The moon measures 1px. All the solar system (Sun, 13 planets, 21 moons and 161 minor satellites) is drawn to scale in a very long HTML page and with an extreme precision.
for(_="0,~,2_s0^itZarYinXranW3,orriel:><h3>s:,4${,,,},{][i-7] belt0+0+0 id=er5,TZan}px[i]on:;f(.XnHTML+=`<tcent ,1;width:fff style=col:#;mYgX:) ><pn}[40~1,3455]||2bx;font:14px'Yial't><x;posZifixedcIf the Moon was 1px…`i X n=`Sun0Mcury0Venu^EYth0MY^AstoidCe^JupZ0Saturn0UWu^Neptune0KuipPluto0Haumea0Makemake0Eri^Ot cloud0`.splZ(b.bgCol=0)){cp><a href=#></a> `+[`☉☿♀♁♂ ⚳♃♄♅♆ ♇`]; [752_86157771669_11926108_236,999]*999;paddXg:40vh<p;background:#`fb4fa0aab05dd84000c84ec7cee46f000db8`.substr(i*3)};bd-radiu50%;height:>i%11>6?`<hr-[14~~0-242*;tWsfm:rotate(9deg>`:i==16?`↓`:``}`a X s=[{Mo100Phobo-18,Deimo-5}{Io:17~Europa:56,Ganymede:97,Callisto:217Mima94,Enceladu-Tethy~Dione:7,Rhea:2:18Iapetu654MiWda:58,A2,Umbia:32,Ob25TrZ122},,{ChY-20}]s[a]5px>·\\xa0`+aa=[655_2_;a--;a*i%50>.`}";G=/[-W-Z^_~]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)<3
The following data is used for the main bodies:
The distances represent the semi-major axis of the body's orbit
Diameters are rounded to the higher integer and floored at 2px because their border-radius makes them look smaller.
1 UA (Astronomical Unit) equals ~149,600,000km, or 43062px.
Body / belt | Dist. to | Dist. to | (in px) | Diameter | (in | Color | Mo- | min | Ri-
| Sun (in UA) | last body | | (in km) | px) | (hex) | ons | sat | ngs
Sun | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1391400 | 401 | #fb4 | 0 | 0 | no
Mercury | 0.38709893 | 0.3870 | 16665 | 4879 | 2 | #fa0 | 0 | 0 | no
Venus | 0.723332 | 0.3362 | 14477 | 12104 | 4 | #aab | 0 | 0 | no
Earth | 1.000001018 | 0.2767 | 11915 | 12742 | 4 | #05d | 1 | 0 | no
Mars | 1.523679 | 0.5237 | 22552 | 6779 | 2 | #d84 | 2 | 0 | no
Asteroid b. | 1.7 | 0.1763 | 7592
Ceres | 2.7675 | 1.0675 | 45968 | 946 | 2 | #fff | 0 | 0 | no
Jupiter | 5.45492 | 2.6874 | 1157245 | 139822 | 41 | #c84 | 4 | 63 | yes
Saturn | 9.554909 | 4.0999 | 176550 | 116464 | 34 | #ec7 | 7 | 55 | yes
Uranus | 19.2184 | 9.6635 | 416130 | 50724 | 15 | #cee | 5 | 22 | yes
Neptune | 30.110387 | 10.892 | 469031 | 49244 | 15 | #46f | 1 | 13 | yes
Kuiper belt | 35 | 4.8896 | 210556
Pluto | 39.48 | 4.48 | 192917 | | 2 | #db8 | 1 | 4 | no
Haumea | 43.218 | 3.738 | 160966 | 1240 | 2 | #fff | 0 | 2 | no
Makemake | 45.715 | 2.497 | 107526 | 1430 | 2 | #fff | 0 | 1 | no
Eris | 97.651 | 51.936 | 2236468 | 2326 | 2 | #fff | 0 | 1 | no
Oort cloud | 20000 | 19902.349 | too far
The following data is used for the moons
(the satellites big enough to have a round shape, plus Mars' moons Phobos and Deimos which are not round but still well known)
All the moons are about the same size as the Moon or smaller so they're just drawn as 1px, and in white.
Planet | Satellite | Dist. from | from last | (px)
name | name | planet (km) | body (km) |
Earth | The Moon | 384399 | 384399 | 111
Mars | Phobos | 9380 | 9380 | 3
| Deimos | 23460 | 14080 | 4
Jupiter | Io | 421800 | 421800 | 121
| Europa | 671100 | 249300 | 72
| Ganymede | 1070400 | 399300 | 115
| Callisto | 1882700 | 812300 | 234
Saturn | Mimas | 185540 | 185540 | 53
| Enceladus | 238040 | 52500 | 15
| Tethys | 294670 | 56630 | 16
| Dione | 377420 | 82750 | 24
| Rhea | 527070 | 149650 | 43
| Titan | 1221870 | 694800 | 200
| Iapetus | 3560840 | 2338970 | 673
Uranus | Miranda | 129900 | 129900 | 37
| Ariel | 190900 | 61000 | 18
| Umbriel | 266000 | 75100 | 22
| Titania | 436300 | 170300 | 49
| Oberon | 583500 | 147200 | 42
Neptune | Triton | 354800 | 354800 | 102
Pluto | Charon | 19591 | 19591 | 6
// First, create a container called "t", to set the font size, family and color for all the page.
