Watch and listen to the Arecibo Message like an alien civilization intercepting an interstellar transmission from earth!
b.bgColor=0;h=innerHeight/73;a.width=23*h;*h+'px';i=new AudioContext;j=i.createOscillator();k=i.createGain();j.type='sawtooth';j.connect(k);k.connect(i.destination);j.start();k.gain.value=l=m=q=n=0;o='.)))))))4)))-)))/)*)+)+)+)*))**)))))))))))))))))*)*)M*;*));*)):))))):-H*,++*,*+)5**),*))+*+*,*)))-)-)-)-B)9)D)9.5-?*,*,++*+)/)1),*)),*++**)))-)-)-)-B).*1)3*7)-*2.-*.-2*5)0)0)-).*/)/*,*.)2*+),*7***5*+),*1*,*.)/).)0)-)/*0)+)0*0)+)1)/)-)/)/)/)4*1*0*1)++)))*3)/)6)--4),))+))*))*)*.)*+*)*/)+,+-*)+1)))-+)**).)))-.*).)))-*.)-*)*K+-)6+))))+)))))))))))*+1)))))))8)))6-814+/+1*3*/*))1))*-***/***,)+)))-)))+),)+)*)+)*)+)0)+)))+)4),),)4)1)6)*)))3,*-))*,+';p='';for(;q<o.length;q++){r=o.charCodeAt(q)-40;while(r){p+=l;r--}l=l^1}s=setInterval(()=>{if(p[m]==1){j.frequency.value=m/h+200;c.fillStyle='rgba(0,0,0,.01)';c.fillRect(0,0,innerWidth,innerHeight);c.fillStyle='hsl('+n*10+120+',100%,50%)';c.fillRect(m%23*h,~~(m/23)*h,h,h);k.gain.value=.2}else{k.gain.value=0}m==p.length?(n++,m=0):m++},h)
/* The Arecibo Message */
// by Tommy Hodgins
/* Set the Background */
// Set the `bgcolor` attribute of the <body> tag to `0`
// This makes the background of the demo black
b.bgColor = 0;
/* Set Block Size */
// The image is 73 blocks tall, so divide the window's height by 73
var block_size = innerHeight / 73;
/* Set Canvas Size */
// Set the resolution & width of our <canvas> tag to 23 blocks wide
a.width = 23 * block_size; = 23 * block_size + 'px';
/* Create Synth */
// We will be using the web audio API to generate sound
var synth = new window.AudioContext;
/* Create Oscillator */
// In order for our synth to play audio we need to generate a waveform
var oscillator = synth.createOscillator();
/* Create Gain Module */
// In order to adjust the volume of the oscillator
var gainModule = synth.createGain();
/* Set Waveform Type */
// Available waveform types are: sine, sawtooth, square, & triangle
oscillator.type = 'sawtooth';
/* Connect Gain to Oscillator */
/* Connect Oscillator to Synth */
/* Start the Oscillator */
/* Zeroing Our Variables */
// These values and variables we will be adjusting later
// We create them here and set their value to 0
= current_digit
= current_block
= current_character
= loop_count
= 0;
/* The Arecibo Message */
// The full message is 23*73 characters long (1679 bytes)
// It is shown here encoded via Run Length Encoding (RLE)
// The resulting values have been encoded as ascii characters shifted +40 places
message = '.)))))))4)))-)))/)*)+)+)+)*))**)))))))))))))))))*)*)M*;*));*)):))))):-H*,++*,*+)5**),*))+*+*,*)))-)-)-)-B)9)D)9.5-?*,*,++*+)/)1),*)),*++**)))-)-)-)-B).*1)3*7)-*2.-*.-2*5)0)0)-).*/)/*,*.)2*+),*7***5*+),*1*,*.)/).)0)-)/*0)+)0*0)+)1)/)-)/)/)/)4*1*0*1)++)))*3)/)6)--4),))+))*))*)*.)*+*)*/)+,+-*)+1)))-+)**).)))-.*).)))-*.)-*)*K+-)6+))))+)))))))))))*+1)))))))8)))6-814+/+1*3*/*))1))*-***/***,)+)))-)))+),)+)*)+)*)+)0)+)))+)4),),)4)1)6)*)))3,*-))*,+';
/* Create Empty Output String */
// As we decode the message we will be storing the extracted message here
output = '';
/* Loop Over Encoded Message */
// Repeat these steps for each character
for (; current_character < message.length; current_character++) {
/* Determine Length of Sequence */
// Read the ASCII character code of the current character and subtract 40
count = message.charCodeAt(current_character) - 40;
/* While the Sequence has at Least One Digit Remaining */
while (count) {
/* Append the Current Digit to the Decoded Output */
output += current_digit;
/* Decrement the Sequence Count by 1 */
/* Alternate between 0 and 1 */
// Flip the current digit each time a sequence has been decoded
current_digit = current_digit ^ 1
/* The Animation */
animation = setInterval(() => {
/* If the Current Digit is a One */
if (output[current_block] == 1) {
/* Set the Oscillator Frequency */
// The frequency is the note you hear
// Set this to the current block's index divided by ten, plus 200hz
oscillator.frequency.value = current_block / block_size + 200;
/* Set Fill to Semitransparent Black */
c.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,.01)';
/* Fill Canvas with Overlay */
/* Set Block Fill Color */
// Color based on loop count
c.fillStyle = 'hsl('+ loop_count * 10 + 120 +', 100%, 50%)';
/* Paint Block */
// The block is painted at coordinates based on its location in the message
// X position is the remainder of the current index divided by 23
// Y position is the floored integer of the current index divided by 23
current_block % 23 * block_size,
Math.floor(current_block / 23) * block_size,
/* Adjust Gain Volume */
// If painting a block, set volume to 20%
gainModule.gain.value = .2
/* Otherwise, if digit is a Zero */
} else {
/* Mute Gain Volume */
gainModule.gain.value = 0
/* Loop animation */
// Increment the loop counter and reset current block to zero if on last block
// Otherwise increment the block counter by one
current_block == output.length
? (loop_count++, current_block = 0)
: current_block++
}, block_size)