Inspired by the classic arcade shooter Defender. Use the arrow keys to fly and space to fire.
for(_='s=KC=GL=B&&Q<4QP,X=`W[_=1=Math.cos(0%)")25)):c.fill,onkey99 s. {V:V{ -H+127+||(w--<1&A,Y),0,(q=-511+(E[d])Rect(x-x+511&Ar==function(k){E[0]._k.which-32]=,Style="hsl("+C+", %,-y,psqrt(q*q+r*rnatan2(r,qunvsin(nX<5QX<,Y<,2,25H=$=J=D,A023,E=[]down1}up0},setInterval(Wfor(F27,BGd=A,A;d--;){if(G`d-H=F+d/5&-11,G-F,X/=2,Y *F< Q,JQ(G5*d`(16-z)*d*Dx=y,d<Qwith(for(l=55,x+=u*g,y+=v*g,zQz--,w?(KK<-Q(A*=t>E.splice(d,1)yp<5?t>1Q:JQ-rPrPp30Qq*DQ,t?t<2?(v=s?-1:y4yQ(B5,t<3?zu+v?w=-A:(z= (zB3,O=x,N=y,z= +dsQ!wQ!(sQs!=?y-8pQ(x=x,y-=r,K):KtPE[$%d],t=K0(H=x+u*2,I=!_5]-!_7],D=I||D,u-=I?u*I<Q-I/2:u/,y+=_8]?y40:yQ-!!_6],zz6*_0]J=z>9));U=l&7,V=l>>3`x(V-3)*D*++w=y+*(U-3G *t,l--;(69^"[y}}U]UMA8Z8AMEMYYMEE".charCodeAt(7*t+V))>>U&1Q);dB$1?2-!$:$% Q4,N=70*L%24O= *$LQE.push({g:L/4,t:L-1,w:L>3Q,s:Bu:v:z:x:O,y:N})}$++},16)';g=/[- -_`PQBGK]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(g))_=join(shift());eval(_)
* Defender: 1024 by Keith Clark
* A 1K game inspired by the classic arcade shooter Defender. Written
* for the 2015 JS1K competition.
* Save the humans from alien abduction! Pilot your ship and fire its
* laser at enemy landers before they abduct and transform humans into
* mutants programmed to hunt you down!
* Use the arrow keys to fly and space to fire.
* web: | tweet: @keithclarkcouk
// Initialise any globals
H = // Camera position
$ = // Game frame ticks
J = 0, // Player fire flag
D = 1, // Player direction
A = 1023, // World width
E = [], // Entity stack
// Handle user input
// W[0] = fire [space bar]
// W[5] = thrust left [left arrow]
// W[7] = thrust right [right arrow]
// W[6] = climb [up arrow]
// W[8] = dive [down arrow]
onkeydown = function(k) { // key down state handler
W[k.which - 32] = 1; // set key flag
onkeyup = function(k) { // key up state handler
W[k.which - 32] = 0; // clear key flag
// Game loop
setInterval(W = function(k) {
for (
F = 127, // mountain range Y start position
c.fillRect(L = 0, C = 0,d = A, A, // clear the screen
c.fillStyle = "hsl(" + C + ",99%,0%)"
d-- // for 1023 cycles...
