var j=(c.width=998)/2,p=k=(c.height=400)/2,h=[],t=d=x=0,g,M=Math,P=M.PI,C=M.cos;with({display="block";margin="auto";border="solid #000";borderWidth="99px 2px";background="#000"}onkeydown=function(a){a=a.which;p=a-80;if(!d){a-37||(d=-1);a-39||(d=1)}};onkeyup=function(){d=0};setInterval(function(i){if(p)with(a){save(clearRect(i=0,0,j*2,k*2));for(translate(-C((h[8]&&h[8][4]||t)/100)*j/2+j,0);b=h[i];i++){g=b[0]*=1.1;beginPath(fillStyle=b[3]);arc(b[1]-g,c=b[2]-g,g,P*.8,P*2);arc(b[1]+g,c,g,P,P*2.2);fill(closePath(lineTo(b[1],b[2]+g*2)));i-38||clip(save())}i>38&&restore();c=C(t++/100)*j/2;b=210*(b=C(t/15))*b*b*b+24+M.random()*30|0;restore(h[i]=[1,c,k,"rgb("+b+",0,0)",t]);fillStyle="rgb("+b+","+b+","+b+")";save(c=-c*2+j*2-50+x);scale(1,.5);save(font="150px cursive");translate(j,k+50);rotate(.05*d);translate(-j,-k-50);restore(fillText("↑",c,k*2+150));fillText(t>=1024?">1k":t,10,150);h[0][0]>j&&h.shift();restore(x+=d*6);if(M.abs(c-j+50)>200){alert("DOH! You hit the wall.\nYour score: "+t);d=t=x=0;h=[]}}},33)
* Props for the idea on how to draw a heart go to:
* I also had a working version using single pixels and a function (see below), but drawing arcs and lines is WAY faster.
* The same goes for drawing text, which is WAY to slow.
* Original heart function
* var x = x/s/.02 - (h.x*50/s);
* var y = -y/s/.02 + (h.y*50.5/s);
* (x*x + 2 * (b = (y - .9 * Math.sqrt( x<0?-x:x ))) * b) && (...draw red pixel...)
* Each heart is stored inside an array: [size, x, y, color, time added]
//Set width and height to window size
//We use the half of width and height quite some times
//p = paused or not (truthy)
j = (c.width = 998)/2,
p = k = (c.height = 400)/2,
//The array containing the hearts
h = [],
//t = time, d = direction of player (-1,0,+1), x = player position
t = d = x = 0,
//will reference the size of the current heart inside the loop
M = Math,
P = M.PI,
C = M.cos;
//Give me that cinema feeling
with({display='block';margin='auto';border='solid #000';borderWidth='99px 2px';background='#000'}
//Now we use b and c as usual variables, because we won't need body or canvas
onkeydown = function(e) {
e = e.which;
//'p' === 80
p = e-80;
if(!d) {
//left === 37
e-37 || (d = -1);
//right === 39
e-39 || (d = 1)
onkeyup = function() {d = 0}
setInterval(function(i) {
//Now scope everything to the canvas context, because we are doing a shitload of method calls
if(p) with(a) {
//We only need clearRect for the first seconds when the hearts don't fill up the whole space
clearRect(i = 0, 0, j*2, k*2)
//Iterate over all hearts
//The translation will keep it centered around the 8th element
for(translate(-C((h[8] && h[8][4] || t)/100) * j/2 + j, 0); b = h[i]; i++) {
//for(save(); b = h[i]; i++) {
//Make the heart bigger and keep track of the new size, because we need this value often
//This value will also come in handy after the loop is finished, because we need the size of the last heart for removing it
g = b[0] *= 1.1;
* blame @jedschmidt and @140bytes for this looking so fucked up :-D
* we are basically saving semicolons by nesting function calls (only makes sense if function doesn't expect ANY params).
//Start a new path for our heart
//Some decent black thin line
fillStyle = b[3]
//Left arc/curve of the heart
arc(b[1] - g, c = b[2] - g, g, P * .8, P * 2);
//Right arc/curve of the heart
arc(b[1] + g, c, g, P, P * 2.2)
//At the end, fill the heart
//The left part (close the heart). Only needed because we are drawing a stroke! Wouldn't for just fills.
//The right lower part of the "peak"
//Parameters for the line segment (x, y + size*2)
b[1], b[2] + g * 2
//We use the 38th heart for clipping. It's no rocket science, but looks OK.
i - 38 || clip(save())
//Only restore if we clipped
i>38 && restore();
//Increment the time value and compute sine for new hearts position
c = C(t++/100) * j/2;
//Calculate the color (used for hearts and for arrow), based on sine and some random spice
b = (210 * (b = C(t/15)) * b * b * b + 24 + M.random()*30) | 0;
//(!i || g > 1) && (h[i] = [1, c, k, 'rgb(' + b + ',0,0)', t]);
//Append a new heart
h[i] = [1, c, k, 'rgb(' + b + ',0,0)', t]
//Arrow will be gray
fillStyle = 'rgb(' + b + ',' + b + ',' + b + ')';
//Players position
c = -c*2 + j*2 - 50 + x
scale(1, .5);
//cursive font family gives us some perspective look
font = '150px cursive'
//Rotate the arrow when moving left or right
translate(j, k+50);
translate(-j, -k-50);
//Draw the player
fillText('↑', c, k*2 + 150)
//Render the score
fillText(t>=1024 ? '>1k' : t, 10, 150);
//Remove the first element if big enough
h[0][0] > j && h.shift();
//Modify player offset depending on direction
x += d*6
//Reset game when hitting wall
if(M.abs(c - j + 50) > 200) {
alert('DOH! You hit the wall.\nYour score: ' + t);
d = t = x = 0;
h = [];
}, 33);