_=' s(eLStyle=e}var d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n=32,p0,q=25,r=JSON@Fify,u=top.locati7,v=?1:2; {klmj=(A@lice(1)@pliB",).lengthZ1==Pswitch(jLG1:p=54:p09:p5}c.width=c.height=50*p;a.f7t="16pt m"Z2!=Pe gDarseInBf[e]Q6);d=qk ,g&1<<d$k)}eD^dH;dV;da@troke,n,nm=l ,v$2==v$k |Math.random()+0.5d)33h+22ZPdDeHVed*n+9Q5h}c.7click%dX/nY/n;_ZdVeV)t@hiftKeyv?m0,m,aaa):l1,m ,000+1+1Q0Q0Pr(k)==r(l)alerB"YOUR WINNERlse{e ;jD*p/q;A""d=q;g l$g|<<d);f+=g.toSF(36)<j-1$f+=",}=f}};;7keydown%At.keyCode;48<f52>f?(p=5*(f-48):64<f68>f$v=f-65,)};[f]for(functi7--?fff:(l=&&a.fillu.hash++)_, =0[e*q+d]kg++,(!k||;break;Gif(;d^;e=D-1)g)h+=n,g RecBd*n |t.page<j++LTexBg,w()*p+=[];,e*ns("#=1")),$(%=(tL7on@.sAf=Bt(D=pFtringGcase H=g=h L){Pv)Q,3V<pZ;^--;)_Aed';for(Y in $='_^ZVQPLHGFDBA@7%$ ')with(_.split($[Y]))_=join(pop());eval(_)
// hideoous, embarassing spaghetti code just up ahead!
// you have been warned!
var x, y,
temp1, // I don't even know which one of these does what anymore
temp2, // good luck trying to figure it out
sqrs, // cached number of tiles on the board
strs, // cached numbers of base 36-encoded strings needed to represent board
// aka number of tiles / 25
pic, guess, mark,
n = 32, // width and height of tiles
d = 10, // default sized game board
tf = 25,// just caching another common value
stringify = JSON.stringify,
L = top.location,
mode = L.hash ? 1 : 2; // mode 0 is creation, mode 1 is playing preset,
// mode 2 is playing random, but i'll probably remove that
// required or GWT will trash the HTML shim's b object.
// can be removed after minification
b.dummy = [];
// comment this out and add it back in later, or GWT will inline it
function s(e){a.fillStyle=e}
function init() {
pic = [], guess = [], mark = [];
strs = (temp1 = L.hash.slice(1).split(',')).length;
if (L.hash && mode == 1) {
switch (strs) {
case 1: d = 5; break;
case 4: d = 10; break;
case 9: d = 15; break;
c.width = c.height = d*50, sqrs = d*d;
// yes, this is on purpose
a.font = "16pt m";
// extract puzzle from string
if (mode != 2) {
for (y = 0; y < strs; y++) {
temp2 = parseInt(temp1[y], 36);
for (x = tf; x--;) {
pic[y*tf+x] = 0;
if (temp2 & 1 << x) {
pic[y*tf+x] = 1;
for (y = d; y--;) {
temp2 = temp3 = 0;
for (x = 0; x < d; x++) {
temp1 = y*d+x
a.strokeRect(x * n, y * n, n, n);
mark[temp1] = guess[temp1] = 0;
// fills in numbers for each row... but not in edit mode, of course
if (mode) {
// only random for random mode
if (mode == 2) {
pic[temp1] = 0|Math.random()+.5;
if (pic[temp1]) temp2++;
if (!pic[temp1] || x == d-1) {
if (temp2) {
a.fillText(temp2, d * 33 + temp3, y * n + 22);
temp3 += n;
temp2 = 0;
// fills in numbers for each column
if (mode) {
for (x = d; x--;) {
temp2 = temp3 = 0;
for (y = 0; y < d; y++) {
temp1 = y*d+x
if (pic[temp1]) temp2++;
if (!pic[temp1] || y == d-1) {
if (temp2) {
a.fillText(temp2, x * n + 9, d * 35 + temp3);
temp3 += n;
temp2 = 0;
c.onclick = function(e) {
x = 0|e.pageX / n, y = 0|e.pageY / n, temp1 = y*d+x;
if (x < d && y < d) {
if (e.shiftKey && mode) {
if (mark[temp1]--) {
} else {
guess[temp1] = 0;
mark[temp1] = 1;
} else if (guess[temp1]--) {
} else {
guess[temp1] = 1;
mark[temp1] = 0;
a.fillRect(x * n + 1, y * n + 1, 30, 30);
if (mode) {
if (stringify(pic) == stringify(guess)) {
alert("YOUR WINNER");
} else {
// encodes puzzles in URL like so:
// for every 25 tiles, create a bitmask
// then base 36-encode it
for (y = 0, strs = d*d/tf, temp1=''; y < strs; y++) {
for (x = tf, temp2 = 0; x--;) {
if (guess[y * tf + x]) {
temp2 |= 1 << x
temp1 += temp2.toString(36);
if (y<strs-1) {
temp1 += ',';
L.hash = temp1
onkeydown = function(e) {
temp1 = e.keyCode;
// if keys 1, 2, or 3 are pressed, change board size
if (temp1 > 48 && temp1 < 52) {
d = 5 * (temp1 - 48);
// if keys A, B, or C are pressed, change mode
} else if (temp1 > 64 && temp1 < 68) {
mode = temp1 - 65