) {
if (
// Draw a mountain pixel
C = 25, // set colour to brown
X = d - H & A, // set pixel X position
Y = F += Math.cos(d / 5 & -11), // set pixel Y position
X < 255 && // if the pixel in the viewport
c.fillRect(X << 1, Y << 1, 2, 2, // plot the pixel
c.fillStyle = "hsl(" + C + ",99%,50%)"
// Draw a starfield pixel
C = -F, // set colour to dark blue
X /= 2, // half mountain X pixel (simple parallax)
Y = 199 * F & A, // set pixel Y position
Y < 99 && X < 255 && // if the pixel in the viewport
c.fillRect(X << 1, Y << 1, 2, 2, // plot the pixel
c.fillStyle = "hsl(" + C + ",99%,50%)"
// Draw a player lazer pixel
J && (
C = 5 * d, // set colour spread from red to green
X = (16 - E[0].z) * d * D - H + 127 + E[0].x & A, // set X position
Y = E[0].y, // set Y position matches player Y position
d < 25 && X < 255 && // if the pixel in the viewport
c.fillRect(X << 1, Y << 1, 2, 2, // plot the pixel
c.fillStyle = "hsl(" + C + ",99%,50%)"
E[d] // check we have an entity to process
// Game logic
) with (E[d]) for (
l = 55, // entity sprite has is (8 * 7 - 1) bits
x += u * g, // increment entity X position
y += v * g, // increment entity Y position
z && z--, // decrement entity timer (used for fire rate / bullet life etc.)
w ? // if this entity warping (w>0) or exploding (w<0)
s = s.s = 0, // clear link with any other entity (lander -> human -> lander)
w-- < -25 && ( // decrement warp / explosion counter. If explosion has ended...
A *= t > 0, // stop the game if the entity is the player
E.splice(d, 1) // remove the dead entity from the game
: // the entity is out of warp and "in play"
q = -511 + (E[0].x - x + 511 & A), // get x delta to player (-511 to +511)
r = E[0].y - y, // get y delta to player
p = Math.sqrt(q * q + r * r), // get distance to player
n = Math.atan2(r, q), // get angle to player
p < 5 ? // if entity has hit player
t > 1 && E[0].w-- // if entity is not a human, explode player
J && -r < 4 && r < 4 && // if player is firing and entity inline with player
p < 130 && q * D < 1 && w--, // if entity is in front of player, explode entity
t ?
t < 2 ? // if entity is a HUMAN
v = s ? // if grabbed by a lander
-1 // make human climb (the lander will actually chase it)
: // if not grabbed by a lander
y < 140, // if human is in free air, fall to earth
y < 1 && (L = 5, w--) // if human was captured, kill it and spawn... a... MUTANT!
t < 3 ? // if entity is a BULLET
z || ( // if entity timer has reached 0
u + v ? // and it's moving
w = -A // instantly destroy it
( // if it's not moving, it's a new bullet
u = Math.cos(n), // set X direction to track player
v = Math.sin(n), // set Y direction to track player
z = 99 // set bullet life
( // if entity is a LANDER or a MUTANT
u = Math.cos(n), // set X direction to track player
v = Math.sin(n), // set X direction to track player
z || ( // if the timer has reached 0
L = 3, // spawn a BULLET
O = x, // spawn at entity X position
N = y, // spawn at entity Y position
z = 99 + d // reset the entity firing timer
s && !s.w && !(s.s && s.s != E[d]) ? // if tracking a human (a lander)
q = -511 + (s.x - x + 511 & A), // get x delta to human (-511 to +511)
r = s.y - 8 - y, // get y delta to human
p = Math.sqrt(q * q + r * r), // get distance to human
n = Math.atan2(r, q), // get angle to human
u = Math.cos(n), // set X direction to track human
v = Math.sin(n), // set Y direction to track human
p < 1 && ( // if lander is grabbing human
x = s.x, // align x values (prevents rounding issues)
y -= r, // align y values (prevents rounding issues)
s.s = E[d] // link the human to the lander
s = t < 4 && E[$ % d], // if not tracking and not a mutant - pick an entity...
s.t == 1 || (s = 0) // if it's a human, track it
( // if entity is the PLAYER
H = x + u * 2, // set the camera
I = !W[5] - !W[7], // determine X input
D = I || D, // set player direction
u -= I ? u * I < 25 && -I / 2 : u / 25, // set player X velocity
y += W[8] ? y < 140 : y && -!!W[6], // set player Y position
z || (z = 16 * W[0]), // is player able to fire?
J = z > 9 // set player firing flag
// Entity rendering
U = l & 7, // get sprite bit column
V = l >> 3,