// Inside, add a legend container called "c" in fixed position.
// <x> tags don't exist but they work like <span>'s, just shorter.
// All the style attributes start with "color:#fff;" for RegPack optimization (the more string repetitions the better).
// Inline styles contain tricks like "font:14px'arial'" or "padding:50vh+0+0" to avoid spaces and omit attribute quotes.
// The Unicode ellipsis "…" takes 3 bytes in UTF-8, like "..." in ASCII.
b.innerHTML += `<x style=color:#fff;font:14px'arial' id=t>
<x style=color:#fff;position:fixed id=c>
<h3>If the Moon was 1px…`;
// The bodies array is called "n", the body counter "i".
// The page's background is set to black with the old attribute "b.bgColor=0", and this 0 is also used to split n.
// The trailing "0" generates an extra dummy planet, just to add an extra margin and avoid sticking to the bottom of the page.
for(i in n = `Sun0Mercury0Venus0Earth0Mars0Asteroid belt0Ceres0Jupiter0Saturn0Uranus0Neptune0Kuiper belt0Pluto0Haumea0Makemake0Eris0Oort cloud0`.split(b.bgColor=0))
// For each element of n:
// Add an anchor link and a body symbol (if any) to the legend.
// For bodies without symbol, the code fallbacks to "[undefined]" which makes an empty string.
// For the Asteroid belt and Kuiper belt, the symbol is just a space.
// Anchor links actually need the inline style "color:#fff" to avoid being blue (by default) or purple (when visited).
c.innerHTML +=
<a style=color:#fff href=#${
// Anchor name (same as body's name)
// Body's name
}</a> `
// Body symbol
+ [`☉☿♀♁♂ ⚳♃♄♅♆ ♇`[i]];
// Add a planet container.
// The <center> tags center the content horizontally.
// A padding-top of 50vh centers the planet vertically when its anchor is clicked.
// The belts are just hidden (drawn in black)
t.innerHTML +=
`<center style=color:#fff;margin:${
// The distance from the last planet is divided by 1000, rounded, stored in this array, and used as a margin-top:
[,17,15,12,23,8,46,1157,177,416,469,211,192,161,108,2236][i] * 999
}px+0+0;padding:50vh+0+0 id=${
// Planet id (its name)
// Planet name
<p style=color:#fff;background:#${
// Planets colors are read from this string, 3 chars at the time.
// Belts are colored in black (#000) to be invisible.
`fb4fa0aab05dd84000fffc84ec7cee46f000db8fffffffff`.substr(i * 3, 3)
// Planets width & height are read from this array. Planets without size and belts fallback to 2px.
[400,,4,4,,,,41,34,15,15][i] || 2
// Height
[400,,4,4,,,,41,34,15,15][i] || 2
// For jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the rings are symbolized with a slightly rotated <hr> element.
// here, "i % 11 > 6" is equivalent to "(i > 6 && i < 11)".
i % 11 > 6
? `<hr style=color:#fff;margin:${
// The <hr> has a negative margin equal to the radius of the planet to appear at its center.
-[14,10,0,0][i-7] - 24
// Rings width is twice the width of the planet
2 * [400,,4,4,,,,41,34,15,15][i] || 2
// No need to close the parens after "(9deg"
// Add an arrow after Oort cloud to show that it's very far away.
: i==16
? `↓`
// Nothing for the other planets
: ``
// Add the moons
// "s" represents the main moons of a given body, "a" represents the current moon, and "s[a]" its offset.
// s[a] is equal to the offset from last planet or moon...
// more or less whatever extra offset is needed to cancel all the margins and line-heights, and place the dot at the right place.
for(a in s =
{Moon: 100},
{Phobos: -18, Deimos: -5},
{Io: 170, Europa: 56, Ganymede: 97, Callisto: 217},
{Mimas: 94, Enceladus: -3,Tethys: 0, Dione: 7,Rhea: 25, Titan: 183, Iapetus: 654},
{Miranda: 58, Ariel: 2, Umbriel: 5, Titania: 32, Oberon: 25},
{Triton: 122},
{Charon: -20}
// The moon is represented by a white braille character "·", followed by a non-breaking space (\xa0) and the moon's name.
// The width is set to 5px to keep the pixel centered. (the name overflows on the right)
t.innerHTML +=
<p style=color:#fff;margin:${
// Moon offset
// Moon pixel & NBSP
// Moon name
+ a;
// Add minor satellites below the main moons, with a pseudorandom offset.
// (Unfortunately, they are too numerous to be named and drawn at precise positions)
for(a = [63,55,22,13,,4,2,1,1][i-7]; a--;){
t.innerHTML +=
<p style=color:#fff;margin:${
// Pseudorandom offset
a * i % 50
// white pixel (just an ASCII dot)