for(_='b].zesww[d%zqMath.!],$,e("@,8@?")$[kk8?jjGR`);_}_^+=se(ac.fillRect(a..lengtha0,,SEU6TC!random()0*var b=32*++Style="#.push({a:if(){return b} =0;=a[,1j6SEY3C,6OONPCjfor(a,b)^function.forEach( e"";split(",")a=parInt,36).toString(2_32>;)a="0"+a;ba^ f=[[8?462DC6`BJ18,3ZTX4WV4M88M,GPG4CG`AY3G,DFGH6O`BIPQ,WUNOXS7TKL18k7?FNQYGBEUTR0Gk9?7S8B2FIW320OYHWYKGk9,9@5018XX8M0HUA1L0QOk144@22XG1U,ULF8GXT97JZYR4FZXV4BVD3F34NQ2,0")]$A=l m(a=f[n$b=[$d0$a2$g=y=xg<;g1=y*d+x])h=y;h<(y+1_h4)x2=x;x2<(x+1_x24)b192,b:108,c:x2+45f:h+200^x;x==d&&(x=y)} nw=m(_wtTimeout((A=1},3E3_tInterval((333";0920080_fff";lwAc-a,d=f-b;ab/25;bd/25;1>b&&1>d&&l}l==w)n,n==f)wc=192;f=108;l=0^el{a=m(_p_w;<=b)w=;el dd<-b;d)wqa,b:qb,c:f:0^bb<w;b)w[zczc,w[zfzf;l=0}}6_ p-1;0<b;b--d=!floor(*(b+1)),gb];a[b]d];a[d]=g}};';G=/[-^-`jk?@$!qwz]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(G))_=join(shift());eval(_)
* Cosmos... by Jason "--jp" Plackey
* jp [at] chicagowebexperts [dot] com
* For JS1k 2016 - Let's get eleMental!
* Final packed entry size is 1023b.
cvs = document.getElementById("cvs"), // shimmed
c = cvs.getContext("2d"); // shimmed
function R() { return Math.random(); }
// Creates a new pixel object, which has a current point and a
// destination point.
function newEl(x, y, tx, ty) {
return { curX: x, curY: y, targetX: tx, targetY: ty };
function drawEl(o) {
c.fillRect(o.curX, o.curY, 1, 1);
function pad(s) {
while (s.length < 32) {
s = "0" + s;
return s;
// Functions `u` and `pad` form the sprite unpacker.
function u(s) {
var U = s.split(',');
var r = "";
U.forEach(function (e) {
r += pad(parseInt(e, 36).toString(2));
return r;
* Sprites are 1-bit bitmaps that have been base-36 encoded. Prior to the base-2 => base-36
* conversion, the binary strings were chunked into 32 "byte" (bit) sections, to avoid overflowing
* javascript's int, which would have resulted in the base-36 to base-2 conversion failing to
* produce the correct result.
* ....#### 00001111
* .....##. 00000110
* .....##. 00000110
* .....##. ==> 00000110 ==> 0000111100000110000001100000011001100110011001100011110000000000
* .##..##. 01100110 V
* .##..##. 01100110 > 00001111000001100000011000000110,01100110011001100011110000000000
* ..####.. 00111100 V
* ........ 00000000 > 462DC6,SEU6TC
sprites = [
[8, 8, u('462DC6,SEU6TC')],
[8, 8, u('GRBJ18,3ZTX4W')], // <==
[8, 8, u('6SEY3C,6OONPC')],
[8, 8, u('V4M88M,GPG4CG')],
[8, 8, u('GRAY3G,DFGH6O')],
[8, 8, u('GRBIPQ,WUNOXS')], // <== better compression was achieved repeating sprites vs. maintaining
[8, 8, u('6SEY3C,6OONPC')], // a distinct map with associate lookup code.
