Renders fractal flames similar to electric sheep. Users can make their own and share them.
D=document;M=Math;W=window;function F(){for(i=5E4;i--;){g=m[4][~~(M.random()*m[4].length)];t=g[1]*x+g[2]*y+g[5];y=g[3]*x+g[4]*y+g[6];j=t*t+y*y;switch(g[0]){case 0:x=M.sin(t),y=M.sin(y);case 1:x=t/j,y/=j}Q=m[3];u=~~((x*w+Q[0])*Q[2]);v=~~((y*h+Q[1])*Q[2]);l=u*w+v;H[l]=H[l]?H[l]+1:1;H[l]>d&&(d=H[l])}z=a.createImageData(w,h);;for(i=w*h;i--;)t=M.log(H[i])/M.log(d),j=4*i,Z[j]=n(t,0),Z[j+1]=n(t,1),Z[j+2]=n(t,2),Z[j+3]=255;a.putImageData(z,0,0);W.setTimeout(F,9)}function I(){m=JSON.parse(J.value);D.getElementById("b").disabled=1;w=c.width=m[0][0];h=c.height=m[0][1];H=Array(w*h);F()}x=y=d=w=h=H=m=0;E=D.createElement("p");E.innerHTML="<br><button id=b onclick=I();>dream</button><button'image/png'));>save</button><br><textarea id=f></textarea>";b.appendChild(E);O=[M.tan,M.sin,M.cos];function n(e,f){return 255*O[m[2][f]](e)*e*m[1][f]}m=[[900,500],[1,1,1],[0,1,2],[900,500,1],[[1,0.5,-0.5,0.4,0.5,-0.4,0],[1,0.8,0.2,-0.4,0.7,0.9,0.3]]];J=D.getElementById("f");J.value=JSON.stringify(m);
// Do Browsers Dream of Electric Sheep?
// js1k entry by Will Ridgers
* Special thanks to Scott Draves for his amazing work on the fractal flame
* algorithm and the electric sheep wallpaper.
/* a (mostly up to date) index of variables
* a = [global] canvas 2d context
* A = random var
* b = [global] document.body
* B = random var
* c = [global] canvas element
* C = random var
* d = largest hit per pixel
* D = document
* e = colour coordinate
* E = html element
* f = function chosen randomly
* F = render a flame
* g = m[f]
* G = element cache
* h = [global] canvas height
* H = [global] histogram
* i = iterator for loop
* I = init function
* j = iterator for loop
* J = D.getElementById('f').value
* k = iterator for loop
* l = index of pixel in image buffer
* m = [global] matrix of coefficients
* M = Math
* n = [global] array of palettes
* N = [global] palette that has been chosen
* o = [global] array of functions
* O = [global] array of trig functions
* p = [global] count of how many F() calls
* q =
* Q = another cache!
* r =
* R = Math.random
* s = scale value
* t = temp variable
* u = scaled x coordinate
* v = scaled y coordinate
* w = [global] canvas width
* W = window, window.setTimeout
* x = x coordinate
* y = y coordinate
* z = [global] image buffer
* Z =
// very useful aliases
* Render a flame to canvas
function F() {
// a while loop is smaller than a for loop
i = 50000;
while (i--) {
// pick a function randomly
// ~~ is the same as Math.floor (and faster)
g = m[4][~~(M.random()*m[4].length)];
// linear equations
t = g[1] * x + g[2] * y + g[5];
y = g[3] * x + g[4] * y + g[6];
// x = t;
// variables for variations
j = t*t + y*y;
// i tried making these equations part of m, but eval is just
// sooooo slow that it doesn't work very well. :(
switch(g[0]) {
case 0:
// sinusoidal
x = M.sin(t);
y = M.sin(y);
case 1:
// spherical
x = t/j;
y = y/j;
// scale x and y coordinates to fit in z
// ~~ is the same as Math.floor (and faster)
// cache m[3]
Q = m[3];
u = ~~((x*w + Q[0])*Q[2]);
v = ~~((y*h + Q[1])*Q[2]);
// calculate location of pixel in image buffer
l = u*w + v;
// if not defined, make it 1
// otherwise add 1
H[l] = H[l] ? H[l]+1 : 1;
// keep largest hit
if (H[l] > d)
d = H[l];
// create image buffer
z = a.createImageData(w,h);
Z =;
// prepare image buffer
i = w*h;
while (i--) {
// logarithmic scale
t = M.log(H[i])/M.log(d);
// cache 4*i
// set nicely!
Z[j] = n(t,0); // red
Z[j+1] = n(t,1); // green
Z[j+2] = n(t,2); // blue
// set alpha to full
Z[j+3] = 255;
// copy buffer to canvas
a.putImageData(z, 0, 0);
// do it again!
// (just calling F() here will cause the browser to crash, teehee)
W.setTimeout(F, 9);
function I() {
// read config
m = JSON.parse(J.value);
// stop people from renderin twice
// at this point I had only 38 bytes left to play with...
D.getElementById('b').disabled = 1;
// setup canvas and window
w = c.width = m[0][0];
h = c.height = m[0][1];
// make it fullscreen
// = W.innerHeight + 'px';
// histogram, array of hits
H = new Array(w*h);
// go!
// make all these variables global.
x = y = d = w = h = H = m = 0;
// just makes things nicer
// c.height = 0;
// make gui element
E = D.createElement('p');
E.innerHTML = '<br><button id=b onclick=I();>dream</button><button\'image/png\'));>save</button><br><textarea id=f></textarea>';
// add to dom
// tan gives dark -> high
// sin gives dark -> medium
// cos gives dark -> low
O = [M.tan,M.sin,M.cos];
// compute palette based on t value
function n(i,j) { return 255*O[m[2][j]](i)*i*m[1][j]; }
// drake's cloud flame
// [
// [1, 0.562482, -0.539599, 0.397861, 0.501088, -0.42992, -0.112404],
// [1, 0.830039, 0.16248, -0.496174, 0.750468, 0.91022, 0.288389]
// ];
m = [
[900,500], // resolution
[1, 1, 1], // colour multiples
[0, 1, 2], // which O[x] to use
[900, 500, 1], // focal x, focal y, zoom
[1, .5, -.5, .4, .5, -.4, 0], // equation type, coefficients a, b, c, d, e, f
[1, .8, .2, -.4, .7, .9, .3]
// set input area
J = D.getElementById('f');
J.value = JSON.stringify(m);