_=' . E!\'w$%;h$%w$;^;bGkground:#333|mJy:"Helv@i~ Neue"ans-serif;tr-spGg:.1em\',b"^-cell;verti~l>midd;xt>cenr",a="s mU hoK dj < m year.map((e,t){r@Kn _~nvas"s=_.w=_.h=nerW/8,_.m=[1e3,6e4,36864604826298315576e5][t],_.e={switch(Z=V,e){yearMm(1);<":djHoKshoKMUsmUSssMJliss(0)}r@Kn"<"===e&&Z`@(Z-ZDjZTime+is.m-1},_=_Cxt("2d"_OleW=.01*s,(Y?.nerHTML=e,(X?_X"le-block;color:"+(_OfJlSQ=_OBSQ="#|80|ad|daGda87ceeb #87Geb #a4b7eb[t])+"size:"+s/8+"px",bX)Y_} e{a.forEGh((e){earRect(0,0*((e.e-V)/e.m)fJl(B}requestAnimatiFrame(e)};begPa(moveToarc,.45*s,0,2*Ma.PI= reaE!("":Z`@`QssText=~se".appendChJd(functieO docu!displj:onte(0);"`plit(" ")lethin.g@72 #ecdOcDaeight;ft-),()(s/2/2e5,id!ment$:100<week>-align:?div"))@etBstrokeGacJilKurO.QtyUuVnew ^tab`.sjay|fa~ca,s';for(Y in $='~|j`^VUQOKJGB@?><$! ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
a = canvases
b = body
s = canvas size
T = tick
X, Y, Z, and _ are temporary
// Style <html> and <body>.
document.documentElement.style.cssText = 'width:100%;height:100%;font-weight:100;display:table;background:#333;font-family:"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif;letter-spacing:.1em';
b.style.cssText = 'display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;text-align:center';
// Take an array of intervals ('second', 'minute', etc) and turn them into an array of <canvas>es.
a = 'second minute hour day week month year'.split(' ').map(function(unit, index) {
// Create the canvas and set some properties.
_ = document.createElement('canvas');
s = _.width = _.height = innerWidth / 8; // Also sneak in a definition of the canvas size.
// .m represents the number of milliseconds for each interval.
_.m = [1000, 60000, 3600000, 86400000, 604800000, 2629800000, 31557600000][index];
// .e() returns "end of {{interval}}". For example, if it's June 6 and the interval is 'month',
// .e() will return July 1. This logic is stolen from Moment.js.
_.e = function() {
Z = new Date;
switch (unit) {
case 'year':
case 'month':
case 'week':
case 'day':
case 'hour':
case 'minute':
case 'second':
if (unit === 'week') {
Z.setDate(Z.getDate() - Z.getDay());
return Z.getTime() + this.m - 1;
// .c represents the context.
_.c = _.getContext('2d');
_.c.lineWidth = s * 0.01;
// Create a container <div> and a <div> for the times. There's some trickery here
// to ensure shorter declarations.
(Y = document.createElement('div')).innerHTML = unit;
(X = document.createElement('div')).appendChild(_);
X.style.cssText = 'display:inline-block;color:' +
(_.c.fillStyle = _.c.strokeStyle = '#fa8072 #faad72 #fada72 #acda72 #87ceeb #87aceb #a4b7eb'.split(' ')[index]) +
';font-size:' + (s / 8) + 'px';
// Add the container to the body and the text to the container. There's some more
// trickery here; appendChild returns the inserted element, which we then use.
// When done, return the canvas to the mapper.
return _;
// T() is called once per frame.
(function T() {
// For each <canvas>...
a.forEach(function(canvas) {
// Clear the canvas.
canvas.c.clearRect(0, 0, s, s);
// Draw the pie chart.
// The bulk of the work is in the calculation of the angle (see the call to .arc()). In
// pseudocode, the calculation for the hour interval might be:
// ( (end_of_hour - now) / 3600000 ) * 2π
canvas.c.moveTo(s / 2, s / 2);
canvas.c.arc(s / 2, s / 2, s * 0.45, 0, 2 * Math.PI * ((canvas.e() - new Date) / canvas.m));
// Draw the border of the pie chart.
canvas.c.moveTo(s / 2, s / 2);
canvas.c.arc(s / 2, s / 2, s * 0.45, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
// Tick again!