[8, 8, u('7TKL18,SEU6TC')],
[7, 8, u('FNQYGB,1EUTR0G')],
[9, 8, u('7S8B2F,1IW320O,1YHWYKG')],
[9, 9, u('5018XX,18M0HU0,A1L0QO')],
[14, 14, u('22XG1U,ULF8G,1XT97JZ,1YR4FZX,1V4BVD3,1F34NQ2,0')]
go = 0, // keeps the starfield stationary for the first few seconds of the demo
atHomeCount = 0; // tracks the number of pixels which have reached their destination
* getSprite takes an input sprite and scales it by a given factor, but instead of simply fillRect'ing
* by the scale factor, a secondary scale factor (step) is used to create pixel elements within that
* rectangle at the specified interval. For example, getSprite(s, 32, 4) would scale `s` by 32 times,
* but would only fill in every 4th pixel of each 32-pixel scale block.
* The resulting pixels are converted into 2-coordinate objects: an (x,y) of the target position of the
* pixel and an initially random (x,y) of the current position of the pixel.
function getSprite(e, scale, step) {
var ret = [],
w = e[0],
h = e[1],
s = e[2];
x = 0,
y = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[y * w + x] == 1) {
for (var y2 = y * scale; y2 < (y + 1) * scale; y2 += step) {
for (x2 = x * scale; x2 < (x + 1) * scale; x2 += step) {
R() * 1920,
R() * 1080,
x2 + 450,
y2 + 200)
if (x == w) {
x = 0;
return ret;
// Get the first sprite and render it in its "exploded" starfield state.
var idx = 0;
es = getSprite(sprites[idx], 32, 4);
es.forEach(function (e) {
setTimeout(function () { go = 1; }, 3000); // keep the starfield static for a few seconds...
setInterval(function () {
c.fillStyle = '#333';
c.fillRect(0, 0, 1920, 1080);
c.fillStyle = "#fff";
atHomeCount = 0; // assume none of the pixels are at their target coordinate
es.forEach(function (e) {
if (go) bringElHome(e); // move each pixel closer to its destination
drawEl(e); // then draw it
if (atHomeCount == es.length) { // if every pixel of the sprite has reached its destination,
idx++; // move on to the next sprite in the sequence.
if (idx == sprites.length) { // if we're past the last sprite,
es.forEach(function (e) {
e.targetX = R() * 1920; // randomize each pixel position, and explode back out to the
e.targetY = R() * 1080; // starfield.
atHomeCount = 0;
else {
var next_es = getSprite(sprites[idx], 32, 4); // get the next sprite in sequence
shuffle(next_es); // it's imperative that we shuffle the order of
// subsequent sprite arrays, or the movement effect
// is poor, because the top left pixel of the first
// sprite is generally close to where the top left
// pixel of the second sprite is, etc.
* Here's our "morphing" code. The concept is pretty simple...
* Once a sprite has been fully rendered (meaning that all of its
* pixels are at their target location, the next sprite in sequence
* is generated and compared to the previous sprite, leaving us in
* one of two possible situations: either (a) the new sprite contains
* more pixels than the prior, or (b) the new sprite contains fewer
* pixels than the prior.
* In the case of (b), we simply need to drop the extra pixels from
* our first sprite. In the case of (a), things are a bit more
* complicated because our new sprite needs more pixels than we currently
* have on screen. In this case, we add extra pixels into the mix,
* grabbing some of the existing sprite's pixels' coordinates as a starting
* point for a seamless transition.
* Once we have our pixel array sized properly and its pixels' starting
* coodinates set, we set each pixel's target coordinate to the target
* coordinate of our new sprite, and start our travel again.
var esl = es.length;
if (next_es.length <= esl) {
es.length = next_es.length;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < next_es.length - esl; i++) {
es.push(newEl(es[i % esl].curX, es[i % esl].curY, 0, 0));
for (var z = 0; z < es.length; z++) {
es[z].targetX = next_es[z].targetX;
es[z].targetY = next_es[z].targetY;
atHomeCount = 0;
}, 16); // 1000/60 FPS = ~16ms.
// Shuffles an array; see above for usage.
function shuffle(a) {
for (var i = a.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var j = Math.floor(R() * (i + 1));
var t = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = t;
return a;
// Takes a 2-coordinate pixel object and moves it one step closer
// to its destination. Once the pixel has reached its destination,
// the "at home" counter is increased; this is used to determine
// when to move to the next sprite.
function bringElHome(o) {
var dx = o.targetX - o.curX;
var dy = o.targetY - o.curY;
o.curX += dx / 25;
o.curY += dy / 25;
if (dx < 1 && dy < 1) {