_='(${g=a.width;h=a.height;m=[];y=abs;d=@ndom;z=A=n=0;B=new I;B.srcda:i/gif;base!,R0lGODlhEMAJEDAMzMzJmZmTMzAP///yH5BAEAMALQwAImnI+pJ7sCnWoyUQVgzGBo0Q1B8JVBaACkQK6jco4sKrXVYd/pUgOw=;XStyle";YRect"m.push({x_*g,y_*h,a_,b_,i:0}( C${#fff0,0,g,h`x|x~{b=m[x];c.savt@nsl+8 y+5rotid@wI(B,-8,-5restorhsl("+c+",100%,"+d+"%)N f,4,4p=q=r=s=k=t=u=v=w=l=0f^xe=m[f],py,qb,tx,ua,l=-e.x,k=-e.y,32>sqrt(l*l+k*k)vl,rk)wx?1:>gsy?1:>h(tx+(ua)+z-v3+w;g=y((py+(qb)+A-r3+s;h=y(1<hh1<ggi=an2( a)+PI/2;;;N&&2Nj fk,50>cc2),99>dd1)0.002>N= f= j=9* k=9* c=0 d=50)}99z=*g,A=*hn++;requestAnimionF@mC)})$})(.);&&(Mh.+=;`f|f~d$/15- ,-!?-1:0!*(!>AAfunctionb/1Ec.e.mage";c[Y](at="xe(ya0==n%fillc[X]*=1/!64$()@raNe_:`for(|=16;~--;))4+';for(Y in $='~|`_N@$! ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
(function() {
// Get rid of all var declarations if possible
var w, h, boids, count, countZeroBased, movementFactor,
proximityFactor, boundary, minDistanceBetween, velocityLimit,
abs, rand, tendToPositionX, tendToPositionY, frame, dragonImageData, dragonImage,
sumPositionY, sumVelocityY, proximityVelocityFixY,
bindVelocityY, distanceY, sumPositionX, sumVelocityX,
proximityVelocityFixX, bindVelocityX, distanceX, distance,
index, boid, _boid, i,
perceivedCenterPositionX, perceivedCenterPositionY, perceivedVelocityX, perceivedVelocityY,
ruleX1, ruleY1, ruleX2, ruleY2, ruleX3, ruleY3, tendToVelocityX, tendToVelocityY;
// Variables
w = a.width;
h = a.height;
boids = [];
count = 16;
countZeroBased = count - 1;
movementFactor = 1E4;
proximityFactor = 1E3;
boundary = 64;
minDistanceBetween = 32;
velocityLimit = 1;
abs = Math.abs;
rand = Math.random;
tendToPositionX = tendToPositionY = frame = 0;
dragonImageData = '';
dragonImage = new Image();
// Create dragon image
dragonImage.src = dragonImageData;
// Generate the dragons
for (i = count; i--;) boids.push({
x: rand() * w,
y: rand() * h,
vx: rand(),
vy: rand(),
angle: 0
(function loop() {
// Background
c.fillStyle = '#fff';
c.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
// Each boid
for(index = count; index--;){
boid = boids[index];
// Render boid
c.translate(boid.x + 8, boid.y + 5);
c.drawImage(dragonImage, -8, -5);
// Render fireball
c.fillStyle = 'hsl(' + boid.fireHue + ',100%,' + boid.fireLight + '%)';
c.fillRect(boid.fireX, boid.fireY, 4, 4);
sumPositionY = sumVelocityY = proximityVelocityFixY =
bindVelocityY = distanceY = sumPositionX = sumVelocityX =
proximityVelocityFixX = bindVelocityX = distanceX = 0;
// Measure other dragons distances
for (i = count; i--;) {
if (i ^ index) { // ^ is the same as != for integers
_boid = boids[i];
sumPositionY += _boid.y;
sumVelocityY += _boid.vy;
sumPositionX += _boid.x;
sumVelocityX += _boid.vx;
distanceX = boid.x - _boid.x;
distanceY = boid.y - _boid.y;
distance = Math.sqrt(distanceX * distanceX + distanceY * distanceY);
if (distance < minDistanceBetween) {
proximityVelocityFixX += distanceX;
proximityVelocityFixY += distanceY;
// Bind to container
bindVelocityX += boundary * (boid.x < boundary ? 1 : (boid.x > w - boundary) ? -1 : 0);
bindVelocityY += boundary * (boid.y < boundary ? 1 : (boid.y > h - boundary) ? -1 : 0);
// Calculate Perceived
perceivedCenterPositionX = sumPositionX / countZeroBased;
perceivedCenterPositionY = sumPositionY / countZeroBased;
perceivedVelocityX = sumVelocityX / countZeroBased;
perceivedVelocityY = sumVelocityY / countZeroBased;
// Fly towards center of group
ruleX1 = (perceivedCenterPositionX - boid.x) / movementFactor;
ruleY1 = (perceivedCenterPositionY - boid.y) / movementFactor;
// Boids try to keep a small distance away from other objects (including other boids)
ruleX2 = proximityVelocityFixX / proximityFactor;
ruleY2 = proximityVelocityFixY / proximityFactor;
// Match velocity of nearby dragons
ruleX3 = (perceivedVelocityX - boid.vx) / movementFactor;
ruleY3 = (perceivedVelocityY - boid.vy) / movementFactor;
// Fly towards tending position
tendToVelocityX = (tendToPositionX - boid.x) / movementFactor;
tendToVelocityY = (tendToPositionY - boid.y) / movementFactor;
// Update Velocity
boid.vx += ruleX1 + ruleX2 + ruleX3 + bindVelocityX + tendToVelocityX;
boid.absoluteVelocityX = abs(boid.vx);
boid.vy += ruleY1 + ruleY2 + ruleY3 + bindVelocityY + tendToVelocityY;
boid.absoluteVelocityY = abs(boid.vy);
// Limit velocity
if (boid.absoluteVelocityY > velocityLimit) boid.vy *= velocityLimit / boid.absoluteVelocityY;
if (boid.absoluteVelocityX > velocityLimit) boid.vx *= velocityLimit / boid.absoluteVelocityX;
// Update angle
boid.angle = Math.atan2(boid.vy, boid.vx) + Math.PI / 2;
// Update position
boid.x += boid.vx;
boid.y += boid.vy;
// Update fireball
if (boid.fireX && frame % 2 == 0) {
boid.fireX += boid.fireVx;
boid.fireY += boid.fireVy;
if (boid.fireHue < 50) boid.fireHue += 1.5;
if (boid.fireLight < 100) boid.fireLight += 0.5;
// Shoot fireball
if (rand() < 0.002) {
boid.fireX = boid.x;
boid.fireY = boid.y;
boid.fireVx = boid.vx * 10;
boid.fireVy = boid.vy * 10;
boid.fireHue = 0;
boid.fireLight = 50;
} // Each boid
// Update tend to position
if (frame % 100 == 0) {
tendToPositionX = rand() * w;
tendToPositionY = rand() * h;
// Increment frame
})(); //Loop