c.width=1E3;c.height=250;a.font="16px arial";a.fillText("Love is in the air",0,16);d=a.getImageData(0,0,116,16);e=[50,0,99,0];f=[2,-2,5,1];q=[];for(o=0;o<6;o++){p=2<<o;r=q[o]=document.createElement("canvas");r.width=1E3;r.height=250;s=r.getContext("2d");s.fillStyle="#fff";for(t=0;t<18*p;t++){j=Math.random()*1E3;k=Math.random()*250;for(i=-1;i<2;i++){s.beginPath();s.arc(j+i*1E3,k,200/p,0,7);s.closePath();s.fill()}}}u=0;
var width, height, fsize, ts, d, h, hd, hi, hx, hy, i, x, y, k, vx, vy;
var layer, pow, air, airLayer, airContext, cloud, airx, size, lw, hdi, path;
width = 1e3;
height = 250; // higher means higher cpu load
c.width = width;
c.height = height;
// Print the text
fsize = 16;
a.font = '16px arial';
a.fillText("Love is in the air", 0, fsize);
ts = 116; // calculated with a.measureText("Love is in the air")
// get pixeldata of the text
d = a.getImageData(0, 0, ts, fsize);
// the waves are four changing heights
h = [50, 0, 99, 0]; // initial values
// hd is the speed of the height change (wave)
hd = [2, -2, 5, 1]; // initial values
// create six cloud layers, the Perlin noise way
// ten or more layers is nicer, but very cpu-intensive
air = [];
for(layer=0; layer<6; layer++) {
// higher layers have more, smaller clouds
pow = 2 << layer; // powers of two with bit shifting
airLayer = air[layer] = document.createElement('canvas');
airLayer.width = width;
airLayer.height = height;
airContext = airLayer.getContext('2d');
airContext.fillStyle = '#fff'; // white clouds
// I didn't manage to squeeze some blur in :-|
//airContext.shadowColor = '#fff';
//airContext.shadowBlur = 10;
// every cloud layer has 18*pow circles (clouds)
for(cloud=0; cloud<18*pow; cloud++) {
x = Math.random()*width;
y = Math.random()*height;
for(i=-1;i<2;i++) { // three times, to wrap the clouds around the edges on the sides
airContext.arc(x+i*width,y,200/pow,0,7); // 7 is full circle Math.ceil(2*Math.PI)
// Profile
//var timestart = Date.now();
setInterval(function () {
// calculate new heights of waves
for (hi = 0; hi < 4; hi++) {
h[hi] += (hdi = hd[hi]);
// when the height hits top or bottom, turn around
if (h[hi] < 0 || h[hi] > 99) {
hd[hi] = (Math.random() * .8 + .4) * h[hi] > 0 ? -1 : 1; // speed of wave effect
h[hi] -= hdi; // reverse addition to stay within 0-100 range
// start with a blue sky
a.globalAlpha = 1;
a.fillStyle = '#06e';
a.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
a.globalAlpha = .4; // transparency of each cloud layer
// draw all cloud layers
for(layer=0; layer<6; layer++) {
for(lw=0;lw<2;lw++) { // two layers next to each other
// Use ~~ to align with pixels for performance
a.drawImage(air[layer], ~~(airx*layer/9%width)-width*lw, 0);
airx++; // cloud movement
hx = h[3];
a.fillStyle = '#e33'; // heart color
// draw heart in x-axis
for (x = 0; x < ts; x++) {
// hx is the strength of the wave effect (0-99)
// add one tenth of the difference to the height for a slightly smoother effect
// ~~ is a trick to turn a float in an int
hx += (h[~~(x / 30) % 4] - hx) / 10;
// draw heart in y-axis
for (y = 0; y < fsize; y++) {
// k is the alphavalue of each heart / pixel in the text (0-50)
k = d.data[3 + 4 * (x + ts * y)] / 5;
if (k) {
a.globalAlpha = k*hx/6000+.1; // alpha value is k and hx combined
vx = x * 8 + 30.5; // Use .5 to align with pixels
vy = y * 8 + 50 + (hx / 54 * (y - 23));
// Draw heart-like shape
// 1k+ improvement: with bezier curves:
// See https://developer.mozilla.org/samples/canvas-tutorial/2_6_canvas_beziercurveto.html
a.moveTo(vx, vy - 1.5);
path = [3, -3, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, -3, -3];
for(i=0; i<10; i+=2) {
a.lineTo(vx+path[i], vy+path[i+1]);
// Profile
// a.fillStyle = '#000';
// a.globalAlpha = 1;
// a.fillText(Math.round(airx/(Date.now()-timestart)*10000)/10+' fps', 0, fsize);
}, 50); // 20 fps