for(_="H=N='GthFMaF.cos(E*EiZ FeYbraX,t:`[i]_or(^keyL256K1+s/KJt,x,yI){onrocesste&&c.fnneif(A_.d<2+dZb.lengF','πΉt=32)+sZ+T);illText(,b:' ',s:0};;i++)'aXcadaX' peechSynFesisA_={d: liXry'*+'px cursive';'spook atY wizardf^i=0;i<MaF.random()*b.bgColorG#864';Lup=e=>No<2e.L;A=[];*8f^bG';<8*(1+i/Ki*-512`['π»','πΊ'][i&3],b:b,s:16})b+= [8|0];K+K`'π'0` U=;Ns=o=T=0;B=new AudioCxt;C=B.creaScriptP^*2,1,1C.coct(B.destinatiC.audiop=e=>{!oHNo++;A[].'π§π»'}a.widF=;a.heighh=*irHeight/irWidF;c.xtAlignGcenr';D=e.outputBuffer.getChalData(0**2{D_=E*T*(1+ET+=1/B.sampleRa)/))/16;illRect(Z),i,128,.2)}*8{bx=51y=h/+8+8b;o==1sd-=J;0o++;UGFe '+t+' tookY}512N=t[0]b=t.slice(1++s%K||(UGlevel '+(J)+'. proctY!t)'β¨'}}i==!o)[,'press any L to start'][T&1];I+6464+*8I}}}Ns,K,ohU=Us.speak(new SUtrance(U))}";G=/[-I-L^-`X-ZE-GN]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)
Abracadabra - Spook at the wizard library
A typing game in 1024 bytes of JavaScript with intro screen, voice over a spooky music and a cute wizard ready to save her school.
Quick! Type the name of the ghost, goblins, and ogres before they take the wizard library.
Thanks to my wife Joy, and daugther Vida, 6yo, for testing the game and serving as model for the cute wizard ;)
Mathieu 'p01' Henri - @p01 -
b.bgColor = '#864';
onkeyup = e => K = o < 2 && e.key;
A = [];
// Goblins
for (i=0; i < 32 * 8; i++) {
b = '';
for (; b.length < Math.random() * 8 * (1 + i / 256);) {
b += 'abracadabra'[Math.random() * 8 | 0];
A[i] = { d: i * 32 - 512, t: ['π»', 'πΊ', 'πΉ', 'πΉ'][Math.random() * i & 3], b: b, s: 16 };
// The library
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
A[i]={ d: 256 + Math.random() * 256, t: 'π', b: ' ', s: 0 };
// Title
A[i] = { d: 0, t: 'abracadabra', b: ' ', s: 0 };
U = 'spook at the wizard library';
K = s = o = T = 0;
B = new AudioContext;
C = B.createScriptProcessor(32 * 32 * 2, 1, 1);
C.onaudioprocess = e => {
// Start ?
if (!o && K) {
K = o++;
// Our wizard
A[32].t = 'π§π»';
// clear
a.width = 32 * 32 ;
a.height = h = 32 * 32 * innerHeight / innerWidth;
c.textAlign = 'center';
// music (spooky theremin)
D = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
// the wooden floor
for (i = 0; i < 32 * 32 * 2; i++) {
T += 1 / B.sampleRate;
D[i] = Math.cos(32 * 32 * T * (1 + Math.cos(T) / 32)) / 16;
c.fillRect(1024 * Math.cos(i), i, 128, .2);
for (i = 0; i < 32 * 8; i++) {
if (A[i].b) {
x = 512 + A[i].d * Math.cos(i) + A[i].s * Math.cos(i + T);
y = h / 2 + A[i].d * Math.cos(i + 8) + A[i].s * Math.cos(i + T + 8);
t = A[i].b;
if (o == 1 && A[i].s) {
A[i].d -= 1 + i / 256;
if (A[i].d < 0) {
U = 'the ' + A[i].t + ' took the library';
if (A[i].d < 512 && K == t[0]) {
t = A[i].b = t.slice(1);
++s % 256 || (U = 'level ' + (1 + i / 256) + '. protect the library');
if (!t) {
A[i].t = 'β¨'
if (A[i].d < 32 * 32) {
if (i == 32 && !o) {
t = ['spook at the wizard library', 'press any key to start'][T & 1];
c.font = 32 + 'px cursive';
c.fillText(t, x, y + 64);
c.font = 64 + A[i].b.length * 8 + 'px cursive';
c.fillText(A[i].t, x, y);
// score
K = c.fillText(s, 256, o && h);
// speech
U = U && speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(U));