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function Vector(x, y = x, z = x){
return {x, y, z};
function sum(first, second) {
return Vector(first.x + second.x, first.y + second.y, first.z + second.z);
function scale(vector, factor) {
return Vector(vector.x * factor, vector.y * factor, vector.z * factor);
function dotProduct(first, second = first) {
return first.x * second.x + first.y * second.y + first.z * second.z;
function crossProduct(first, second) {
return Vector(first.y * second.z - first.z * second.y, first.z * second.x - first.x * second.z, first.x * second.y - first.y * second.x);
function normalize(v) {
return scale(v, 1 / Math.sqrt(dotProduct(v)));
function subtract(first, second){
return sum(first, scale(second, -1));
const spheresData = [
[Vector(10, 2, 2), Vector(4, 0, 4), 1.5], //[position, color, radius]
[Vector(-3, 0, 2), Vector(8, 5, 7), 1.5],
[Vector(3, 0, 2), Vector(0, 0, 4), 1.5],
[Vector(1.5, 0, 4.5), Vector(8, 8, 6), 1.5],
[Vector(-1, 10, 4), Vector(0, 4, 4), 4.0],
[Vector(0, 0, 7), Vector(8, 5, 4), 1.5]
* this function will check if ray intersects with something and return intersection parameters, such as position or normal
function trace(rayStart, rayDirection){
let rayEnd, lightDirection, normal, sphereColor;
let intersection = INTERSECTION_NONE;
let distanceToFloor = -rayStart.z / rayDirection.z;
let distanceToNearestSphere = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let lightPosition = Vector(Math.random() * 27, -81 + Math.random() * 27, 81); //we need to generate randomized light source for soft shadows
if (distanceToFloor > 0 && rayStart.z > 0){ //rayStart.z can be negative sometime
intersection = INTERSECTION_FLOOR;
rayEnd = sum(rayStart, scale(rayDirection, distanceToFloor));
lightDirection = normalize(subtract(lightPosition, rayEnd));
normal = Vector(0, 0, 1);
for(let [position, color, radius] of spheresData){
ray-sphere intersection:
(rayEnd-position).(rayEnd-position) - radius^2 = 0 //rayEnd is a possible point on sphere, position is center of sphere
(rayStart+rayDirection*distanceToSphere-position).(rayStart+rayDirection*distanceToSphere-position) - radius^2 = 0
(rayDirection.rayDirection)*distanceToSphere^2 + 2*rayDirection.(rayStart-position)*distanceToSphere + (rayStart-position).(rayStart-position) - radius^2 = 0
a = rayDirection.rayDirection
b = 2*rayDirection.(rayStart-position)
c = (rayStart-position).(rayStart-position) - radius^2
x = distanceToSphere;
a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0
roots of this quadratic equation will give us distance to intersection point on sphere
let distanceToSphereCenter = subtract(rayStart, position);
let a = 1; //dotProduct(rayDirection, rayDirection); as direction normalized result always will be equal to 1
let b = 2 * dotProduct(rayDirection, distanceToSphereCenter);
let c = dotProduct(distanceToSphereCenter) - radius*radius;
let d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
let distanceToSphere = (-b - Math.sqrt(d)) / 2 * a; //we get only root with -b, because it gives us nearest from two intersection points
if (distanceToSphere < distanceToNearestSphere && distanceToSphere > 0){ //nearest, but not behind the ray
distanceToNearestSphere = distanceToSphere;
sphereColor = color;
rayEnd = sum(rayStart, scale(rayDirection, distanceToSphere));
lightDirection = normalize(subtract(lightPosition, rayEnd));
normal = normalize(subtract(rayEnd, position));
return {intersection, rayEnd, lightDirection, normal, sphereColor};
* this function draw texture with `Sierpinski carpet` fractal
function getFloorColor(x, y){
const CENTER_TILE_COLOR = Vector(8, 0, 8);
const OTHERS_TILE_COLOR = Vector(8, 5, 8);
if (x + y !== 0){
if (x % 3 === 1 && y % 3 === 1){
} else {
return getFloorColor(x / 3 | 0, y / 3 | 0); //cast float to int, need for performance
} else {
* this function will calculate pixel color for one ray, can be called recurcievely to generate reflections
function sample(rayStart, rayDirection, renderStars = false){ //stars are rendered only at sky, not at reflections
