- Author:
- subzey
- Twitter:
- @
- GitHub:
- subzey
- Facebook:
- Google+:
- +
- Reddit:
- /r/0
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- Compo:
- canvas
- Demo link:
- https://js1k.com/2016-elemental/demo/2429
- Shortlink:
- https://js1k.com/2429
- Blog post:
- please update here!
- Bytes:
- 809
- Chars:
- 809
- Submission
b.bgColor&=function n(){h=a.height^=0;w=a.width;d=(Date.now()-t)/99;c.translate(w/2,h/2);c.scale(s=Math.min(w,h)/600,s);f=c.createRadialGradient(0,0,0,0,0,99);f.addColorStop(0,"#fff");f.addColorStop(.1,"hsla("+(d%360+80)+",50%,70%,.2)");f.addColorStop(1,"hsla("+(d%360+120)+",50%,50%,0)");c.fillStyle = f;for(i=121;--i;c.restore())z=i&1?90:60,c.save(),c.scale(s=1/(Math.cos(i)+2),s),c.translate(Math.cos((i/10+(i&1||3))*d/z)*500,Math.cos((i/10+2)*d/z)*500),c.fillRect(-99,-99,198,198);f=c.createRadialGradient(0,0,0,0,0,99);f.addColorStop(0,"hsla("+(d%360)+",50%,70%,1)");f.addColorStop(1,"hsla("+(d%360+60)+",50%,50%,0)");for(c.fillStyle=f;i<30;i++)c.fillRect(-99, -99, 198, 198),c.translate(Math.sin(i*i+d/4)*10,-30),c.scale(.9,.9),c.globalAlpha*=.8+Math.sin(d/10)*.1;requestAnimationFrame(n)}(t=Date.now())
- Description
- Burning blob and orbiting particles. No interaction, just sit back and enjoy.
- Base64 encoded
- Original source
* Energy within
* A JS1K'16 "eleMental" demo
* @author subzey
* @license WTFPL
// Start time of the demo
var startDate = Date.now();
// Set bg color to black
(function frame(){
// Re-set the canvas entirely by touching its width
// The actual width is not changed, but the setter call is enough
a.width ^= 0;
// Calculate the current time delta value
var delta = (Date.now() - startDate) / 99;
// Scale & center
c.translate(a.width / 2, a.height / 2);
var scale = Math.min(a.width, a.height) / 600;
c.scale(scale, scale);
// Create the radial gradient for the flyng particles
// Its color depends on the time delta
var gradient = c.createRadialGradient(
0, 0, // x/y
0, // radius
0, 0, // x/y
99 // radius
// The very center glows white
// Inner part is slightly opaque
gradient.addColorStop(0.1,"hsla(" + (delta % 360 + 80) + ", 50%, 70%, .2)");
// Outer part is transaparent. The hue slightly differs so the gradient looks less dull
gradient.addColorStop(1,"hsla(" + (delta % 360 + 120) + ",50%, 50%, 0)");
// Set it
c.fillStyle = gradient;
// For each particle...
for (var i=121; --i;) {
// The coefficients differs for even and odd particles
// Creating two visible streams
var c1 = i & 1 || 3;
var dc = i & 1 ? 90 : 60;
// Save the canvas state (transformation matrix)
// Calculate coordiantes.
// Particles trajectories are Lissajous-like
var x = Math.cos((i / 10 + c1) * delta / dc) * 500;
var y = Math.cos((i / 10 + 2) * delta / dc) * 500;
// Set the scale depending on index.
// More or less pseudo-random
var scale = 1 / (Math.cos(i) + 2);
c.scale(scale, scale);
// Now translate the canvas. Less scaled particles are translated less as well.
c.translate(x, y);
// Fill the rectangle with the gradient.
c.fillRect(-99, -99, 198, 198);
// Restore state
// Now creating the gradient for flame. Same sizes
var gradient = c.createRadialGradient(0,0,0,0,0,99);
gradient.addColorStop(0,"hsla(" + (delta % 360) + ", 50%, 70%, 1)");
// Again, the outer part hue is shifted
gradient.addColorStop(1,"hsla(" + (delta % 360 + 60) + ", 50%, 50%, 0)");
// and set it.
c.fillStyle = gradient;
// 30 times we'll fill the exactly same rect shape
for (var i=0; i < 30; i++){
// Fill the gradient blob
c.fillRect(-99, -99, 198, 198);
// Due to the Firefox bug, we should fillRect 30 times.
// See https://jsfiddle.net/subzey/p5dLgk1c/
// Translate up by 30 (scaled!) pixels
// Translate horizontally depending on delta and i squared
// So farther we're in the loop, more bobbly it becomes
c.translate(Math.sin(i * i + delta / 4) * 10, -30);
// Scale 90%, so all the following blobs (and their offsets) become smaller
c.scale(.9, .9);
// Compensate the gradient brightness. Again, based on time delta
c.globalAlpha *= .8 + Math.sin(delta/10) * .1;
// And, that's it.
// Call the next frame
})(); // And draw the first one