for(_='d/U=ULp.K,KQTL15QP&&`s`!Kt_*d^/2-3^Hmove=G1.5Fc.E;ED);CCEBKyA,A@U2on=0(KsRx-U=R+Kr^:R+y^,shift(||=[][i]=KYin){touch","#for(strokeStylei Ch)p=h, ~h.dexOf(p)mouse.pageabs(f[5*random()|0]h[0][0]functi(with(Mathc)c[i[x=m=n=k]+(i[6]"")]=c;W=a.width;J=a.height;f=["#e4392a29e4a5f90"];d=m(W,J)/7;M=WH+;R=JH;g;h;down=k=1};6>x;x++)y;6>y;y++)g.push({o:,Yx:M+x^,yr:y,c:x}Cup=end=h[1](h 0<r`(m++Qr-=n+1@Qo=Cn=k;h};GGbbX?(X=bX,Y=bY):(XX,k=YYCif(k)g)p=g,!(`.o!o|1!=.r-Kr)-.c-Kc)))`X-Kx)<`Y-A)<`(?h[1]==p`h.):(h.unp),n=maxr,n)))};setInterval(Ece(0,0,W,JBleWidthL6DleJo="round";gp=g;r;O g)S=g[O]Qr+1==S.r`Kc==S.c`(r=1Cr5=rr++QYCA!?(Iy>KY?-1:1@+T*IQT*_?.5:F,~I`A>?A:!~I`A<`y)QsKtA!)?K_`A=`t=1QPY+L3):s=1QY-L3QTL5):PtsBo;`E3@-U3,UF,UFB4@-U4,,)}EftL3+"px s"Dfx("Z "+m,M,R+6^Cif(E=.oDba(Bm(X,Y Elx@Bs()}},33)}';g=/[-@-H^-`PQKLU]/.exec(_);)with(_.split(g))_=join(shift());eval(_)
// Zolmeister
// a = canvas
// b = body
// c = ctx
// d = dotSize
// e = event
// f = colors
// g = dots
// h = selected
// k = isSelecting
// m = score
// n = highestRow
// o = dot.o
// p = dot (first level)
// q = dot (second level)
// r = hasBelow
// s = dot.bdown
// t = dot.bup
// D = dir
// i = iter
// L = x offset
// R = y offset
with(Math) {
// canvas hash
for(i in c)c[i[x = m = n = k = 0]+(i[6]||'')]=c[i]
// initialize grid
for (W = a.width,
H = a.height,
f = ['#e43', '#92a', '#29e', '#4a5', '#f90'],
d = min(W, H) / 7,
L = W / 2 - d * 3 + d / 2,
R = H / 2 - d * 3,
g = [],
h = [],
onmousedown = function () {
k = 1
}; x < 6; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < 6; y++) {
o: f[random()*5|0],
Y: R + y * d,
x: L + x * d,
y: R + y * d,
r: y,
c: x
onmouseup = ontouchend = function () {
// ignore single selections
if (!h[1]) {
h = []
// respawn dots above board
for (i in h) {
p = h[i]
if (p.r >= 0) {
p.r -= n + 1
p.y = R + p.r * d
p.o = f[random()*5|0]
n = k = 0
h = []
onmousemove = ontouchmove = function (e) {
// normalize touch inputs
if (e.pageX) {
X = e.pageX
Y = e.pageY
} else {
X = e.touches[0].pageX
k = Y = e.touches[0].pageY
// select dots
if (k) {
for (i in g) {
p = g[i]
// skip if dot is not the same color or isn't neighboring
if (h[0] &&
(h[0].o != p.o |
abs(h[0].r - p.r) - abs(h[0].c - p.c)
) != 1))
if (
abs(X - p.x) < d / 2 &&
abs(Y - p.y) < d / 2
) {
if (!~h.indexOf(p)) {
n = max(p.r, n)
} else if (h[1] == p) {
setInterval(function() {
// clear canvas
c.ce(0, 0, W, H)
c.lineWidth = d / 6
c.lineJoin = 'round'
// physics and painting
for (i in g) {
p = g[i]
// if p doesn't have a neighbor below, move it down
r = 0
for (j in g) {
q = g[j]
if (p.r + 1 == q.r && p.c == q.c) {
r = 1
if (!r && p.r != 5) {
p.Y = R + p.r * d
// falling animation
if (p.y != p.Y) {
D = p.y > p.Y ? -1 : 1
p.y += p.T * D
p.T *= p.s && !p.t ? 0.5 : 1.5
if (~D && p.y >= p.Y) {
p.y = p.Y
} else if (!~D && p.y <= p.Y) {
p.y = p.Y
// flip up/down
if (!p.s && !p.t && p.y == p.Y) {
p.s = 1
p.Y -= d / 3
p.T = d / 5
} else if (p.s && !p.t && p.y == p.Y) {
p.t = 1
p.T = d / 15
p.Y += d / 3
} else {
p.T = d / 15
p.t = p.s = 0
// paint
c.strokeStyle = p.o
if (~h.indexOf(p)) {
c.sR(p.x - d / 3, p.y - d / 3, d / 1.5, d / 1.5)
c.sR(p.x - d / 4, p.y - d / 4, d / 2, d / 2)
// m
c.font = d / 3 + 'px s'
c.fx('Z ' + m, L, R + d * 6)
// paint selection lines
if (h[0]) {
c.strokeStyle = h[0].o
c.m(X, Y)
for (i in h) {
p = h[i]
c.l(p.x, p.y)
}, 33)