A (multiple) heart(s) shaped cellelar automaton in which each cell keeps moving in the same direction.
function B(a,b){x=8*(a%60)/e-2;y=2-8*(b%60)/e;return P(P(x,2)+P(y,2)-1,3)<P(x,2)*P(y,3)}function F(a,b){u=Array(e);for(i=0;i<e;i++){u[i]=Array(e);for(j=0;j<e;j++){a(u,b)}}return u}with(m=Math)P=pow;c.width=c.height=f=600;e=f/5;t=0;R=[[[[0,1],[1,0]],[[-1,0],[0,-1]]],[[[-1,0],[0,1]],[[0,-1],[1,0]]]];C=F(function(a){a[i][j]="#"+((B(i,j)?200:140)+m.floor(55*m.random())).toString(16)+"0000"});setInterval(function(){F(function(){a.fillStyle=C[i][j];a.fillRect(5*i,5*j,5,5)});t=++t%2;C=F(function(a,b){r=b[i%2][j%2];a[i][j]=C[(i+r[0]+e)%e][(j+r[1]+e)%e]},R[t])},66)
//Some initializations
with(m=Math) P=pow;
c.width = c.height = f = 600;
//Very complicated 4 dimensional array
//It's kinda the thing that make this all work
R = [[[[0,1],[1,0]],[[-1,0],[0,-1]]],[[[-1,0],[0,1]],[[0,-1],[1,0]]]];
//Setting initial colors using the double for loop function
C = F( function(u){
u[i][j] = '#' + ((B(i,j)?200:140) + m.floor(55*m.random())).toString(16) + '0000';
//Draw function using the double for loop function and ignoring return value
/* C = */F( function(){
//Canvas stuff
a.fillStyle = C[i][j];
a.fillRect(5*i, 5*j, 5, 5);
t = ++t%2;
//Next iteration using the double for loop function
C = F( function(u,z){
//Selecting correct rule
r = z[i%2][j%2];
//Retrieve color from previous state by applying rule
u[i][j] = C[(i+r[0]+e)%e][(j+r[1]+e)%e];
}, R[t]);
}, 66);
//The famous double for loop function I talked about earlier on
//This lambda will generate a gird by applying the given function on each cell
// v is a function
// w a part from the 4d-array (which is omitted in case of init and draw)
function F(v,w){
//Create square array of size e with double for loop
u = Array(e);
u[i] = Array(e);
//Execute function from parameter inside double for loop
return u;
//Inside or outside the heart; that's the question
function B(i,j){
//Mapping of array coordinates to canvas coordinates
x = 8*(i%60)/e-2;
y = 2-8*(j%60)/e;
//Using the famous equation of (x^2+y^2-1)^3 < x^2*y^3
return P(P(x,2)+P(y,2)-1,3) < (P(x,2)*P(y,3));