Explore 30 real molecules like alcohol, acid, ether, methane, ethane, ammonia, amines, water... Wait 3 s or refresh to speed up, see descr.
for(_='10K[t]JinGIJFStrGg.fromCharCode(8320+FEE%K):D="Zc[c.YYly]ZXf.WWtVV%3?8U3e3T^13t=","+(F>1?F>9?E/K)+DD""):"2,s+=PI+Wo+},alan,mer+" "+ethh.match(cohol,for(s+=F?"&&I[3]F?"N),(V?.8:1.6 0,^3 group({t:o:2.6*q2.split(")(e.o)*(tk?36:18++t=function(f,k,l,n){n G c)c[n[2]+[n[6]]]=n;q=1,PZ^1^233K|31++K|+2aZwat,ammoniae,eyl formic acid,ke,kol,amGe,CYoC]=n?"destGation-ov":"source-ovi=18-n+(V9);i--;)Xhsl("+[V%2?0:22(U:0)+"0%(n?74:(V?U0:55:139)-60*sG(i/9))+"%)"],Yga](c.arc(l,i, 6.3- 0Yl]();n=V+!k;I[1]<2n--;)n>V-2?(6*rdom()%4|tF,h[0]2==t,!t!V,h+=I[p=3]>3?0:mG(t,3Wq=q,q=-q):(p=/^3K/)n--F++,e={t:t,o:p?.5*q:n?2*Wq:1.3*WqC(e,f,l+cosm+sG!pn)SsZ3,C!H1,O0;!PJ););c.fon"sml-caps 20px sX#333Ylx](saJ"☔,☠,🔥,⚕,🍷,☣,🐬"["01221432265"J],l)dYee](T,TI=[1,0],hZC200S350)setIntv(d,Td();';G=/[-T-ZD-GJK]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());with(Math)eval(_)
* Real Molecules 1kB demo by Oliver Güther
* Orig. for JS1k 2016 Let's get eleMental! contest
* Minified and compressed with UglifyJS and RegPack 4.
* Code redundancy increased to compress well with RegPack.
* Generates molecules like alcohol, acid, ether, methane, ethane, ammonia, amines, alkanes, alkanols, water.
* Subscript in formula looks best in Firefox, okay in Chrome, worst in IE 11, Edge not tested.
* Features:
* - Generates 30 real existing unique molecules (bonds checked H:1 O:2 N:3 C:4, double bond in f. acid for O)
* - 2.5D Molecule with approx. real atom distances and radius ratio (H < C), angles ~real for most m.
* - Chemical empirical formula
* - Molecule name or group name
* - Symbol for a characteristic property of the molecule (burnable, toxic, fishy smell... ;)
* Improved after JS1k 2016 submission:
* - removed (variable) assignments for static strings
* - removed function used only once
* - TODO check if merging strings will pay of
* - TODO check a 2nd time if c.globalCompositeOperation couldn't be replaced by changing drawing order
* Thanks to JS1k organizers/contributors/participants, RegPack and UglifyJS developers!
q = 1, // E = [q=1,0,0,0] saves 1 B but loses variety
// Regex for the following molecules/groups
// -> has gone inline!
//R = '^10,^20,^30,^330,^130,^3310|^1330,^310,^3 0,^3 10|^13 0,2',
//T = 'water,ammonia,methane,ethane,methyl alcohol,alcohol,formic acid,alkane group,alkanol group,amine group,ether group',
// draw atom, then gen. next atoms, recursive
// createMolecule(atom, prevAtom, x, y, inBackground)
C = function(j, k, l, m, n) {
// draw background side chain atoms (main chain is gen. 1st, so we fix it here)
c.globalCompositeOperation = n ? 'destination-over' : 'source-over';
// draw atom sphere as overlaying circles with different color, leave out the part to the prev atom
for (i = 18 - n (j.t&&9); i--;) {
c.fillStyle = 'hsl(' [j.t%2 ? 0 : 220, (j.t%3 ? 8 : 0) '0%', (n ? 74 : (!j.t ? 139 : j.t%3 ? 80 : 55) - 60*Math.sin(i/9)) '%)'];
c.arc(l, m, i, Math.PI j.o (j.t?.8:1.6), Math.PI j.o 6.3 - (j.t?.8:1.6), 0); // not: 11 for PI/2
// produce up to j.t child atoms (O:2,N:3,C:4)
// use argument n instead of i because of recursion we need a local var
// E[1] < 2 : formic acid got an extra O atom and is done after this
for (n = j.t !k; E[1] < 2 && n--;) {
if (n > j.t - 2) { // gen. main chain 1st
// generate new atom type, r*6%4 for balancing molecule distribution
t = Math.random()*6%4|0;
// max one O and N in main chain else transform into C
t && E[t] && t && t;
// reduce N (amines) occ. for balancing
h[0] && t == 2 && t;
// transform H2 into HC-..
!t && !j.t && t && t && t;
// limit to max 4 C atoms and ensure type is valid, h = t
// store main chain, [p=3]; // main chain pos
h = t = E[p=3] > 3 ? 0 : Math.min(t,3);
// save angle for side chains (due to recursive usage)
j.q = q;
// invert main chain angle
q = -q;
} else {
// side chain defaults to H atoms
p = t = 0;
// transform 2nd form of CH3OH into CH2O2 formic acid (double bond for O)
h.match(/^310/) && t && n--;
E[t] ; // save count per atom type
e = {t: t, o: p ? q*.5 : n ? j.q*2 : j.q*1.3}; // next atom node
C(e, j, l Math.cos(e.o) * (t && k ? 36 : 18), m Math.sin(e.o) * (t && k ? 36 : 18), !p && n); // draw next atom with children
// init and render scene
U = function(j, k, l, m, n) {
E = [1,0,0,0]; // E = [q=1,0,0,0] saves 1 B but loses variety
h = '';
C({t: 0, o: q*2.6}, 0, 20, 200, 0);
s = '';
// determine empirical formula
// most redundant form compresses well with RegPack
t = 3; s = E[t] ? 'C' (E[t] > 1 ? E[t] > 9 ? String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]/10) String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : '') : '';
t = 2; s = !E[3] && E[t] ? 'N' (E[t] > 1 ? E[t] > 9 ? String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]/10) String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : '') : '';
t = 0; s = E[t] ? 'H' (E[t] > 1 ? E[t] > 9 ? String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]/10) String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : '') : '';
t = 2; s = E[3] && E[t] ? 'N' (E[t] > 1 ? E[t] > 9 ? String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]/10) String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : '') : '';
t = 1; s = E[t] ? 'O' (E[t] > 1 ? E[t] > 9 ? String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]/10) String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : String.fromCharCode(8320 E[t]%10) : '') : '';
// determine the molecule (group) from formula pattern
for (t = 0;!h.match('^10,^20,^30,^330,^130,^3310|^1330,^310,^3 0,^3 10|^13 0,2'.split(',')[t]) && t;);
// the following line is normally not part of the loop but saves 1 B if ; is cut after loop
c.font = 'small-caps 20px s';
c.fillStyle = '#333'; // optional but looks cleaner
// 'unicode'[t] works with 2 B but not with 4 B Unicode chars!
// direct alternative without extra '01221432265'[t] saves 1 - 2 B, but RegPack 4.0.1 dont like it and we still have B left, no need for hand-opt. :)
c.fillText(s ' ' 'water,ammonia,methane,ethane,methyl alcohol,alcohol,formic acid,alkane group,alkanol group,amine group,ether group'.split(',')[t] ' ' '☔,☠,