const COLOR_SKY = Vector(5, 6, 8);
const COLOR_LIGHT_SOURCE = Vector(8, 8, 8);
const COLOR_STARS = Vector(8, 8, 8);
let {intersection, rayEnd, lightDirection, normal, sphereColor} = trace(rayStart, rayDirection);
let reflectionRayDirection;
let color;
switch (intersection){
return renderStars && Math.random() > 0.9
? COLOR_STARS //draw star
: scale(COLOR_SKY, Math.pow(1 - rayDirection.z, 4)); //draw sky with gradient
let diffuse = scale(sphereColor, 0.7 * dotProduct(normal, lightDirection));
let specular = scale(COLOR_LIGHT_SOURCE, Math.pow(dotProduct(normal, normalize(subtract(lightDirection, rayDirection))), 64));
reflectionRayDirection = sum(rayDirection, scale(normal, -2 * dotProduct(normal, rayDirection)));
let reflection = scale(sample(rayEnd, reflectionRayDirection), 0.4);
color = sum(diffuse, sum(specular, reflection));
reflectionRayDirection = sum(rayDirection, scale(normal, -2 * dotProduct(normal, rayDirection)));
Here we draw floor texture. At first we add some big number (81 here) to let our fractal render at negative coordinates. Then we scale it, because we need more details and after all we get modulo for tiling. Also, result is casted from float to int, because it highly impact performance.
let floorColor = getFloorColor((rayEnd.x + 81) * 27 % 81 | 0, (rayEnd.y + 81) * 27 % 81 | 0);
let uVector = crossProduct(rayDirection, reflectionRayDirection);
let vVector = crossProduct(uVector, reflectionRayDirection);
we need to randomize ray along our new direction to create glossy reflection on the floor
let randomizedDirection = sum(reflectionRayDirection, sum(scale(uVector, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 3), scale(vVector, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 3)));
color = sum(floorColor, sample(rayEnd, randomizedDirection));
color = scale(color, 0.5); //scale by 0.5 because we sum full color from texture and full color from reflection
let isShadowed = trace(rayEnd, lightDirection).intersection; //check if there is a sphere between result point and light source
color = scale(color, isShadowed ? 0.5 : 1); //render shadows
return color;
function main() {
const UP_DIRECTION = Vector(0, 0, 1);
const CANVAS_WIDTH = 512;
const CANVAS_HEIGHT = 512;
const RAYS_PER_PIXEL = 32;
const VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 12;
let camera = Vector(-7, -10, 8);
let target = Vector(0, 0, 4);
let normalToViewport = normalize(subtract(camera, target));
let uVector = normalize(crossProduct(UP_DIRECTION, normalToViewport));
let vVector = crossProduct(uVector, normalToViewport); //we will use `left` vector instead of right, because screen Y coordinate rise from top to bottom and it will be easier to render with `left` vector
let viewportCenter = sum(camera, scale(normalToViewport, -DISTANCE_TO_VIEWPORT));
let leftDown = sum(viewportCenter, sum(scale(uVector, -VIEWPORT_WIDTH / 2), scale(vVector, -VIEWPORT_HEIGHT / 2)));
let line = 0;
let imageData = c.createImageData(512,1);
function renderRow(){
let pixel = 0;
for (let i = CANVAS_WIDTH; i--;){
we will accumulate color in `colorSum` variable, each ray adds color in [0..8] range, so after 32 steps we will get our final color
let colorSum = Vector(0, 0, 0);
for (let j = 0; j < RAYS_PER_PIXEL; j++){
we need to randomize ray start position to create `depth of field` effect
let rayStart = sum(camera, sum(scale(uVector, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 3), scale(vVector, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 3)));
let viewportPixel = sum(leftDown, sum(scale(uVector, i * VIEWPORT_WIDTH / CANVAS_WIDTH), scale(vVector, line * VIEWPORT_HEIGHT / CANVAS_HEIGHT)));
let direction = normalize(subtract(viewportPixel, rayStart));
let color = sample(rayStart, direction, true);
colorSum = sum(colorSum, color);
for (let color in colorSum) {[pixel++] = colorSum[color];
c.putImageData(imageData, 0, line);
if (line < CANVAS_HEIGHT) {
setTimeout(renderRow); //setTimeout needs for rendering line-by-line