var d="style",e="fillRect",f=Math,g="#000,#FFF,#F11,#11D,#FE0,#F11,#11D,#FE0,#FFF".split(","),h=c.width=c.height=400,k=["O","ms","webkit","Moz"],l=0,m=-(h+1),n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v;b[d].overflow="hidden";b[d].background="#EEE";c[d].boxShadow="0px 5px 10px #888";function w(i,j){return f.floor(f.random()*(j-i+1))+i}function x(i){return i[w(0,i.length-1)]}function y(i){var j=[-5];for(n=0,o=w(1,10);n<o;n++)if(j.push(w(0,h)),a.fillStyle=g[0],i)a[e](j[n+1],0,5,h);else a[e](0,j[n+1],h,5);j.push(h);return j}setInterval(function(){c[d].margin=f.ceil((innerHeight-h)/2)+"px 0px 0px "+m+"px";v=b.clientWidth;if(m<-h){m=v;w(0,3)?l=0:(l=45,,a.translate(330,-400),a.rotate(f.PI/4),h=800);for(n=0;4>n;n++)c[d][k[n]+"Transform"]="rotate("+l+"deg)";a.fillStyle=g[1];a[e](0,0,h,h);t=y(1);u=y();for(n=0,o=w(1,10);n<o;n++)a.fillStyle=g[w(0,8)],p=x(t),r=x(t),q=x(u),s=x(u),a[e](f.min(p,r)+5,f.min(q,s)+5,f.abs(p-r)-5,f.abs(q-s)-5);h=400;a.restore()}else m-=f.ceil(f.abs((v-h)/2-m)/30+1)},16);
// Renders gallery of generated Neo-Platicism artworks
// By ewoudj for the demo competition
// NB: omit the following line of code when using the Closure Compiler service and
// manually add the variables to the output
var d = "style", e = "fillRect";
// Shortcut for math
var m = Math;
// Color table
var k = ["#000", "#FFF", "#F11", "#11D", "#FE0", "#F11", "#11D", "#FE0", "#FFF"];
// Width, height (as the canvas is always square the w var is used for both width and height
var w = c.width = c.height = 400;
// Browser prefixes for style
var prefixes = ["O", "ms", "webkit", "Moz"];
// Canvas rotation in degrees
var deg = 0;
// Left is used to scroll the canvas from right to left
// by setting it beyond the leftmost limit we trigger rendering
// of the initial canvas
var left = -(w + 1);
// Indexer for looping, length for looping, random record (2), random row(2), arrays holding
// random columns and rows, clientWidth
var i, l, rc, rr, rc2, rr2, columns, rows, clientWidth;
// Hide any scroll bars
b[d].overflow = 'hidden';
// Light gray background ('museum wall' color)
b[d].background = "#EEE";
// Drop shadow under canvas
// NB: Closure Compiler Service will incorrectly compress this to: c[d].a="0px 5px 10px #888";
c[d].boxShadow = "0px 5px 10px #888";
// Function returns random number between (and including) 0 and provided max value
function rnd(min, max) {
return m.floor(m.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;
// Function return random item from input array
function rndFromArray(arr) {
return arr[rnd(0, arr.length - 1)];
// Function generates the black lines, input cols true to generate columns, else generates rows,
// return an array of numbers representing the start positions for the generated lines.
function generateLines(cols) {
var result = [-5];
for (i = 0, l = rnd(1, 10); i < l; i++) {
result.push(rnd(0, w));
a.fillStyle = k[0];
if (cols) {
// FillRect draws a vertical line
a[e](result[i + 1], 0, 5, w );
else {
// FillRect draws a horizontal line
a[e](0, result[i + 1], w , 5);
return result;
// Starts the animation
setInterval(function () {
// The canvas is moved from left to right by decreasing the left margin,
// the top margin is set to make the canvase center vertically
c[d].margin = m.ceil((innerHeight - w) / 2) + 'px 0px 0px ' + left + 'px';
// Shortcut for clientwidth
clientWidth = b.clientWidth;
if (left < -w) {
// Reset the left so the canvas is completly to the right of the screen
left = clientWidth;
// Canvas rotation
if (!rnd(0, 3)) {
// This deg value determines the rotation of the canvas element
deg = 45;
// Rotates the 2D drawing context 45 degrees the opposite of the canvas element;
a.translate(330, -400);
a.rotate(m.PI / 4);
w = 800;
else {
// This deg value determines the rotation of the canvas element
deg = 0;
// Make sure the canvas is rotated in the correct angle
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Just bluntly try all browser prefixes
c[d][prefixes[i] + "Transform"] = "rotate(" + deg + "deg)";
// Actual rendering happens here
// Clear the canvas (white)
a.fillStyle = k[1];
// Fillrect
a[e](0, 0, w, w);
// Initialize rows and columns, including '-5' for the left or top edge and w (width / height)
columns = generateLines(1);
rows = generateLines();
// Fills random rects in the columns / rows grid, using colors from the color table
for (i = 0, l = rnd(1, 10); i < l; i++) {
a.fillStyle = k[rnd(0, 8)];
// Random columns
rc = rndFromArray(columns);
rc2 = rndFromArray(columns);
// Random rows
rr = rndFromArray(rows);
rr2 = rndFromArray(rows);
// Fillrect
m.min(rc, rc2) + 5,
m.min(rr, rr2) + 5,
m.abs(rc - rc2) - 5,
m.abs(rr - rr2) - 5
// Make sure our working width / height is still 400 px
w = 400;
// Restore the 2D context (to the 'unrotated' version)
else {
// Calculate new left for the canvas animation
left -= m.ceil((m.abs(((clientWidth - w) / 2) - left) / 30) + 1);
}, 16);