for(_=')/$*=.9,Z||m(l@/n-Q",!=(De(Ge,O25NN6We=V),Ul.`UV`o,_0,^,^7,0_LtionKfuncK(JStylV"I3010`s&&c.fillText("shadowstrokeh[e]`x*random()+`d/^f.,a.height`y)}*N++20,log()*5Rect(-)*x+(y=j I#fff!]+")!a.widthbeginPath(Uarc(;whilGe--){JOf){r.somGJl){Irgba("+[N5,N5-OO1u=t=15^r=[],onclick=u=(x=jpageXQi pageYQ)*y>*@,l,m=o=jo+($+-5|^vDjx-xzN,gDjy-yzN,d=20^t=S=1},V600r.push({o:W|^x:e%y:(e/|0)v:^g:^d:^S:p=^s:5+1|0}`l={x:,y:}}U(w=requestAnimaKFramGwUe-p>p=O++t-200@=r[W|0],lU^^=UscalGn=min(/804/640UnUtranslatGiDQ804z2,0UuClick a circle to hype it!345,590Uh=[],font="px Trebuchet MS!EvoluK of Hype!283,570UVW=0}+=`vZ+=`gZ`d?`d--:(+D`-z50^+D`-z500_++,`S(Vl,`d||abs(sqrt((x=jx y-)*y,2)-jS)<2<1-abs(`$Wm(OlU,,`SL/7(_/3(U++`S>*(`S=0)UVW147+e*2,6-,2,137,6,5,1ULColor=Blur=*3,((e)();';g=/[-I-L^-`U-WNOGD!Q@Z$jz]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(g))_=join(shift());with(Math)eval(_)
// whether instructions are visible
showInstructions =
// ticks since last hype started
idle = 150,
// node information: position, color, hype, ...
nodes = [],
onclick = function (e, f) {
// hide instructions
showInstructions =
// check if we clicked on a node
nodes.some(function (node) {
(x = e.pageX / cScale - offset - node.x) * x + (y = e.pageY / cScale - node.y) * y > node.radius * node.radius
|| startHype(node, node)
startHype = function (e, f) {
// adopt color with slight mutation
f.color = e.color + (f.color - e.color) / 10 * random() + 10 * random() - 5 | 0,
// move hypee closer to hyper
f.vx = (e.x - f.x) / 25,
f.vy = (e.y - f.y) / 25,
// set hype length
f.hyped = 200,
// reset idle cooldown
idle =
// start hype wave
f.wave = 1
// setup grid
e = 600; while (e--) {
// node color
color: 256 * random() | 0,
// position
x: e % 30 * 25 + 30 + 20 * random(),
y: (e / 30 | 0) * 25 + 30 + 20 * random(),
// speed
vx: 0, vy: 0,
// hype (shaking animation)
hyped: 0,
// hype wave radius
wave: time = 0,
// node radius
radius: 5 * random() + 1 | 0
// remember original node positions
nodes.some(function (node) {
node.node = {x: node.x, y: node.y}
(update = function (e, f) {
e - time > 30 && (function (e, f) {
time = e,
// start new hype after a cooldown
++idle - 200 ||
startHype(node = nodes[256 * random() | 0], node),
// reset context state and draw background
c.fillRect(0, 0, a.width = a.width, a.height),
// scale canvas to demo size
c.scale(cScale = min(a.width / 804, a.height / 640), cScale),
// center demo
c.translate(offset = (a.width / cScale - 804) / 2, 0),
// draw instruction
c.fillStyle = '#fff',
showInstructions &&
c.fillText('Click a circle to hype it', 345, 590),
// reset color spectrum
spectrum = [],
// draw title
c.font = '30px Trebuchet MS',
c.fillText('Evolution of Hype', 283, 570),
// init color spectrum
e = 256; while(e--) {
spectrum[e] = 0
// update nodes and waves
nodes.some(function (node) {
// move node
node.x += node.vx *= .9,
node.y += node.vy *= .9,
// update hype or move node back to origin
node.hyped ? node.hyped-- : (
node.x += (node.node.x - node.x) / 500,
node.y += (node.node.y - node.y) / 500
// analize colors
e = node.color, spectrum[e]++,
// update hype wave
node.wave && (
e = node,
// hype infecting new nodes
nodes.some(function (node) {
node.hyped ||
abs(sqrt((x = e.x - node.x) * x + (y = e.y - node.y) * y, 2) - e.wave) < 2 &&
node.radius * random() < 1 - abs(node.color - e.color) / 256 &&
startHype(e, node)
// draw hype wave
c.arc(node.x, node.y, node.wave, 0, 7, 0),
e = node.color, c.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + [255, 255 - e, e, 1 / 7] + ')',
e = node.color, c.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + [255, 255 - e, e, 1 / 3] + ')',
// stop wave
++node.wave > node.radius * 10
&& (node.wave = 0)
// draw spectrum
e = 256; while (e--) {
c.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + [255, 255 - e, e, 1] + ')',
c.fillRect(147 + e * 2, 610 - log(spectrum[e]) * 5, 2, log(spectrum[e]) * 5)
// draw line
c.fillStyle = '#fff',
c.fillRect(137, 610, 530, 1),
// draw nodes
nodes.some(function (node) {
c.arc(node.x + node.hyped * random() / 100, node.y + node.hyped * random() / 100, node.radius, 0, 7, 0),
e = node.color, c.shadowColor = c.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + [255, 255 - e, e, 1] + ')',
c.shadowBlur = node.radius * 3,