(function JS1K(l,o,v,e){f='w=c.w60Zh=c.height=45Zk=["♂♀#6371b7#db7189"p=[t=Zx=m=1,n=|,r?random,f?floor,y?;$F3Zbegmo`3Y/1ZZZh*.9Y,*.9,Z`3>close^(>d=getImageDaK.da,clear,F2=0;i<w*h*4;i+=4)id[i+3]&&r()<.015)p.push({t:H,x:i/4%w,y:i/4/w});setInterval(\'${t+?max(|-n,30);n=|;z?cosUQ.3;g=creeRadialGradient(`2,Z`2,w/2XZ"#c68fb8"X.6-~sU/1Zbackg="#724567");@g;@ p)q=p[ig?PI*5*~sU+i*~PI/3Zu?s(g>v?cos(g>x+=z*u,y+=z*v,u*5+17j.5-(u+1.5)^k[t+2^k[tx,y>"bold "+u*2+55j,@_1)";^_2)",BB"center";i(s=t/5E3))!==x)x=s,m=k[H]+" LOVE "+k[H];@N;^N}\',1)~Mh.|(new De).getTime()j)+"px Arial"Q1`wh/_"rgba(.^strokeZ0,Y>bezierCurwX);g.addColorStop(U(t*3E-4)Q,globalAlpha=Nm,`2+30)K(ZZw,h)JtyleHy(r())FleWBtextAlign=@fill?=~>),$with(a)255,ath*.6,w;for(iinq.idth=roundPh(>veTo(RectKb.sJ.font=Text(","/2,SJ=],f(';for(i=0;g='$>?@BFHJKNQUXYZ^_`j|~'[i++];)e=f.split(g),f=e.join(e.pop());eval(f)})(2,0,1,2)
(function JS1K_love(ctx,canvas,body){
var // Global variables and settings
width = canvas.width = 600,
height = canvas.height = 450,
list = ["♂","♀","#6371b7","#db7189"],
particles = [],
tick = (new Date).getTime(),
random = Math.random,
floor = Math.floor,
round = Math.round
// Canvas in the center, define the background color.
body.style.background = "#724567";
body.style.textAlign = "center";
// Function to draw a heart shape.
function draw_heart() {
ctx.lineWidth = 30;
ctx.moveTo( width/2, height/3);
ctx.bezierCurveTo( width/10, 0, 0, height*0.6, width/2, height*0.9);
ctx.bezierCurveTo( width, height*0.6, width*0.9, 0, width/2, height/3 );
// Return particles from canvas pixels.
function get_particles_from_heart_pixels() {
var pixels = ctx.getImageData( 0, 0, width, height).data;
var p = [];
// Put a particle with a chance of 1.5% where there is the heart shape.
for ( var i=0; i<pixels.length; i+=4 )
if ( pixels[i+3] && random()<.015 )
p.push({ sex:round(random()), x:i/4%width, y:i/4/width }); // randomly select the particle sex.
return p;
// Generate the animation
function process() {
// Generate settings
time = (new Date).getTime() - tick,
radius = Math.cos(time*3E-4),
gradient = ctx.createRadialGradient( width/2, height/2, 0, width/2, height/2, width/2 ),
// Generate the dradiant effect (move with time)
gradient.addColorStop( 0, "#c68fb8" );
gradient.addColorStop( 0.6-Math.sin(time*3E-4)/10, "#724567" );
// Blur effect, just erase with 0.3 opacity
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;
ctx.fillStyle = gradient;
ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height );
// Draw particles
for ( i in particles ) {
particle = particles[i];
angle = Math.PI * 5 * Math.sin(time*3E-4) + i * Math.PI/30;
_x = Math.sin(angle);
_y = Math.cos(angle);
// Change position
particle.x += radius * _x;
particle.y += radius * _y;
// Change size and opacity and generate particle
ctx.font = floor( _x*5 + 17) + "px Arial";
ctx.globalAlpha = 1.5 - ( _x + 1.5 ) / 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = list[particle.sex + 2];
ctx.strokeText( list[particle.sex], particle.x, particle.y );
// Restore opacity for the LOVE, and find size.
ctx.globalAlpha = 1;
ctx.font = "bold " + floor( _x * 2 + 55 ) + "px Arial";
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.1)";
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.2)";
ctx.textAlign = "center";
// Change sex in LOVE, every 4secs.
if ( floor(time/4000) !== love_tick ) {
love_tick = floor(time/4000);
love_str = list[ round(random()) ] + " LOVE " + list[ round(random()) ];
// Draw Love text.
ctx.fillText( love_str, width/2, height/2 + 30 );
ctx.strokeText( love_str, width/2, height/2 + 30);
// start the contest
(function init() {
draw_heart(); // Draw the heart
particles = get_particles_from_heart_pixels(); // Generate particles from heart pixels
ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, width, height ); // clear the canvas
ctx.lineWidth = 2; // restore the line width
setInterval( process, 30 ); // animation.