d();var i,j,c=f=0,d="North0West0South0East0get0kill0open0unlock".split(0),s="Key0Chest0Master Chest0Dragon".split(0),o=s.slice(0),r=[],P=b.style,A=alert,M=Math;for(i=9;i--;){j=M.random()*9|0;o[i]=[o[j],o[j]=o[i]][0]}function g(k){j=[];for(i in s)j[i]=!r[0]||M.random()<.5;j[(k+2)%4]=k>3||c;return r.push(j)}function v(h){j="00"+M.pow(67,c).toString(16)+"000";P.background="#"+j.substr(j.search("000")-3,3);j='<br><br>';h='';if(o[c]){h+="Here ";h+=f>3?"you slay":s.indexOf(o[c])<f?"you found":"there be";h+=" a "+o[c]}h+=j+"Exits are ";for(i in s)if(r[c][i]!==!1)h+=" "+d[i];b.innerHTML=h+j+'<input onkeyup=if(event.keyCode==13)a(this.value)>'}function a(x,y){y=d.indexOf((d+"").match(RegExp(x.replace(/ +/g,'|'),'i'))+"");if(y<0)return;if(y>3){if(o[c]&&(j=s.indexOf(o[c]))==f){if(f>2)A("You've slain the Dragon!");else{x=f==1?'Master Key':f==2?'Sword':s[f];A('Got '+x)}f++}else if(j>=f)A('Find the '+s[f]+' First')}else if(r[c][y]!==!1){if(r[c][y]===!0){r[c][y]=g(y)-1};c=r[c][y]}v()}g(4);v();P.color="#FFF";P.padding="50px"
var i,j, // placeholders
c=f=0, // current room and found items counter
d="North0West0South0East0get0kill0open0unlock".split(0), // accepted actions
s="Key0Chest0Master Chest0Dragon".split(0), // special items
o=s.slice(0), // where the items are
r=[], // room exit information, stored as truthy arrays with integers where linked
P=b.style,A=alert,M=Math; // Shorthand
for(i=9;i--;){j=M.random()*9|0;o[i]=[o[j],o[j]=o[i]][0]} // Scramble special items into rooms
// Generate new room
function g(k) {
j=[]; // array of exits in placeholder
for(i in s) // Random room exits
j[i]=!r[0]||M.random()<.5; // Each direction, 50-50, unless first room (goes everywhere)
j[(k+2)%4]=k>3||c; // Assign previous room to its exit
return r.push(j) // Return number of rooms (room number+1)
// Render function
function v(h){
// Color magic
j="00"+M.pow(67,c).toString(16)+"000"; // 67 (determined by investigation) to the power of the current room's
P.background="#"+j.substr(j.search("000")-3,3); // Chop it down, assign
j='<br><br>';h=''; // Short hand and setup
if(o[c]){ // If there's an item in the room
h+="Here ";h+= // - Dynamic messages!
? "you slay" // - Game beat
: s.indexOf(o[c])<f
? "you found" // - Item collected
: "there be"; // - Otherwise
h+=" a "+o[c]
h+=j+"Exits are ";
for(i in s) // Each direction
if(r[c][i]!==!1) // - If not false
h+=" "+d[i]; // -- Add direction to text
b.innerHTML=h+j+'<input onkeyup=if(event.keyCode==13)a(this.value)>'
// Input for commands
// Parse action
function a(x,y) {
y=d.indexOf((d+"").match(RegExp(x.replace(/ +/g,'|'),'i'))+""); // Find command in array or -1
if(y<0)return; // No legit action
if(y>3){ // Get/Open/etc action
if(o[c]&&(j=s.indexOf(o[c]))==f){ // - If there's something in this room and you've progressed enough
if(f>2) A("You've slain the Dragon!"); // -- Win the game!
else{x=f==1?'Master Key':f==2?'Sword':s[f]; // -- Master Key and Swords are in chests, otherwise item in room
A('Got '+x)}f++ // --- Display got and increment progress
} else if(j>=f) // - Not far enough
A('Find the '+s[f]+' First')
} else if(r[c][y]!==!1) { // Move action, if direction you want to go in is not closed (false)
if(r[c][y]===!0) { // - Brand new room?
r[c][y]=g(y)-1 // - Generate, subtract 1 to get new room id
v() // Render
// Init actions
g(4); // Make first room (4 makes it do every direction)
v(); // Render
P.color="#FFF";P.padding="50px" // FABULOUS!