In my opinion, the most romantic scene is an autumn evening, just at sunset when the sky turns red and everything looks so beautiful and warm. So I was inspired to write this scene and see how far I c…
_='w=c.wKWK-25;h=c.heightHeight-25;t=-A4;B=[];L=[[Z^1FZ5F156_0]];G=i=2*(3<giLUd+/_e+3Ff+35,+44,]if(6>g){BU],[d`2*+(2==g)*b,e-=6+-f/Ff`25**b-F12-2*g]z3|G(,g+Z2*b)}};G(_h-8Z0setInterval(t`A01;=createRadialGradient(7240*t-9_Z4646900A06Jfda"A07Jfc4"A2Je65"1J326"Vw,h>z242|b%2?leWK=B[Yb][mov,3]:stroke(l<="#e65";font="1px x";Text("\\u2766j64^50e=1;epuge^-e+8)*e/5Xw,1X4)*e/9X^+eE9_A1)";V^2w,1)},50NO&&(d=1],q=$O*227Fu=99*(9*t-b%300Xq`u*=(0<u)*!!b,d`u*Nu/99)/9+A4,E@9j@10j@11jA8)jYmov3Q4l5Q6l7Q8close() random().addColorStop([b][]*$u/=14)+dXfill,4-$BO*B227FB1]) Math.Style0,function(,g,b){z703|0ina.Lfor(--;)Path(X~~(N9*t+e/);]+0*=wdow.nertImageData(-1eTo(20d,e,f$ cos(@"+~~A0.E="rgba(F5,J,"#KidthN s(O0t)Qq,U.push([VRect(X),YbegZ1,^h_9,`+=j",zb=|;b';for(Y=0;$='|zj`_^ZYXVUQONKJFEA@$ '[Y++];)with(_.split($))_=join(pop());eval(_)
* js1k demo by Philip Buchanan
* philip @ surrealix com
* In my opinion, the most romantic scene is an autumn evening, just at sunset
* when the sky turns red and everything looks so beautiful and warm. So I was
* inspired to write this scene and see how far I could push "high-quality"
* graphics in 1k. I'm pleased with the result - it looks almost identical to
* my original 20k concept :).
* It took me one day to write the demo, then two weeks to get the size down
* below the 1k limit. I've commented some of the more interesting optimisations
* in the code below.
* It runs fullscreen at 30fps in Chrome, Safari & Opera on my I7 laptop. Firefox
* and IE are a bit slower. If you've got a lower spec machine then running it in
* a smaller window will probably help things along.
* You're welcome to learn from this demo, but please don't rip it off directly!
* The code below isn't written to be as small as possible, instead it's written
* to be as repetitive as possible (albeit in as small space as possible). Up to
* a certain limit, unraveled code compresses better than the corresponding loop.
* Compression is using JScrush (
* To strip the comments and extra semi-colons, the code is first run through the
* closure compiler (
* List of 1-letter variables
* a context
* b body
* c element
* h canvas height
* l function parameter
* p "
* r "
* s local temporary variable
* t time/counter
* u local temporary variable
* w canvas width
* y function parameter
* B branches array
* G generate branch (1st) / render loop (2nd)
* L leaves array
* Okay, let's get started ...
w = c.width = window.innerWidth-25;
h = c.height = window.innerHeight-25;
* Initialisation
t = -0.4; // wait a moment before shedding leaves
B=[]; // branches [242]
* Leaves array [703], with the inital value of an island. This data takes up
* more space than I want, but it's integral to the illusion.
L=[[1, h-115, 1, //X, Y, Z
-150, 0, //vertex1 X, vertex1 Y
0, -15, //vertex1 X, vertex1 Y
150, 0, //vertex1 X, vertex1 Y
60, 9, 0]]; // R, G, B
* Create Tree (saving everything as angle/height/radius instead of X/Y/Z allows
* us to save a trig operator every time we calculate the projection).
G = function(p, y, r, l, s) { // angle, y, radius, depth, spacing
// create some leaves
for(i=2*(l>3); i--;)
L.push([p + Math.random()/9,
y + Math.random()*30-15,
r + Math.random()*30-15,
Math.random()*40-20, Math.random()*40-20,
Math.random()*40-20, Math.random()*40-20,
Math.random()*40-20, Math.random()*40-20,
Math.random()*40*5+40, Math.random()*40, 20]);// color
if(l < 6)
// child branches
// Note that generating the offset here only happens once because
// it's not part of the for-loop.
