E=x=y=z=X=Y=Z=-2;B=b.style;B.margin=0;B.overflow="hidden";B.background="#000";B.cursor="none";w=(c.width=b.clientWidth)/2;h=(c.height=window.innerHeight)/2;W=w*.8;H=h*.8;M=N=0;A=Math.abs;function T(a,t,e){return a<-t?e?A(e):-t:a>t?e?-A(e):t:e?e:a}c.onmousemove=function(a){M=T(a.clientX-w,W);N=T(a.clientY-h,H)};r=(R="rgba(255,0,0,")+"0.5)";R+="1)";l=(L="rgba(0,100,255,")+"0.5)";L+="1)";a.globalCompositeOperation="lighter";a.f=a.fill;a.b=a.beginPath;function p(t,e,i,n){s=i+2;a.b();a.arc((t+E*i)/s,e/s,n/s,0,2*Math.PI);a.fillStyle=E<0?R:L;a.f()}a.translate(w,h);setInterval(function(){a.clearRect(-w,-h,2*w,2*h);for(E=-7;E<8;E+=14){for(K=-1;K<=1;K+=.2)for(Q=-W;Q<=W;Q+=W/5){p(Q,-H,K,4);p(Q,H,K,4)}p(x,y,z,20);a.fillStyle=E<0?r:l;a.strokeStyle=E<0?R:L;for(Q=0;Q<11;Q+=10){a.b();a.rect(M-20-Q-E,N-15-Q,40+Q*2,30+Q*2);a.stroke()}a.f()}x+=X;y+=Y+=.1;z+=Z;X=T(x,W,X);Y=T(y,H,Y);if(y>0&&Y<0)Y-=.05;if(z>1)Z=-.018;if(z<-.9&&z>-1.01&&M-40<x&&M+40>x&&N-35<y&&N+35>y){X+=(x-M)/6;Y+=(y-N)/7;Z=.03}if(z<-1.3)x=y=z=X=Y=Z=.01},33);
// E = eye horizon base offset
// x,y,z = pong ball center
// X,Y,Z = pong ball velocity vector component
E = x = y = z = X = Y = Z = -2;
B = b.style;
B.margin = 0;
B.overflow = 'hidden';
B.background = '#000';
B.cursor = 'none';
w = (c.width = b.clientWidth)/2;
h = (c.height = window.innerHeight)/2;
W = w*.8;
H = h*.8;
M = N = 0;
A = Math.abs
// test limit [-l,l]
function T(t,l,i) {
return t<-l ?
(i? A(i) : -l)
t>l ?
(i? -A(i) : l)
(i? i : t)
c.onmousemove = function(e) {
M = T(e.clientX - w, W);
N = T(e.clientY - h, H);
red trans: r = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.5)'
red opac: R = 'rgb(255,0,0)'
blue trans: l = 'rgba(0,100,255,0.5)'
blue opac: L = 'rgb(0,100,255)'
r = (R = 'rgba(255,0,0,')+'0.5)'
R += '1)'
l = (L = 'rgba(0,100,255,')+'0.5)'
L += '1)'
a.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter';
a.f = a.fill;
a.b = a.beginPath;
// Plot Dot
function p(x,y,z,r) {
a.arc((x+E*z)/s, y/s, r/s, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
a.fillStyle = E<0 ? R : L;
// translate context to add 10px padding
a.translate(w, h);
setInterval(function() {
a.clearRect(-w, -h, 2*w, 2*h);
// Draw for each eye
for ( E=-7; E<8; E+=14 ) {
// Draw the playground dots
for ( K=-1; K<=1; K+=.2 )
// Lines of dots
for (Q=-W;Q<=W;Q+=W/5) {
p(Q, -H, K, 4);
p(Q, H, K, 4);
// Draw the ball
p(x, y, z, 20);
// Draw pong racket
a.fillStyle = E<0 ? r : l;
a.strokeStyle = E<0 ? R : L;
// racket pieces
for (Q=0; Q<11; Q+=10) {
a.rect(M-20-Q-E, N-15-Q, 40+Q*2, 30+Q*2);
// Move the ball
x+=X; y+=Y+=0.1; z+=Z;
// kick ball
X = T(x,W,X);
Y = T(y,H,Y);
//if ( y>0 && Y<0 && Y>-2 ) Y-=0.5
if ( y>0 && Y<0 ) Y-=0.05
if ( z>1 ) Z=-0.018;
if ( z<-0.9 && z>-1.01 && M-40<x && M+40>x && N-35<y && N+35>y ) {
X += (x - M)/6;
Y += (y - N)/7;
Z = 0.03;
if ( z<-1.3 ) x = y = z = X = Y = Z = 0.01;
}, 33);