BBCode Parser. This isn't just a quick regex; it parses the message into a tree, and so supports bbcodes with values, like [url]. Unfortunately I had to strip out most of my code for handling invalid…
function m(d){for(var h={ch:[]},f,e,g,i,j;sr.test(d);){f=sr.exec(d)[0];;j=e+f.length;0<e&&{a:"t",c:d.substring(0,e)});"=");i=0<e?f.substring(0,e)+"]":f;a:{g=d.substr(j);for(var l=1,k=0;k<g.length;k++)if(t=g.substr(k),l+=(\[\/[^\[\]]+\]/)),0==l){g=k;break a}g=!1}g+=j;{a:i.substr(1,i.length-2),d:f.substring(e+1,f.length-1),c:m(d.substring(j,g))});d=d.substr(g+i.length+1)}{a:"t",c:d});return h}
function n(d){var h="",f={b:"<b>^</b>",i:"<i>^</i>",u:"<u>^</u>",quote:"<div class=quote>^</div>",img:"<img src=^>",url:"<a href=&>^</a>",size:'<a style="font-size: &%">^</a>',t:"^"};if("t"==d.a)return d.c;for(var,e=0;e<d.length;e++)h+=d[e].a in f?f[d[e].a].replace("&",d[e].d).replace("^",n(d[e]).replace(/\n/g,"<br>")):d[e].a;return h}z="[size=180]Type BBCode.[/size]";
b.innerHTML="<div id=i>"+n(m(z))+'</div><br><textarea cols=80 rows=10 onkeyup="b.firstChild.innerHTML=n(m(this.value))">'+z;
a = a
b = b
c = c
sr = /\[[^\/][^\[\]]*\]/
function create_tree(_working_string){
var _output = {ch: []}
var _t, _tp, _tep, _ts, _twa, _to;
//Find out what the first tag in the string is
_t = sr.exec(_working_string)[0]
//Find out where exactly it is.
_tp =
_to = _tp + _t.length
//If there's text between the start of this tag, and the end of the last one, parse it.
if (_tp > 0){t: 't', c: _working_string.substring(0, _tp)})
//If the bbcode has an attribute, retreive it. (Like [url=]this[/url])
_ts ="=")
_twa = _ts > 0 ? _t.substring(0, _ts) + "]" : _t
//Check for an end tag
_tep = find_end_tag(_working_string.substr(_to)) + _to
//Recursively parse the children of the tag{t: _twa.substr(1,_twa.length-2), v: _t.substring(_ts + 1, _t.length - 1), c: create_tree(_working_string.substring(_to, _tep))})
//Remove the parsed section from the working string
_working_string = _working_string.substr(_tep + _twa.length + 1)
}{t: 't', c: _working_string})
return _output;
function find_end_tag(input){
var _level = 1
for (var _i = 0; _i < input.length; _i++){
t = input.substr(_i)
_level += ( == 0) - (\[\/[^\[\]]+\]/) == 0)
if (_level == 0) return _i
return false;
function parse_tree(tree){
var _html = "";
var b_ = {"b": "<b>^</b>","i": "<i>^</i>","u": "<u>^</u>","quote": '<div class=quote>^</div>',"img" : '<img src=^>', "url":'<a href=&>^</a>',"size":'<a style="font-size: &%">^</a>',"t" : "^"}
if (tree.t == "t") return tree.c
var _t = ? :
for (var _i = 0; _i < _t.length; _i++) {
_html += (_t[_i].t in b_ ? b_[_t[_i].t].replace("&", _t[_i].v).replace("^", parse_tree(_t[_i]).replace(/\n/g, "<br>")) : _t[_i].t);
return _html;
z = "[size=180]Type BBCode.[/size]"
b.innerHTML = ("<div id=i>" + parse_tree(create_tree(z)) + "</div><br><textarea cols=80 rows=10 onkeyup=\"b.firstChild.innerHTML=n(m(this.value))\">" + z + "");