Springy is a simple Doodle Jump clone. Move your mouse to the left or right to control your spring and see how high you can jump! Now featuring mobile accelerometer support!
s='z=q=s=QB=[];c.width=320;c.height=W*2;u=`B[e]={x:WZ,y:r,t:1>6Z,d:3Z|-1}};v=`for(f=i=n=k=m=0;7>i;)u(i++,f),480>fVf+=71Jg=155;h=463;Y};v(Jw=`0>e?0<gVg-=6):0<e?320>g+10Vg+=6):0};b.onmousemove=`p=e.pageX;w(p<g?-1:p>g?1:0)};this.ondevicemotion=`A=e.accelerationIncludingGravity.x;s=0>A?-1:0<A?1:0;isNaN(this.orientation)Vs=-s)};c.onclick=`!qVq=!v())};setInterval(`K"#79F";_Rect(QQ32QW*2Jif(q){w(sJjVW<h?h-=l:(10<l^n++,OW*2<(e.y+=l)^u(r,e.y-W*2)})),!--lVj=Qk=m=1)JkV463>h?h+=m++:n?q=0:k=m=0J!k^!j^Y;Owith(e)d*=0>x||W<x?-1:1,x+=d*(r/2)*n/100|QKt?"#FD3":"#FFF",_Rect(x,y,7Q20),k^g<x+70^g+10>x^h+37>y^h+37<y+20Vk=m=Q!j^Y,tVl=50))}Ja.beginPath(Jfor(i=0;5>i;)a.arc(g,h+i++*(7-l/2),9,Q2*Math.PIJa.stroke()}K"#000";a.font="20H;LScore: "+n,9,491J!qV15>++z%25^LClick/tap to play",8QW),a.font="13H,LUse the mouse or tilt device to move",4Q290))},20)';for(r='`function(e,r){~_a.fill~^&&~Z*Math.random()~Y(j=1,l=17)~W250~V^(~Q0,~OB.forEach(`~L_Text("~K_Style=~J);~Hpx arial"'.split('~');p=r.pop();)s=s.split(p[0]).join(p.slice(1));eval(s)
* Springy - a simple Doodle Jump clone in less than 1kB of JavaScript! Written for JS1K 2013 (http://js1k.com/2013-spring).
* To control your spring, simply move the mouse to the left or right. White platforms are normal, gold platforms are extra-springy.
* The game runs until you fall. See how high you can get!
* You can now play on your mobile/tablet! Just tilt the device to the left or right to move. Works best on iOS and older Android devices
* (some newer android devices seem to mix up the axes)
* Assumes that the following variables are globally available (see springy.html):
* - b = document.body
* - c = document.getElementsByTagName("canvas")[0]
* - a = c.getContext("2d")
var e, f, platformY, springX, springY, jumping, falling, jumpSpeed, fallSpeed, i, score, ma, alive, rotation, createPlatform, init, moveSpring, g,
loopCounter = alive = rotation = 0, // rotation = mobile device rotation, -1 == left, 0 == static, 1 == right
platforms = [];
c.width = 320;
c.height = 500;
createPlatform = function (e, f) {
platforms[e] = {
x: Math.random() * 250, // 250 == canvas width (320) - platform width (70)
y: f,
t: Math.random() * 6 < 1, // type of platform (normal or bouncy, normal more likely)
d: Math.random() * 3 | 0 - 1 // which direction does it move in (-1 = left, 0 = static, 1 = right)?
init = function () {
for (platformY = i = score = falling = fallSpeed = 0; i < 7;) { // populate random platforms array, 7 == number of platforms
createPlatform(i++, platformY);
platformY < 480 && (platformY += 71); // 71 == canvas height / num platforms (7), 480 == canvas height - platform height (20)
springX = 155;
springY = 463; // 463 == canvas height (500) - spring height (37)
jumping = 1,
jumpSpeed = 17;
moveSpring = function (e) {
e < 0 ? springX > 0 && (springX -= 6) : e > 0 ? springX + 10 < 320 && (springX += 6) : 0;
b.onmousemove = function (e) { // move the mouse to the left and right to move the spring as appropriate
ma = e.pageX;
moveSpring(ma < springX ? -1 : ma > springX ? 1 : 0);
this["ondevicemotion"] = function (e) { // iOS requires context for the property
A = e["accelerationIncludingGravity"].x;
rotation = A < 0 ? -1 : A > 0 ? 1 : 0;
isNaN(this.orientation) && (rotation = -rotation); // Opera Mobile doesn't support orientation and seems to reverse the axis
c.onclick = function () { // click on the canvas to start the game
!alive && (alive = !init());
setInterval(function () {
a.fillStyle = "#79F";
a.fillRect(0, 0, 320, 500); // clear the canvas
if (alive) {
if (jumping) { // if jumping, move up appropriately
if (springY > 250) { // if spring is in bottom half of screen...
springY -= jumpSpeed; // move spring up
} else { // if spring is in top half of screen...
jumpSpeed > 10 && score++; // increase score
platforms.forEach(function (e, f) { // check if any platforms are no longer in view
if ((e.y += jumpSpeed) > 500) {
createPlatform(f, e.y - 500);
!--jumpSpeed && (jumping = 0, falling = fallSpeed = 1); // decrease jump speed to simulate the effect of gravity
falling && (springY < 463 ? springY += fallSpeed++ : score ? alive = 0 : falling = fallSpeed = 0); // 37 == spring height
!falling && !jumping && (jumping = 1, jumpSpeed = 17); // finished falling, start jumping again
platforms.forEach(function (e, f) {
with (e) {
d *= x < 0 || x > 250 ? -1 : 1; // move the platform horizontally if it's a moving one, 70 == platform width
x += d * (f / 2) * score / 100 | 0;
a.fillStyle = t ? "#FD3" : "#FFF";
a.fillRect(x, y, 70, 20); // 70 == platform width, 20 == platform height
falling && // check for collisions if the spring is falling
springX < x + 70 && // 70 == platform width
springX + 10 > x && // 10 == spring width
springY + 37 > y && // 37 == spring height
springY + 37 < y + 20 && // 37 == spring height, 20 = platform height
(falling = fallSpeed = 0, !jumping && (jumping = 1, jumpSpeed = 17), t && (jumpSpeed = 50));
a.beginPath(); // draw the spring
for (i = 0; i < 5;) {
a.arc(springX, springY + i++ * (7 - jumpSpeed / 2), 9, 0, Math.PI * 2);
a.fillStyle = "#000";
a.font = "20px arial";
a.fillText("Score: " + score, 9, 491);
!alive && (++loopCounter % 25 < 15 && a.fillText("Click/tap to play", 80, 250), a.font = "13px arial", a.fillText("Use the mouse or tilt device to move", 40, 290));
}, 20);