c.width=600;c.height=600;function P(B,x){this.x=B;this.y=x}
function w(){function B(h,l){this.a=A(h,l);this.l=G(h,l);L(h,l)}var x=Math,v=x.random,y=x.cos,C=x.sin,H=x.pow,F=10*v()+15,E=new P(300,300);G=function(h,l){var v=h.x-l.x,y=h.y-l.y;return x.sqrt(v*v+y*y)};A=function(h,l){return x.atan2(h.y-l.y,h.x-l.x)};L=function(h,l){a.lineWidth=0.6*v()+0.2;a.beginPath();a.moveTo(h.x,h.y);a.lineTo(l.x,l.y);a.stroke()};g=function(){var h=1,l=0.1*v()+0.2;z=[];e=[];f=function(h,v,B){o=l*(-H(h,2)+40*h+1200);q=x.PI*h/180;p=new P(B*(300+o*C(q))+v,450-o*y(q))};for(i=0;119>
i;i+=h)j=i%61,61<=i?f(j,0,1):f(61-j,600,-1),z.push(p),m=A(p,E),0==i%6&&L(p,new P(300+600*y(m),300+600*C(m))),e.push(new B(p,E)),u=e.length,1<u&&D(u-2),h=~~(4*v()+1),g=z.length,0<i&&L(p,z[g-2]);L(z[g-1],z[0]);D(0);D(u-1)};D=function(h){r=e[h];for(k=1;k<F;k++)1!=5*v()&&(s=r.l/F*k,b=new P(300+y(r.a)*s,300+C(r.a)*s),n=0!=h?e[h-1]:e[u-1],d=G(b,E)+v()*0.4*k-0.2*k,t=new P(300+y(r.a)*d,300+C(r.a)*d),d=d>n.l?n.l:d,L(t,new P(300+y(n.a)*d,300+C(n.a)*d)))};g()}w();
c.width = 800;
c.height = 800;
function P(x,y){this.x = x;this.y = y;}
function w()
var M=Math, N=M.random, C=M.cos, S=M.sin, Pw=M.pow, H=400, barPtAmt=N() * 10 + 15, webCtr=new P(H, H), w=800, num=1200, halfCirc = 180;
// e = rays array
// u = ray_length
/******* RAY *******/
function R(p1, p2)
// the angle of the current ray
this.a = A(p1, p2);
// Get the length of the strand
this.l = G(p1, p2);
L(p1, p2);
/*** End Ray ***/
// get the distance between 2 points
G = function(p1, p2)
var dx=(p1.x - p2.x), dy=(p1.y - p2.y);
return M.sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy));
// get angle between 2 points
A = function(p1, p2){
return M.atan2((p1.y - p2.y), (p1.x - p2.x));
// draw a line between 2 points
L = function(p1, p2){
/*color redColor = color(random(50, 255), 0, 0);
//color w = color(2);
//a.strokeStyle = '0';
a.lineWidth = N()*.6 + .2;
a.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
a.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y);
g = function(){
var incrementer=1, s=N()*.1 + .2;
z = [];
e = [];
f = function (j,u,k) {
o = s * (-Pw(j, 2) + 40*j + num);
q = (M.PI*j)/halfCirc;
p = new P(k*(H + o *S(q))+u, 600 - o *C(q));
// go through 60-ish degrees twice. Once for each side of the heart shape.
for (i=0; i<119; i+=incrementer) {
j = i%61;
// right side
if (i >= 61) {
}else {
// add the point to pts array
m = A(p, webCtr);
// draw line to the edge
if (i%6 ==0) L(p, new P(H + (C(m) * w), H + (S(m) * w)));
e.push(new R(p, webCtr));
u = e.length;
if (u>1)D(u-2);
// move ahead a random amount of degrees
incrementer = ~~(N() * 4 + 1);
g = z.length;
if (i>0) L(p, z[g-2]);
L(z[g-1], z[0]);
void mouseClicked() {
// draw the bars between rays
D = function(rayNum) {
// s = point spacing
// t = this point
// n = next point
// r = ray
// d = distance between point
// z = array of points (P)
r = e[rayNum];
for (k=1; k<barPtAmt; k++) {
// randomly DON'T draw a line
if (N()*5 == 1) continue;
s = (r.l/barPtAmt)*k;
// find the positions of all the pts that will go on the given ray
b = new P(H + C(r.a)*s, H + S(r.a)*s);
// if not the last strand
n = (rayNum != 0) ? e[rayNum - 1] : e[u-1];
// Get a random distance to place the starting point at. it will be within a range above and
// below the original point. The further away from the center, the more variation it can have
d = G(b, webCtr) + N()*(k * .2*2) - k * .2;
t = new P(H + C(r.a) * d, H + S(r.a) * d);
d = (d > n.l) ? n.l : d;
L(t, new P(H + C(n.a) * d, H + S(n.a) * d));