j,h:hypotx+By+)}),x-64)Hjy-64)e.sort(G)=>b.h-a.hi of e)a=i.x*o=i.y*oA+oB=b+o,k=m[abs.x+i.y)%m],h=2+k%/,k=+k%6*>y bACj<y jA24C0A<x?w(fACa>x b,a8C0,z(k),,o*h,o*hrotat~r6,-,,64-14,-,28,403,-6,26,24restor~)`,Edown=Eup=>d[a.which].type[5]";G=/[^ -?I-}]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)
m = Object.keys(this); // get all browser api property names to use in a deterministic random generator
o = 300; // car y position and size of each tile
s = r = 0; // car speed and rotation
x = y = o / 2; // car x position
d = []; // store keys pressed current state, truthy if the key is currently
// store canvas dimensions
p = a.width;
q = a.height;
// number of tiles the we need to render to not leave blank spaces on the screen
t = Math.floor(p / o / 2);
v = Math.floor(q / o / 2);
// abbreviations no longer used because regpack compresses better without them :/
// M = Math;
// c.l = c.lineTo;
// c.f = c.fillRect;
// set paint color
z = a => c.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + [a, a, a] + ')';
// draw building walls and windows
// a: lower face first point x coordinate
// b: lower face first point y coordinate
// e: lower face second point x coordinate
// f: lower face second point y coordinate
// h: height of the wall/window
// k: color
// g: starting height, used only for windows
// i, j: auxiliary variables, no need to initialized them on function call
w = (a, b, e, f, h, k, g = 1, i, j) => {
// beginPath takes no argument it could be used to execute another function between () and save a ;
// but regpack also compresses better without that so that technic is no longer used
c.moveTo((a - x) * g, (b - y) * g);
c.lineTo((e - x) * g, (f - y) * g);
c.lineTo((e - x) * h, (f - y) * h);
c.lineTo((a - x) * h, (b - y) * h);
// fill paint and stroke
// draw windows
for (g = 1; (g += .2) < h - .3;) // iterate over rows
// ^ is an alternative to !=
for (b ^ f ? (i = b, j = f) : (i = a, j = e); (i += 34) < j - 32;) // iterate over columns
b ^ f ? w(a, i, a, i + 32, g, k - 32, g + .1) : w(i, b, i + 32, b, g, k - 32, g + .1)
// setInterval is used instead of requestAnimationFrame because the function name is less verbose :)
// update car speed, up and down keys change the value linearly,
// no key pressed makes the car slow down in a more exponential way, not really the more realistic way but can't
// reproduce all physical world physics in 1KB
s += d[38] ? .1 : d[40] ? -.1 : -s * .01;
// updates car rotation and x and y position, if speed is too low do not rotate car
Math.abs(s) > .09 ? x += s * Math.sin(r += d[37] ? -.1 : d[39] ? .1 : 0) : 0;
y -= s * Math.cos(r);
// ~~ and 0| alternatives to Math.floor can't be used because they don't work for negative numbers
a = Math.floor(x / o);
b = Math.floor(y / o);
// detect collisions
a % 9 && b % 9 ? s = -s : 0;;
// clear canvas
z(64); // road color
c.fillRect(0, 0, p, q);
c.translate(p / 2, q / 2);
z(99); // sidewalk color
// store all tiles that need to be rendered in an array with distance to car stored in property h
// also draws the sidewalks
for (e = [], i = a - t - 2; i++ < a + t + 1;)
for (j = b - v - 2; j++ < b + v + 1;)
if (i % 9 && j % 9)
e.push({x: i, y: j, h: Math.hypot(i * o - x + o / 2, j * o - y + o / 2)}),
c.fillRect((i * o - x - 64), (j * o - y - 64), o + 128, o + 128);
// sort tiles based on distance to car
// for the perspective to look correct, further away buildings need to be drawn first in order for the closest
// buildings to be drawn over them and partially hide some of their walls
e.sort((a, b) => b.h - a.h);
// draw all buildings in order of distance
for (i of e)
// building vertices numbers
// 5 6
// 1 2
// 3 4
// 7 8
// vertices coordinates
// 1 = [a, b];
// 2 = [f, b];
// 3 = [a, j];
// 4 = [f, j];
a = i.x * o,
b = i.y * o,
f = a + o,
j = b + o,
// gerate buildings height (h) and color (k)
// the length of the name of each browser api properties is used to provide a sort of deterministic random
k = m[Math.abs(i.x + i.y) % m.length].length,
h = 2 + k % 16 / 16,
k = 32 + k % 6 * 16,
// draw building sides
// the color is slightly incremented in each face to provide a sense of directional light presence (sun)
// north : south
b > y ? w(a, b, f, b, h, k) : j < y ? w(a, j, f, j, h, k + 24) : 0,
// east : west
f < x ? w(f, b, f, j, h, k + 16) : a > x ? w(a, b, a, j, h, k + 8) : 0,
// draw roof
c.fillRect((a - x) * h, (b - y) * h, o * h, o * h);
// draw car body
c.fillStyle = '#911';
c.fillRect(-16, -32, 32, 64);
// car windows
c.fillRect(-14, -16, 28, 40);
// car roof
c.fillStyle = '#911';
c.fillRect(-13, -6, 26, 24);
`, 16); // 60 fps
// detect keys pressed
onkeydown = onkeyup = a => d[a.which] = a.type[5] // keyup: 5 chars, keydown: 7 chars