3d version of a spirograph. Click and drag values to change, click and drag model to rotate. Uses hypotrochoid equations rotated about the z axis. Note some weirdness due to rounding issues when the m…
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// Jon Mullins - Spirograph3D
// Created for js1k-2016
// Uses hypotrochoid equations to generate spirograph patterns, then rotates them around the z axis
// Values are shown on the right hand side which can be adjusted by clicking and dragging on them
// The model can be rotated by clicking and dragging on it
// Equations taken from here: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Hypotrochoid.html
var mousePos = []; // position of mouse cursor
var mouseDown = 0; // is a mouse button pressed?
var menuSw = 0; // is the mouse on the menu and button pressed?
var menuMousePosY; // the entry position of the mouse onto the menu
var nodes = []; // array containing all points in the model
// note: as the rotation is applied directly to the nodes, rounding issues can cause some strange stretching
// an array containing all values for menu
// R1 -> radius of the "inner" wheel
// R2 -> radius of the "outer" wheel
// H -> length of join between outer wheel and pen
// Steps -> amount of times to sample per rotation of inner wheel
// ZRot -> amount of times to rotate around the Z axis per rotation of inner wheel
// Dist -> camera distance
var values = [[200,"R1"],
var perspective = 0.002; // amount of perspective to apply (should be really small)
var ctx; // canvas context
var Draw = function ()
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,250,0.5)";
// draw the lines between nodes
for (var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++)
var k = 1/((nodes[i][2] + values[5][0]) * perspective); // calculate perspective constant
ctx.lineTo(nodes[i][0]*k+a.width/2-50,nodes[i][1]*k+a.height/2); // draw line to perspective translated point (points are translated by a.width/2-50, a.height/2)
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
// draw each part of the menu
for (var j=0;j<6;j++)
ctx.fillText(values[j][1], a.width-50,j*30+20);
ctx.fillText(Math.round(values[j][0]*100)/100, a.width-50,j*30+30);
// auto-rotate the model unless mouse is down
if (!mouseDown)
// get all the points from the hypotrochoid equation specified by R1, R2, H, ZRot and Steps
// assigns result to nodes array
var getPoints = function()
nodes = []; // reset the nodes array as length will be varying as values change
var j=0;
// loop through the equations in 1/steps increments
for (var i=0; i<=Math.PI*2+1; i+=(Math.PI*2/values[3][0]))
var x = ((values[0][0]-values[1][0])*Math.cos(i))+values[2][0]*Math.cos((values[0][0]-values[1][0]/values[1][0])*i);
var y = (((values[0][0]-values[1][0])*Math.sin(i))-values[2][0]*Math.sin((values[0][0]-values[1][0]/values[1][0])*i))*Math.cos(values[4][0]*i);
var z = (((values[0][0]-values[1][0])*Math.sin(i))-values[2][0]*Math.sin((values[0][0]-values[1][0]/values[1][0])*i))*Math.sin(values[4][0]*i);
nodes[j++] = [x, y, z];
// rotate all the points in the nodes array by xt degrees around the X direction, yt degreed around the Y axis
var rotate = function(xt,yt) {
for (var n = 0; n < nodes.length; n++) {
var x = nodes[n][1] * Math.cos(xt*Math.PI/180) - nodes[n][2] * Math.sin(xt*Math.PI/180);
var y = nodes[n][0] * Math.cos(yt*Math.PI/180) - nodes[n][2] * Math.sin(yt*Math.PI/180);
nodes[n][2] = nodes[n][2] * Math.cos(xt*Math.PI/180) + nodes[n][1] * Math.sin(xt*Math.PI/180);
nodes[n][2] = nodes[n][2] * Math.cos(yt*Math.PI/180) + nodes[n][0] * Math.sin(yt*Math.PI/180);
nodes[n][1] = x;
nodes[n][0] = y;
onload = function ()
b.bgColor=0; // set background colour
// only capture mousedown events on the canvas to stop rotating the model when clicking elsewhere
a.onmousedown = function (e)
if (e.clientX > a.width-50)
menuSw = 1;
menuMousePosY = e.clientY;
mouseDown = 1;
values[5][0] = 500; // set initial camera value to mostly fill the window with the starting model
ctx = a.getContext("2d");
onmouseup = function ()
mouseDown = 0;
menuSw = 0;
onmousemove = function (e)
if (mouseDown)
if (menuSw)
var delta = mousePos[1] - e.clientY; // difference in mouse Y position since last frame
// test mouse position against menu items
// note: 6 is used a hard coded version of values.length
for (var i=0; i<6;i++)
if (menuMousePosY > i*30+20 && menuMousePosY < i*30+40)
if (i==3)
{ // adjust steps value by 10 each move and make sure its more than 50 (if it approaches 0, things go badly)
values[i][0] += delta;
if (values[3][0] < 50) { values[3][0] = 50; }
else if (i==4)
{ // adjust zrot value by 0.02 each move
values[i][0] += delta*0.02;
{ // adjust everything else by 1
values[i][0] += delta;
// rotate the model by the mouse movement in X and Y
// capture the mouse position so we can calculate differences next time round
mousePos = [e.clientX, e.clientY];
var clear = function ()
// clear the canvas and the path
// note: clearing the path is essential, otherwise each rotation would be drawn over the last
var GameLoop = function(){
setTimeout(GameLoop, 20);