B.push([ p, y, r],
y-=Math.random()*60+20 - r/5,
// but this stuff happens 3 times
G(p, y, r, l+1, s*2)
};G(9, h-80, 0, 1, 0);
* The rendering function is pretty straight forward, just long.
* Compression works best when functions have the same declaration, so we just
* copy the longest declaration and run with it. Additionally, math calls
* (Math.sin, cos, random) get replaced more efficiently than re-mapping them.
setInterval(function (p, y, r, l, s) { // counter, unused
* Time updates for controlling the wind, the sun, the rotation, etc
t += 0.01;
* Render Sky
a.fillStyle = a.createRadialGradient(720, t*40-99, 1, 460, 460, 900);
a.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.06, '#fda');
a.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.07, '#fc4');
a.fillStyle.addColorStop(0.2, '#e65');
a.fillStyle.addColorStop(1, '#326');
a.fillRect(0, 0, w, h);
* Render leaves behind the tree. Wild abuse of the comma operator abounds -
* see tree rendering for details.
* To maintain the 3d illusion the leaves are drawn in two batches, one in
* front, and one behind the tree. Depth sorting the leaves took too much
* space, and repeating this code twice doesn't increase the file size
* overly because it's identical and therefore highly compressable.
for(s=703;s--;) //703 = leaves array size
Math.sin(L[s][0]+t)<0 && ( //depth test
// Original position
p = L[s][1],
q = Math.cos(L[s][0]+t) * L[s][2] + 275, //offsetx
// Leaf shedding (xspeed, difference/wait)
// if we get to choose numbers, 99 is better than 100
u = (t*9 - s%300)*99,
// Leaf rotation
q += u *= (u > 0) * !!s,
p += u * Math.sin(u/99)/9+0.4,
a.fillStyle = 'rgba('+~~L[s][9]+','+~~L[s][10]+','+~~L[s][11]+',0.8)',
a.moveTo(L[s][3]+q, L[s][4]*Math.cos(u/=14)+p),
a.lineTo(L[s][5]+q, L[s][6]*Math.cos(u/=14)+p),
a.lineTo(L[s][7]+q, L[s][8]*Math.cos(u/=14)+p),
* Render Tree. Here we abuse the comma and ternary operators to replace an
* if/else statement. As a bonus, we save several braces and semicolons
* by nesting function calls in array access and other places that already have
* brackets, so that we don't need to create our own pair.
s%2 ?
a.moveTo(Math.cos(B[s][0]+t)*B[s][2]+275, B[s][1]) ,3]
a.stroke(a.lineTo(Math.cos(B[s][0]+t)*B[s][2]+275, B[s][1]))
* Rendering leaves in front of the tree
for(s=703;s--;) //703 = leaves array size
Math.sin(L[s][0]+t)>0 && ( //depth test
// Original position
p = L[s][1],
q = Math.cos(L[s][0]+t) * L[s][2] + 275, //offsetx
// Leaf shedding (xspeed, difference/wait)
// if we get to choose numbers, 99 is better than 100
u = (t*9 - s%300)*99,
// Leaf rotation
q += u *= (u > 0) * !!s,
p += u * Math.sin(u/99)/9+0.4,
a.fillStyle = 'rgba('+~~L[s][9]+','+~~L[s][10]+','+~~L[s][11]+',0.8)',
a.moveTo(L[s][3]+q, L[s][4]*Math.cos(u/=14)+p),
a.lineTo(L[s][5]+q, L[s][6]*Math.cos(u/=14)+p),
a.lineTo(L[s][7]+q, L[s][8]*Math.cos(u/=14)+p),
* Render Text. We use the same colour as the background to increase
* compresability, plus it makes the heart look as though it fades in.
* We have to specify a font family to set the size, but it doesn't
* need to be valid ...
a.fillStyle = '#e65';
a.font='120px x';
a.fillText('❦', 640, h-150);
* Render Reflection
for(y=120;y--;) // 100 = water height
// getImageData 340 = elementheight - waterheight 900 = element.width
a.putImageData( a.getImageData(0, h-120 - y + ~~(Math.sin(t*9+y/8)*y/5), w, 1 ),
// putImageData
~~(Math.sin(t*9+y/4)*y/9), h-120 + y);
a.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,99,0.1)';
a.fillRect(0, h-120, w, 120) // magic numbers : element.height * 0.75, element.width, element.height * 0.25
}, 50);