Every year, spring is the time for renewal. It brings life back and buds grow again as the sun rise in the sky.
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* Rebirth, by Jérémy Tuloup
* js1k 2013-Spring entry
* Description:
* Every year, spring is the time for renewal.
* It brings life back and buds grow again as the sun rise in the sky.
* If you want new trees, just refresh the page.
* Enjoy :)
* It runs smoothly on a i7 computer, with Chrome 24, Firefox 18 and
* Internet Explorer on Windows, and also in Chrome on Linux, but a bit
* slower in Firefox on Linux (maybe because of my Firefox install).
* I noticed a little glitch on Safari on Mac with the leaves, just at
* the beginning of the demo.
* About the code:
* - There are a lot of magic numbers, found after a lot of testing
* - 7 is used instead of 2*Math.PI for drawing circles, and 1.6 instead of Math.PI/2
* - Minification is done in two steps:
* 1. With Closure Compiler (http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home) to
* remove whitespaces and comments.
* 2. With JS Crush (http://www.iteral.com/jscrush/) for a big compression!
* - The two functions use the same signature, because it allows more
* compression with JS Crush
w = c.width = window.innerWidth;
h = c.height = window.innerHeight;
t = k = G = -1; // initialize time, wind and growth at the same time
T = []; // list of trees
// grow a tree
// (posX, posY, radius, scale, depth, parent, self pointer)
A = function(x,y,r,s,d,p,m) {
// compute new coordinates
// add the new node [x,y,scale,parent,radius]
// end of recursion
if (d > 5) return; // only 6 for better performance
var i = u; // remember self node
if(Math.random() < 0.7) {
A(x,y,r-Math.random()*0.3-0.2,s*0.6,d+1,i,m); // left branch
A(x,y,r+Math.random()*0.3+0.2,s*0.6,d+1,i,m); // right branch
} else
A(x,y,r,s*0.8,d,i,m); // continue with main branch
return m;
// create the trees
T.push(A((i+0.5)*(w/3), h, 1.6,1,0,[(i+0.5)*(w/3),h,1.6,1,0],{n:[]}));
// main
setInterval(function(x,y,r,s,d,p,m) {
// update t and G at the same time
G = Math.sin((t+=0.005)-1)+1;
// sky and sun
a.fillStyle = a.createRadialGradient(
w/2*(Math.cos(t)+1), h-0.8*Math.sin(t)*h, w/32,
w/2*(Math.cos(t)+1), h-0.8*Math.sin(t)*h, w/2
a.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.01, '#FD4');
a.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.05, '#FB0');
a.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.6, '#CEF');
a.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
a.strokeStyle = '#000';
// render and update trees
for (j in T[i].n)
if (T[i].n[j][2]) {
// draw a branch from the current node to its parent
a.lineWidth = T[i].n[j][2]*w/32;
T[i].n[j][0]+= Math.cos(t*8+i), // update x at the same time
T[i].n[j][1]+= Math.sin(t)/(8+i) // update y at the same time
// draw a circle to make the tree look better
a.fillStyle = '#000';
a.arc(T[i].n[j][0],T[i].n[j][1],w/64*T[i].n[j][2],0, 7);
} else {
// drawing a text for the leaf helps to save a few bytes
a.fillStyle = '#261', // green
a.font = 20*G+'px Arial',
// render a little hill at the bottom
a.fillStyle = '#000';
// compute a new wind, going from right to left
if (k>0.7||k<0)
for (k=0,i=5,W=[];i--;){
y = Math.random()*h;
w, // start x
y, // start y
w+Math.random()*99+99, // end x
y+Math.random()*50 // end y
// render and update wind
for (k+=0.02,i=5;i--;){
dx = W[i][0]-W[i][2]; dy = W[i][1]-W[i][3];
a.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,'+(1.2-k/0.7)+')';
}, 33);